Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 810: Come back, shot

Just as the waterman threw the carrier pigeon.

Located in the dead forest, high above the tower.

Several weird figures of different heights appeared one by one in various directions at high altitudes, and then marched toward the center slowly.

"Hmm ~ hmm ~~"

I saw a petite loli face full of joy, humming softly in her mouth, a relaxed look.

Next to her, a tall man couldn't help but glanced at her, sighed softly.

"Lilynet, don't be so rude in front of Lord Blue Dye ..."

Hearing the man's words, Li Li Nite's happily humming suddenly stagnate, and saw her glanced at the man beside him, and gave a quiet elbow backward.


For a moment, if the tall man was severely hit, his face was pale, and he looked helplessly at Li Li Nite.

In this regard, Lilinet only snorted, whispering.

"Stupid Stark, I don't need to tell you about these things, huh!"

After speaking, he raised his proud chin like a triumphant cock, and walked forward with arrogance.

Behind her, Stark couldn't help but pat his shirt gently, slowly straightened up, and his face was again slack.

Obviously, the painful expression just now was just what he pretended to be.

I saw him looking at Lilinet walking proudly forward, her eyes exuding tenderness, and the corner of her mouth could not help raising a warm smile slowly.

In the other direction, a burly man rubbed his bright bald head, and grinned from the corner of his mouth from time to time.

When he gradually saw the vague figure standing not far ahead, he could not help narrowing the smile on his face, and murmured secretly.

"This time, you must say goodbye to Lord Lan Ran ... I must deprive the woman of my life!"

"Hey ... can hurt my guy ... I must keep such a fun toy till the end ..."

In the other direction, the thin man with pale skin all over was slowly moving forward.

His green eyes always made him look melancholy, but his face was expressionless.

When the man's vague figure appeared in his sight, there was a slight emotion on his face, the figure flickered and disappeared from the place instantly.

When he set off, in the southeast direction, a dark-eyed man with a blindfold moved the same expression, slightly accelerating the pace of progress.

"唰!" "唰!" "唰!" ...

Along with several hastily breaking sounds, I saw several silhouettes of different heights suddenly appearing together, then half kneeled in the void, and nodding gently towards the tall man in front.

Naturally appearing here are Stark, Lilinet and others, after feeling their actions.

I saw that they were in front of them, and the man who had turned away from them turned his head slowly.

Under the brown hair, a pair of deep eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised a smile, his eyes glanced at all the people who reached him, and said softly.

"Looks like ... your tasks are all done very smoothly ..."

After hearing Lan Ran's words, Li Li Nite's face could not hide the joy, his voice was crisp.

"Master Lan Ran, we have successfully completed our mission this time!"

Stark on the side didn't blame Lilinette for speaking first, but glanced at her slightly, then looked at Lan Ran, and nodded gently.

Similarly, the others also nodded slightly.

There was a faint smile on the face of the bald big man's teeth, and he said to Lan Ran.

"Master Lan Ran, one of the ninjas I am blocking .... I hope you will let me deal with her myself in the future!"

Hearing the words of the teeth, everyone on the side was a little stunned.

Urciola was accustomed to it, but just glanced at his teeth closely, and noticed that he didn't notice any abnormalities.

Silver, who had been standing behind Lan Ran from the beginning to the end, had a slight squint in his eyes, a large arc of a raised corner of his mouth, chuckling and looking towards the teeth, secretly speaking.

Oh ... I didn't expect this guy to be the same as before ...

No ... should I be stupid than before ...

For the request of the teeth, Lan Dian's deep eyes flashed an indescribable smile and asked softly.

"Tooth dense, what kind of guy is so interesting to you?"

Hearing Lan Ran's question, he didn't think too much about his teeth, but just scratched his bare bald head with his hands, as if he remembered it, and quickly groaned.

"The strongest of the ninjas you sent me to block!"

"It seems to be a woman named Shuiying!"

Speaking of this time, the teeth's tight eyes could not help but clenched, his fists clenched slightly.

With his indestructible steel skin, he has forgotten how long he has not suffered the pain before!

Even if he did not use his full strength on purpose, the pain of corroded body skin made him feel irritable whenever he recalled it!

There is only one way for Tomit to want to completely remove this trouble!

That is to kill that woman with your own hands!

After hearing Tooth's words, everyone on the side gave him a silent glance.

Even Lilith, who was beside Stark, lowered her head and covered her mouth, fearing that she might laugh out loud.

What a stupid big man, Shuiying. If the blue dye adult wants you to kill, why bother! ?

However, some were unexpected.

After hearing Tooth's words, Lan Ran just looked at him with a smile. After a long while, he smiled softly.

"No problem, as my subordinate, you have such rights ..."

"Moreover, I can assure you that such an opportunity will soon be in front of you ~ ~ At that time, whether you can accomplish what you think in your heart depends on your performance .. . "

Gaining the blue dye's promise, the toothy and rough face could not help expressing a moment of joy, the corner of his mouth grinned, and nodded quickly.

"Thank you Mr. Blue Dye for your rights!"

"The subordinate will surely turn that guy's head down and let her really understand the power of Xu Ye Gong!"

Regarding Tooth's words, the rest glanced at him helplessly.

It always feels very shameful to stand with such a stupid guy who only knows about killing ...

Just when everyone was thinking about their own minds.

The blue dye standing in front of everyone was a smile in his eyes, changed the subject, and smiled softly.

"Since you are all back, it must be that the other four shadows have arrived at Muye Village at this time ..."

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