In a dense forest, a bald man hid behind a towering old tree. He leaned against the trunk and breathed heavily silently.

After a while, the bald man, who was breathing steadily, held the kunai tightly in his hand, slowly poked his head out and looked at the dense forest in front of him.

There was nothing unusual in front of him, except the sound of birds singing.

This surprised the bald man. Where did the yellow-haired man who was chasing him madly go? Did he get rid of him?

When he thought of the yellow-haired man, the bald man was very depressed.

The yellow-haired man had no martial ethics. He came up without saying a word and drew his sword. If he hadn't been smart and took the opportunity to use his shadow clone to hold the other party, he would have been injured or died.

Touching his swollen left face, the bald man was very confused. Who is this yellow-haired man?

While the yellow-haired man was daydreaming, he didn't notice that a Flying Thunder God spell was crawling along the grass at a high speed, and soon, it climbed onto the bald man's legs.


The sound was not loud, but the bald man felt a little pain.

Looking down and seeing the tip of the knife emerging from his chest, the bald man turned his head with difficulty, only to see a head of yellow hair.

He opened his mouth to say something, but there was only one word "you".

Pulling out the samurai sword and hearing the system prompt to complete the task, Fengjian grinned, he was just a miserable worker.

A task took him so far, what else could he be if not a worker.


The dissatisfaction in his stomach reminded Fengjian that he hadn't even eaten breakfast, and now it was noon.

Yes, when chasing this bald man, Fengjian remembered passing by a gourmet restaurant, which seemed not far from here.

Then, let's go there for lunch.

After a while, when he arrived outside the restaurant, Fengjian looked up and saw the signboard read "Time House".

Fengjian smiled slightly. What kind of restaurant is this? It's called this name.

Okay, let's go in and take a look.

After entering the house, Fengjian was speechless. A shop selling Dorayaki, why is it called Time House? It's better to call it Causeway Bay.

The shop is not big, with only four or five tables.

According to the principle of proximity, Fengjian sat directly at the table closest to the door with his back to the door.

An uncle saw that there were customers and naturally asked Fengjian what he wanted to eat.

Fengjian ordered a few Dorayaki casually.

Not long after, the Dorayaki was placed in front of Fengjian by the uncle.

After the uncle went back, Fengjian heard footsteps, the sound of pushing the door, and a loud voice before he could eat.

"Boss, what delicious food is here, bring it all up to my brother."

This rough voice made Fengjian look sideways.

There were three sturdy men, with unshaven beards, half naked upper bodies, revealing strong muscles, and each holding a mace.

This look, it can't be a bandit coming down the mountain.

Feng Jian thought with a bad taste.

Shaking his head, he ignored the group of people and lowered his head to eat his Dorayaki.

Dorayaki, which is a red bean paste sandwich, tastes quite good, but the size is a bit small.

Look, Feng Jian took two bites to eat one.

As for the three sturdy men, after the Dorayaki was served, they ate one by one, making a constant smacking sound, and they ate very deliciously.

Feng Jian couldn't help looking back and saw that the three men's beards were covered with biscuit crumbs, and they ate one by one, and their cheeks were bulging.

This made Feng Jian a little stunned, and then he curled his lips. It was the first time he saw this kind of eating, it was really a bit wild.

Coincidentally, the movement of Fengjian's mouth was seen by the strong man who spoke earlier. He swallowed the dorayaki in his mouth and shouted loudly: "Boy, why are you pouting?

Why, seeing our brothers eating so deliciously, are you jealous?"

Fengjian almost vomited the overnight rice when he heard it.

Good fellow, you guys are eating so deliciously, and you are eating so recklessly.

But thinking is thinking, and saying is not right, Fengjian does not want to make enemies for no reason.

So, he smiled indifferently, "The three strong men are eating so deliciously, I have never seen it in my life.

So, I can't help but look at them a few more times, please forgive me."

Fengjian's words made the three strong men laugh with their heads raised.

After laughing, the big man who spoke waved his hand and said, "We brothers travel all over the country and often sleep in the open air, so we eat like this."

"That's right, Huangmao, if you were like us, you would eat so deliciously." The big man on the left said, and stuffed another Dorayaki into his mouth.

Fengjian just frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Stop talking and eat quickly. We have to hurry after eating." The big man on the right glanced at Fengjian, and then urged the other two big men.

Seeing this, the other two quickly grabbed a Dorayaki in each hand and stuffed it into their mouths.

Fengjian smiled slightly when he saw this, picked up a Dorayaki, and just as he was about to take a bite, he heard a conversation between a man and a woman outside the door.

"There is...This is a Dorayaki restaurant. Let's have our lunch here."


"Don't say but, it's settled."

The Dorayaki was already at the edge of Fengjian's mouth, but he didn't open his mouth. Instead, he was wondering why the female voice sounded familiar.


The door of the store was opened, and three people came in from outside, one woman and two men.

"Boss, bring the Dorayaki. "

After the woman finished speaking, she looked around. When she saw Fengjian's back, she was a little confused. She was about to speak, but the man next to her leaned over and whispered in her ear after seeing the three strong men.

After the woman looked up and saw the three strong men, a perfect arc crossed the corner of her mouth. She took the two men past Fengjian and sat directly opposite the strong men.

The moment the woman passed by him, Fengjian knew why he felt that the other person's voice was familiar.

Tall figure, a pair of long legs, long beige hair, and a cloud ninja forehead protector.

Fengjian didn't expect that he would meet the two Yukito again. And this time she was not alone. Didn't you see that there were two cloud ninja followers?

But thinking of the scene when the two met for the first time, Fengjian quickly lowered his head, picked up the Dorayaki, stuffed it into his mouth, and at the same time thought in his heart whether he should leave here.

At the same time, the two Yukito looked at the three strong men and couldn't help but curl their lips, "Three brothers Yamamoto, are you going to surrender or let me do it. "

"Cloud Ninja, don't go too far!" The big man on the left slammed the table and stood up, staring at the two wooden men with big eyes like copper bells.

"Hehe... It seems that you have chosen the latter." The two wooden men showed a contemptuous smile.

"Retreat!" The strong man on the right shouted, and jumped to the side window of the store first, and hit it hard, and both the man and the window were out of the store.

Seeing this, the other two strong men picked up maces and ran in different directions.

The two wooden men curled their lips and waved their hands. The two cloud ninjas beside them naturally chased the strong men on the left and right.

And the two wooden men instantly went behind the strong man in the middle and kicked him in the back of the neck with a high whip kick.

The strong man felt a bad wind coming from behind his head, and he quickly squatted down to avoid it. A kick.

Seeing this, the two wooden men changed from sweeping to chopping, and directly used their heels to chop the strong man's head.

The strong man also reacted quickly, and rolled forward to avoid it again.

Unfortunately, he avoided the first one, but not the second one.

Before the strong man could get up, the two wooden men suddenly appeared in front of him.


A fresh thirty-odd-number women's shoe print appeared on the strong man's big face, and his body flew backwards at the same time.

And the direction of the flight, coincidentally, was exactly where Kazama was.

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