At the same time, in a villa in the Land of Waves, Kado was angrily pointing at Zabuza's head and yelling:"You are so useless, I spent a lot of money to invite you here, and you can't even bring an old man here." They can't even kill him!"

Looking at the arrogant Cardo, the masked ninja sitting in the middle immediately stretched out his giant sword and pointed it at Cardo's face with an imposing manner. His voice was cold:"Don't be wordy. Next time I will use this decapitating sword to deal with them personally, don't worry!"

Kado trembled and did not dare to look at Zabuza's sword again."Ahem..., but they seem to have also invited powerful ninjas, plus the ghost brothers. The failure also made them more vigilant. It won't be so easy to assassinate them next time, right?……"Cardo said nervously

"Who do you think I am! I am Zabuza Momochi, who is also known as the 'Kirigakure Demon'." I heard the voice of the masked ninja coming slowly, with incomparable confidence and strong murderous intent.


Two hours later, Naruto and his party had disembarked from the boat and were walking on the path leading to Danaz's house.


Just as they reached a creek, a muffled groan suddenly came from the woods behind them to their left.

Although Kakashi didn't know what happened, he immediately rushed over to check and found only a faint blood stain on the ground and the frightened Yukito. However, it was obvious that the blood stain did not belong to the Yukito.

At the same time, Naruto's faint voice sounded in his ears,"Kakashi-sensei, the enemy is coming..."

In fact, as soon as Zabuza approached, he was immediately discovered by Naruto, but Naruto did not say it out loud. Instead, he controlled the golden shuriken found from Sasuke's house and shot it instantly.

Zabuza obviously did not expect that Naruto would be able to detect his presence so quickly. In addition, the golden shuriken was extremely fast. Even if he used the Substitute Technique instantly, his right arm was still scratched. Fortunately, The wound is not big.

But now that it had been discovered, Zabuza decided not to hide anymore.

Immediately, everyone suddenly noticed a strong gust of wind coming towards them with a strong murderous aura!

"Get down!"


In an instant! A giant sword flew quickly over their heads and was nailed into the branch in front of them. On the knife stood a masked ninja with amazing momentum!

"Kirikage rebels against Ninja, Momochi Zabuza? Trouble now……"Kakashi recognized Zabuza the moment he saw the decapitating sword, his expression serious.

"No wonder the Oni Brotherhood failed. It turned out that they met the legendary man who copied thousands of ninjutsu, the copying ninja Kakashi.……"Zabuza stared into Kakashi's eyes and said in a deep voice

"Mr. Kakashi, don't be so nervous. Although his appearance is very impressive, he is still injured. Didn't you see that his right arm is still bleeding?"At this time, Naruto's voice was still so leisurely.

"Yeah?"Kakashi raised his eyes and followed Naruto's voice. Sure enough, he found that Zabuza's right arm was simply bandaged with gauze, and there were traces of blood seeping out.

"What! Could it be that you, the little devil, was responsible for the blow just now?"At this time, Zabuza finally lost his composure and looked at Naruto in horror.

You know, he had always thought it was Kakashi who stabbed the other person. It wasn't until Naruto made a sound and contacted Kakashi's expression that he realized Come on, that blow just now was probably done by that yellow-haired kid!

"When did all the brats in Konoha become so powerful?"Zabuza muttered, but despite thinking this, Zabuza's momentum remained unabated, staring closely at Kakashi's figure, and said coldly:"Kakashi, can you hand that old man over to me?"

The one who responded to Zabuza was Kakashi's scarlet Sharingan.……


Looking at Kakashi's expression at this time, Zabuza also knew that it was obviously impossible for Konoha's ninjas to give up their mission goals, and he had already expected it, so he just tried it out.

After all, Kakashi is an elite jounin who has been famous in the ninja world for many years. Zabuza did not want to fight with Kakashi unless necessary, but he accepted this mission. You know, Kirigakure Village will not stop accepting missions, even if Even though he became a traitorous ninja, he didn't get rid of this habit.

"So the negotiation has failed, and it seems I have to kill you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zabuza, who was still on the tree just now, quickly jumped into the water, his feet floating on the water, and his whole body was surrounded by thick blue Chakra, one finger pointing to the sky, one hand on the chest

""Water Release, Mist and Shadow Technique"

Immediately, Zabuza gradually disappeared above the water. At the same time, a huge thick fog immediately appeared around him. The entire space was a vast expanse of white, and their respective figures could not be seen clearly. But this had no impact on Naruto. After all, he had consciousness besides his eyes, so he was still aware of everything around him.

Sasuke was also very calm, quickly opened his Sharingan, and looked at the dense fog and body around him vigilantly. Tight and on guard at all times, only Sakura was trembling with fear, but still did not leave Danaz's side, closely guarding their mission goal.

"Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, you protect Danaz, I will deal with Zabuza."Kakashi's voice has never been so serious at this time. It is obvious that the enemy is really very difficult.

In an instant!

"Eight places, throat, back, lungs, liver, carotid artery, subclavian artery, kidney, heart, which key point do you want me to attack?"

Due to the thick fog surrounding it, Zabuza's cold voice seemed to be everywhere, which was extremely frightening. The thick murderous aura continuously seeped into their skin through the fog, making people tremble unconsciously.

This is exactly what Zabuza said. The famous trick, the silent killing technique!

"Damn it, is this the true strength of a Jonin? It seems that I am still too weak, and my body is shaking uncontrollably! damn it!"Although Sasuke now has the strength of an elite chuunin, he has too little combat experience, so his ability to resist Zabuza's murderous aura accumulated over the years is almost zero!

"Sasuke, you must believe in your own strength, don't be fooled by the outside world, and stick to your heart."At this time, Naruto's faint voice sounded in Sasuke's ears.

And Kakashi stood in front of Sasuke at some point, squinting his eyes and smiling:"Yeah, don't worry, even if I die, I I will also protect you……"


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