Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 792: Action by all parties

In the forest at this time, Kirabi looked very miserable.

Even if his body was covered with a thick layer of chakra, he could still clearly see the flesh and blood under his cracked skin.

The sunglasses that had already been broken on his face did not know when he found the broken frames, and hung them crooked, as if to cover up those tired eyes.

I saw him leaning against a big tree, his lungs like a broken bellows, breathing heavily and making a harsh noise.


Just after his speech, the same scarred but resolute Lei Ying appeared beside him.

When Lei Ying glanced sideways and glanced at Kiraby leaning on a tree trunk, he could not help but clenched his fists, his voice was heavy.

"Those things don't matter for the time being, how do you feel now, than !?"

Hearing the worries in Lei Ying's words, Kiraby cracked an ugly smile on the corner of his mouth, but it was difficult to move his hands and feet, as if exhausting his whole body strength, raised his arm, and then pointed at Lei Ying gently, and raised fist.

"Rest assured, brother, our AB group did not fall so easily!"

Hearing Kiraby's words, the worry in Lei Ying's eyes disappeared a lot, and he also raised his fist and bumped on Kiraby's fist gently, his voice dull.

"Good job!"

Speaking of which, the cold chill flashed in his eyes, his voice hoarsely hoarse.

"In that case, we have to give good rewards for this great gift given to us by Xun Ye Gong!"

"The reason that guy is holding us back ... their purpose is probably in Koyo ..."

"That being the case, Yun Yun Village must step in. The old man would have to see what conspiracy and trickery of Xun Ye Temple!"

Hearing this, Kiraby, who looked seriously injured, grinned and echoed.

"The next time we see that guy, we must save our face today!"

In this regard, although Lei Ying was silent, there was a cold coldness in those eyes.


Country of Fire, Muye Village.

"唰!" "唰!" "唰!" ...

Many ninjas kept flashing on the house, rushing towards the Naruto building.

I saw one of them wearing a black mask, tall silver hair figure hurried on the road, and the exposed eyes were slightly squinted, thinking secretly.

What the **** happened ... how could Lord Naruto be attacked! ?

Was it an attack from the other five ninja villages ...?

Just when he was thinking so.


The wind from behind him made him look slightly moved, his eyes glanced behind him, and he whispered softly.

"Kay, have you heard the news ..."

Hearing the words of the silver-haired man, Akai, with a somber face, did not show the same smile as before, and said in a deep voice.

"Kakashi, it looks like ... the Five Shadows Talks held because of this China-Ninja exam seemed to be in very bad condition ..."

In this regard, Kakashi could not help but his face was slightly sinking, his voice slowly said.

"I didn't expect you to notice it, Kay ..."

There was a complex glow in his eyes, slowly.

"It will be possible for Lord Naruto to meet us urgently. This time, I am afraid that this is not just as simple as Dashe Wan ..."

"It happens at this time ... To be honest ... I'm more worried about the situation of the little ones ..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Kai couldn't help but frown as he followed him.

"Do you think that the other party will also take the candidates for the Zhongni exam !?"

After hearing this, Kakashi pulled the forehead on her forehead, slightly covering her eyes, and her voice was a bit low.

"Who knows ..."

"What we can do now ... is to know our enemy's intelligence as soon as possible ... then it is right to rush before the group of guys."

With Kakashi's slightly heavy voice, the two rushed into the Naruto building with a lot of rushed Konoha.


at the same time.

Underneath the wooden leaves, in the dark and deep black tunnel, in a very ordinary hut.

"Members of the Xuye Palace ...?"

The faint light candle dangled gently in the dim room, and from the dark corner where the light could not be seen, a husky and dull voice sounded slowly.

Hearing his words, I saw the respectful ninja kneeling on the ground and groaned.

"Yes, Lord Tuanzang!"

"According to the information revealed by the ninja who rushed back to the village before Wudaimu, it was the members of Xuye Palace who attacked Wudai. They are very powerful!"

"At present, the Five Generations has also appeared in the village and is mobilizing a large number of Shangni. It seems to be preparing to go to the death forest to track the enemy's whereabouts!"

Hearing this, Tuanzang in the dark place opened his murky eyes slightly, his voice dumbly.

"The Naruto **** that was supposed to protect the fifth generation of Naruto ... but fled back to the village before the enemy in front of the enemy ..."

"Should ... have Naruto been too kind or shadow ninja too incompetent ..."

In response to this, the root ninja bowed his head like ice cubes, and did not respond to it.

I saw Tuanzang slowly stood up, just like an old man who was very old, his movements were very slow, but his face was indifferent.

He gently held the crutches aside, and strode forward, his voice hoarse and indifferent.

"Let's go, if it's a matter of Xu Ye Palace ... the old man would like to see who it is ... even Naruto of Konoha is forced to such a degree ..."

"As for those Naruto escorts, keep them on file, and deal with them after this thing is too ..."

Speaking of which, just when his body was about to cross the doorway, when he stepped out, the indifferent one-eyed eyes that appeared was a flash of coldness and a husky voice.

"Remember to keep commanding, and be vigilant against every move of the Kobe Guard ..."

After speaking, I saw that he slowly walked into the dark depths of the martyrdom.

"Since this matter involves Xuye Palace ... the old man can't believe it ... he was following the man who had nothing to do with it ..."

"The roots will ... shelter forever the leaves of wood ... from the enemy ..."

In the darkness ~ ~ It seemed to be a slight murmur, sounding his hoarse voice.


at the same time.

Just when all parties are vigilant.

The figures who completed their respective tasks one after another were rushing towards Muye at a very fast speed.

Above the sky, even after experiencing a fierce battle, Lilynet still glanced at the Death Forest not far away, and gently hummed the cheerful tone in her mouth.

"La la .. la .. The task that Master Lan Ran ordered was successfully completed ... hehe ..."

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