Looking at the sun in the sky, Fengjian touched his chin. Today's mission has been completed. It would be most appropriate to have a drink now.

Fengjian doesn't like to make noise, but likes quietness, and the same is true for drinking. Therefore, every time he drinks, he misses the peak period.

Once you decide, you must act. Fengjian turned around and left without even looking at the samurai sword standing aside.

In Deka Port, there is no need to carry a samurai sword, because it is very safe for Fengjian here.

Walking at a leisurely pace, smiling and greeting familiar merchants, Fengjian came to the vicinity of the izakaya with a smile.

Looking at a group of people gathered at the door of the izakaya, Fengjian put away his smile, and with curiosity, quickened his pace to the periphery of the crowd.

Before Fengjian stretched his neck to look inside, a roar sounded in the house.

"I'm telling you, Ikki, you Wasabi clan won't be so arrogant for long. This year's running competition for the Zotorogi Shrine, our Mustard family will definitely win."

"Your Mustard family wins? Haha... that's a daydream. In these two competitions, you Mustard family have been the dogs that lost their homes every time."

"You... you dare to scold us."

"If I scold you, I'll want to beat you up."

Did Ikki get impulsive with the people of the Mustard clan? Fengjian was a little confused. Ikki was cautious and rarely got impulsive with others. What happened today? Did the sun rise in the west?

With doubts, Fengjian squeezed through the crowd and stepped into the izakaya. He saw Ikki protecting Anzi behind him and glaring at the three people in front of him.

The three men opposite Ikki surrounded the two men in the middle in a fan shape, and the man facing Ikki just pulled out the samurai sword.

When the samurai sword came out, Anzi screamed in fear.

Kazama covered his ears with his hands and stepped in with his other foot.

Due to Kyoko's scream, no one noticed that Kazama was walking slowly towards them.

Even if it was Ikki, he could see Kazama if he tilted his head slightly, but unfortunately, all his attention was on comforting Kyoko.

The man with the samurai sword laughed, "Didn't you say you were going to beat us?

Ikki, now you are alone, and you have to protect this woman, haha..."

The man shook his head and smiled disdainfully, "Brothers, how do you think we can entertain Ikki so that he can feel the enthusiasm of our Mustard family?"

"Brother, hit him hard with your fists." The other two said in unison.

Hearing this, the man with the samurai sword raised his neck and laughed strangely, and the other two laughed when they saw it.

"Asshole!" Ikki frowned. If he had a samurai sword, he would definitely cut off the mouths of these three people.

At present, if he only relied on his own words, he would probably be beaten.

Just as Ikki was thinking about it, a slapping sounded.

Ikki looked up and his mouth curled up immediately.

The three members of the Mustard family also turned around and looked. When they saw the yellow hair of Kazama, they subconsciously took a step back.

In the running competition of the Motorogi Shrine, the winners of the two sessions were the Wasabi family. It was not because the contestants of the Wasabi family were so powerful, but because Kazama would interfere in every competition and make the Mustard family lose the game.

Kazama did this for no other reason than to spend more money and to indirectly repay the life-saving grace of Jiro-san Wasabi.

Of course, if Kazama made trouble, the Mustard family would definitely not do it. They would definitely make trouble afterwards, and the trouble was beaten black and blue by Kazama.

Over time, the Mustard family would feel terrified whenever they saw the yellow-haired Kazama.

In fact, Kazama was also puzzled at first. He was wearing a mask when he acted, so why was the Mustard family so sure that he was the one who did it.

It was not until later, when Kazama and Wasabi Jiro had a drink and chat, that he realized that his mask was worn in vain.

Because in the entire Dekashi Port, there is no other family with long yellow hair.

Nodding to Ikki, Kazama grinned at the three people of the Mustard family, "Hey! Aren't these the three brothers of the Mustard family? Are you here to drink?"

"I...I...I'm here...to drink." The man with the knife stuttered.

