Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 785: End?

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"He actually controlled the direction of suffering through the impact of suffering ... This grasp of strength and eyesight ..."

She didn't say the rest, but looking at Sasuke's eyes had completely converged before the contempt, serious!

Even if it is Yanni's Shangni, I'm afraid I can't say that he can fully operate the wonderful attack of Sasuke before. This is not only something that can be done only by hard work!

Carui and Omoi also widened their eyes and mumbled incredulously.

"This ... is this the ability to write chakras ?!"

"How could he have achieved so much control of power at this age!"

On the side of Muye, seeing this, Xiao Li and Ning Ci clenched their fists in silence.

Every day there was a shock in her small face. As a ninja proficient in hidden weapon, her heart could not help secretly.

This is ... Is it the Uchiha family known as the Genius family ...

However, when Sasuke attacked me with such a wonderful move.

"Puff puff!"....

With a slight sound, in everyone's incredible eyes.

I saw a number of extremely difficult angles that were suddenly blocked by the sand that suddenly appeared around my Ai Luo's body, and no one could reach my Ai Luo's side!

Even the dead end of sight is no exception!

Seeing this scene, even the black soil could not help but suddenly stand up, eyes widened and shocked.

"how is this possible!!"

Many candidates on the field were also shocked by this scene.

Those sufferings were attacked from the dead end of each line of sight to Ai Luo, how could he all anticipate and resist!

At the same time, I love Luo on the field did not seem to care about this at all, a pair of eyes stared coldly at Sasuke in the distance, slowly palming out!

I saw that the overwhelming sand had almost wrapped Sasuke's place where he could dodge, and squeezed from all directions to Sasuke!

Sasuke, who was already in the doubles, seemed to know nothing about it.

I did not show any attitude towards the failure of the previous bitter attack, but my face was cold and my hands continued to be printed!

Off the field, seeing this scene, Naruto and Sakura and others clenched their fists, looking at Sasuke on the field with some worries.

Naruto muttered.

"You **** ... what are you thinking about ... if you don't stop this big gourd ... you will lose it completely ..."

Almost immediately after Naruto's voice fell, Sasuke's finale was finally completed on the field!

"... Tiger, Horse, Badger, Fire Badger. Dragon Fire Technique!"

I saw Sasuke's hand erected, standing by the mouth, slamming his chest and abdomen, then opening his mouth, and the raging flames suddenly burst out of his mouth like a torrential river!

And at this moment, under the control of my Arlo.

I saw countless sands rising high, and I Ai Luo staring at Sasuke coldly in the distance, as if looking at a corpse, his voice indifferent and indifferent.

"Forbearance. Sand Falls!"

The next moment, I saw that the sand was like a tsunami of sand and dust, slamming to Sasuke.

The blazing flames hit the sandy sea like a tsunami instantly!

Countless blazing flames rolled, and a fiery wave of fire rose in the sand, and then slammed in an instant, the two continued to impact, weaker and stronger!

The fierce and magnificent scene on the field caused the candidates outside the field to widen their eyes and mumbled.

"This ... are these guys really underbearing ...?"

"Too ... terrible ... what kind of monster are we going to compete with!"

Candidates who had originally mocked Sasuke's struggling under the sand attack of Ailuo and laughed at his inferior strength closed their mouths at this time, looking pale and worried.

If the guy hears his derogation ...

In the distance, Yin looked at such a fierce battle, but his gaze was quietly glanced at a small object on the field, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and he smiled softly.

"It's such a good kid, even knowing that it's time to dormant and wait ..."

Lan Ran aside also smiled softly with a smile on her face.

"It's a good way to deal with it, but it's a pity that the poor strength is not something that can be compensated by this crude method ..."

"I think ... he should have realized it ..."

Speaking of which, he glanced at Huashuiyue and chuckled.

"Shuiyue, wait until Guitong Maru's shot, you will come forward ... I think he should understand the importance of strength at that time ..."

Hearing Lan Ran's words, Jing Hua Shuiyue could not help smiling and nodded his little head, his voice slowly said.

"Look at me, Lord Blue Dye ..."

And at this time.

The huge flames and massive sand curtains that collided fiercely on the field were shaking violently!

In order to prevent the battle from spreading to the candidates outside the field, the wooden leaf examiner arranged the enchantment to cover the test area.

Under the intense gaze of the candidates, Sasuke's face at the side of the arena was slightly pale in the enchantment, as if he was holding on.

Obviously, the raging flames that had spewed out of his mouth now looked much weaker.

The dragon gathered by the flame also gradually lost its shape and turned into a general flame, but just persisted with a momentum.

In the distance, Ai Luo had a calm face, his face was slightly cold, and Sasuke looked at his body shaking gradually, his voice was indifferent.

"Do you want to insist ...?"

"What the **** are you doing for? Uchiha Sasuke ..."

I saw Ai Luo's eyes froze slightly, coldly slowly.

"Is it clear that guys like us just need to live for themselves ..."

"This behavior of you ... is just betraying our lives and praying for destiny !!"

"That being the case ... then accompany them to die ..."

While talking ~ ~, I saw that Arlo suddenly clenched his fists, and said indifferently.

"Forbearance. Sandbound!"

With his words falling, I saw the next moment, the deadlocked Shadun time broke through the flames!

Facing this, Sasuke's face was slightly white, and his body was shaking like a candle in the wind!

Countless sands are like raging sandstorms, and they suddenly rushed to Sasuke who had no resistance anymore!

"Hey ... hey ..."

In an instant, countless floating sand clusters that seemed to be a little sticky wrapped Sasuke as a whole, floating in midair, revealing only one head!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was stunned and secretly.

Did you win? ?


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