
Luo Xuan only felt that his world view was subverted at this moment. He asked himself that in his previous life, at his level, he had never seen a battle between god-level heroes, but this was too terrifying.

"I have only seen such a battle with the legendary Quan Elves."

Fiora looked at Aenea, and was shocked in her heart:"That was a strong man with a dominant level on the battlefield."

Luo Xuan has naturally heard of the Quan Elf, the hidden boss of the forest camp, just like the supreme angels in heaven, but he didn't expect Fiora to see it with his own eyes. The last plane war was already tens of thousands of years ago. Did you see what happened before?

"Choo Choo Choo."

However, the battle was still going on, and Luo Xuan had no intention of asking Fiora.

In the camp, he saw 2,000 level 6 centaur marauders with their crossbows drawn. They stood in all directions, condescending, and their bows and arrows were even equipped with beasts. The unique blood energy of the tribe was astonishingly powerful.

But Aenea's reaction was faster than these arrows. She opened her left hand, raised her palm, and the raging flames rose into the sky, and then swallowed up all the arrows.




The orcs don't know fear. If you kill one piece, there will be new ones to replace it. Aenea can't help but see the numbing number of jackal hunters pouring out of the ground. They jump up and down, and they are extremely agile. They are the second-level troops in the stronghold, and they are also long-range troops.

A rain of daggers is seen behind the centaur predators, blocking all of Aenea's escape routes.

Although it is constant, it does take time.. And this kind of Centaur Predator shot once, and then the Jackal Hunter made a second throw, which was indeed a very correct tactic.

But unfortunately, they were facing Aenea, a god-level hero with a dimensional gap from them.!

These daggers keep falling into the dragon's breath released by Aenea, consuming the energy in her body and using her tactics to fight the sea of people.


Aenea slapped the ground with a palm, and the earth shook. The shadow realm spread in all directions, wrapping all enemies under its control. At the same time, the endless dark storm, like ripples in the water, Layer after layer, they vibrated in all directions.

For a time, countless jackals screamed in pain. Their bodies quickly decayed in this dark storm, and in the end, only shriveled corpses were left. However, the storm still did not stop. So the corpses flew up and kept hitting the surrounding cliffs.

When the storm stopped, the corpses of the jackal hunters piled up under the cliffs in all directions.


Aenea let out an earth-shattering dragon roar. Perhaps it was the first battle after her awakening that made her extremely excited. After the killing, Aenea felt as if her body and mind had been unchained, and she was extremely happy!

"Keep on, keep on, don't stop, just this little bit, how can it be enough to keep me entertained?"

The dragon spear in her hand was crushed by Aenea, and turned into dark energy and returned to her body. Then, she walked forward step by step.

Not enough, not enough, the blood of the enemy, and the painful wails, that's all, still. Far from satisfying her!

"Blah blah blah"


Aenea raised her head and saw that directly above her, the furious banshees had risen into the sky. They had the bodies of human women, but their hands and feet were the wings and claws of birds. There were so many of them, And the speed was extremely astonishing. They were obviously hovering overhead, but in almost the blink of an eye, they were already rushing towards Aenea like missiles.

"It's so noisy."

Aenea's eyes began to change, and her body expanded rapidly in less than a second:"Shut up, sparrow!"

The next moment, a nearly 60-meter-tall black dragon soared into the sky. She breathed out dragon breath, turned her body, and her wings exuding a dark aura were like two huge fly swatters. Wherever she passed, the furious banshee touched her. Destroy!

Every time the dragon's breath passed by, hundreds of furious banshees were swallowed up. However, these flames did not dissipate in the air, but after being pre-cooled, they turned into rolling lava and rained down on the camp like meteors.

"Suddenly there is a feeling that we are the villains."

Seeing Aenea rushing into the camp like a big devil and killing her, Luo Xuan looked at Fiora in embarrassment:"By the way, we are not from the evil camp, right?"


Originally, Fiora wanted to say 'of course', but seeing Aenea's figure, this was too cruel.


Look, after just saying a few words, Aenea stepped on a venom flying dragon. The dark green venom splashed all over the ground, poisoning several jackal hunters to death, but Aenea was unconscious. , completely ignoring this small poison.

No matter what she does, it will cause damage to the camp and the troops inside. Even if Aenea enters and rolls around, it will probably kill thousands of wolf hunters. That's how scary the crown-ranked troops are. Although the unit is still 1, they are too big and can control energy. Once they fight, their output is almost hundreds of times that of low-level troops, and they are extremely cost-effective.

"Boom, boom."

At the other end of the camp mountain, huge monsters were walking towards us. They were huge and strong, about 16 to 17 meters tall. They were waving heavy iron weapons in their hands. The identities of these monsters were almost When everyone sees that one-eyed giant, they will instantly react! The 12th-level ace soldier of the stronghold, the one-eyed one!

"Is it finally here?"

Aenea has never paid attention to those smashing troops. The only ones who can challenge her and fight her are the aces and champion troops in this camp.




However, just when Aenea was excited, thirty red energy beams pierced the sky, and all of them fell on Aenea, knocking her down hard.

"Phew, bah, bah."

Aenea released the black dragon state. She was too big and a living target was not suitable for this battle. Looking at the Cyclops coming over the mountains one after another, Aenea was filled with anger.

These guys, unexpectedly Dare to knock her down from the sky, do you think you are an anti-aircraft gun?

Fortunately, the difference in attributes between the two sides is too big to cause any damage to Iniya, otherwise the thirty waves of blazing eyes would have at least knocked out Iniya. A Thousand Points of Life



Aenea was also angry. Looking at the red energy beam that broke through the air, she raised her hand and condensed the dragon spear. She swayed casually and easily avoided the attack at an astonishing speed. The next moment, the dragon spear broke through the air.


With huge power, multiple times of lethality, and critical hits, a level 12 angry-eyed Cyclops was actually head-shot by Aenea.


Seeing this scene, Luo Xuan subconsciously shouted:"The 12th-level unit in seconds is really awesome!""

Of course, this is also because the gap between the two sides is huge now, and it is not a matter of arms. If the opponent is led by a hero with an offense and defense of more than 10 and possesses defensive skills, then Aenea cannot defeat the opponent in seconds.

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