"Drinking? Haha..." Fengjian narrowed his right eye and looked at the three people, "Why are you yelling at my brother Yimu? Are you showing off your numbers? Or..."

Fengjian paused deliberately and continued in a very calm voice: "Are you disgusted with your own life and want to go down to see the ancestors?"

When Fengjian said this, the three people took another step back in fear, and the man with the knife almost threw the samurai sword on the ground.

Seeing the expressions of the three people, Fengjian suddenly felt a little bored. He came to the bar and said to Xingzi: "Xingzi, the old rules."

Yimu nodded to Xingzi when he saw this.

Xingzi smiled sweetly at Yimu, turned around and went to the bar to pour wine for Fengjian.

XingThe smile of the mustard seed made Yimu feel happy. When he saw the mustard seed trio, the smile on his face immediately changed to a serious face, "You three, if you talk nonsense next time, I will use my samurai sword to smash your stinky mouths."

The mustard seed trio heard this and just wanted to get angry, but they heard a sizzle and the three of them immediately lowered their heads and said nothing.

"Why are you still standing here, waiting to be beaten?" At this time, Yimu felt a little bit like a fox pretending to be powerful. He pointed at the door and said, "Get out of here!"

Seeing that the three did not move, Yimu roared, "Can't you hear me? Get out!"

The three people from the mustard family saw that Fengjian did not say anything, they lowered their heads and ran out of the izakaya quickly, but when they went out, the three of them turned back at the same time and looked at Yimu deeply.


Hearing this sound, the three people from the mustard family turned around and ran away, so fast that they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you, Senior Fengjian..."

"Hey, we are one family, so we should not talk too much." Fengjian waved his hand, "Yimu, next time you meet the Mustard Seed Family, you should beat them up, don't just talk.

You must remember, when you can take action, never use your mouth."

Yimu just smiled awkwardly when he heard this.

At this time, Xingzi took a glass of wine and placed it in front of Yimu's table.

Yimu saw this and touched Xingzi's hand while taking the wine glass, which made Xingzi's cheeks slightly red and rolled her eyes at him.

Fengjian played with the wine glass and watched the two people's eyes exchange feelings, which made him suddenly feel that he was in the wrong place.

I didn't expect that Yimu was still timid last time, but now his hand has touched each other. I have only been away for a few days. Isn't the relationship between these two people progressing rapidly?

Being stared at by Fengjian so directly, Yimu and Xingzi were a little embarrassed.

Yimu smiled awkwardly at Fengjian and scratched his head, while Xingzi turned and left.

Xingzi's departure made Fengjian put his face close to Yimu. He asked with interest: "Yimu, you are really good, so...

By the way, when are you going to have the wedding? Don't forget to treat me to the wedding wine when the time comes."

Bang! Snap!

A wine glass fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Seeing this, Yimu didn't care about blushing, and hurried to Xingzi's side, grabbed her hand, and asked with concern: "Xingzi, did you hurt yourself?"

After Yimu finished speaking, he grabbed Xingzi's hand and looked up and down.

Xingzi's face was like a ripe red apple, and she lowered her head shyly, "My hand is fine, I just broke a wine glass."

"It's good that your hand is fine, the wine glass doesn't matter."

Seeing the two of them being affectionate, Fengjian finally confirmed one thing, that he really came to the wrong place, and he was actually being fed dog food, which was really a ghost.

Putting down the wine glass, Fengjian turned around and left.

"Senior Kazama, where are you going?" Yimu asked hurriedly.

"Go out and relax, it's boring here."

"Ah, then you..." Yimu slapped his forehead, "Senior Kazama, Brother Oza is looking for you."

"Brother Oza? Why is he looking for me?" Kazama turned around and asked.

"It seems that my sister-in-law wants to introduce you to a couple... Hey! Senior Kazama, why are you running? Kazama..." Yimu chased to the door and saw that there was no sign of Kazama outside.

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