Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 816: ambush

After learning each other's names, Black Clay breathed easily and shook his head.

"I didn't expect this to happen to Koba ... and even we were involved ..."

Hearing the words of the black soil, Kalui and Omoi glanced at each other, Omoi slowly pulled apart the bandage that began to leak blood because of the previous movement.

I saw his face calm at this moment, while slowly wrapping his wound with a new bandage, his eyes narrowed and his voice calmed.

"Instead of this, I hope that behind the scenes there is no involvement of Iwano Village ..."

Hearing this, Black Earth could not help frowning slightly, and Carrui quickly lifted Omoi with his elbow, motioned him not to open his mouth, and then his bright eyes glanced at Black Earth and whispered softly.

"This guy always likes nonsense, I hope you don't take it to heart!"

In this regard, the black eyes seemed to be able to express emotions, glanced at Omoi, and then looked at Kalui, his voice calmed.

"Now that the five big ninja villages have signed peace agreements for many years, I did not expect that there would still be people who are grieving about their previous hatred ..."

Speaking of this, I saw her tone turn and whispered softly.

"Of course, as a proud member of Yan Ren Village, I naturally dismiss such people!"

Hearing this, Omoi couldn't help but be angry and angry.

"Hey, don't forget who saved you just now!"

In this regard, Black Earth shook his head slightly, his eyes sharply stared at Omoi, his voice was cold.

"Rest assured, even if you didn't do it, I would never have any problems!"

Hearing this, Omoi muttered softly.

"Who believes!"

Hei Tu ignores his words, just shakes his head, and then sets his eyes on Carui.

Intuition tells her that this woman is the one who can make the decision in this duo.

Thinking of this, Black Earth's eyes were slightly condensed, and his voice was flat.

"I want to know what are your plans?"

"You need to know that Muye is now being attacked by unknown forces. Not only that, other Ninja villages have also been seriously damaged!"

"As the granddaughter of Tuying, I have a responsibility to stand up and organize everyone at this time, and join the ninjas of the ninja villages to resist the attack of Muye!"

After hearing the words from the black soil, Karui and Omoi looked at each other, and they saw the surprise and disbelief in the other's eyes!

This guy turned out to be Tuying's granddaughter! ?

Just when the two were surprised, all of a sudden, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of their heads!


A dark and horrible palm suddenly appeared in the gravel that collapsed from the ceiling, but with a firm grip, five fingers covered with dark vessels sank into the damaged zenith rocks!

When his whole body was completely visible in the eyes of the black soil Omoi and others, they instantly made the three hearts cool!

I saw that the person was tall, and the surface of the body's skin was dark and thin, just like a carbonized trunk, without a glimmer of vitality!

And on his shoulders, there are several pale bones inlaid from the inside out, like a shield, making him look amazing!

When he appeared, he saw the red blood stains on the darkened body, and the corners of his mouth were slightly grinned. The beast-like red pupil slowly twisted, and glanced at the black earth who was surprised and standing. , Suddenly a low voice laughed.

"Originally there are reptiles running away ... haha ​​... this way I can make up twenty people ..."

The voice that accompanied him had just fallen.


I saw on his shoulders, the white bones that had been covered suddenly ejected violent energy, instantly pushed his body forward, and suddenly disappeared in place!

The next moment, a few people who were standing still saw this scene, could not help but look around, and quickly dodged around!

However, in the face of the extremely fast speed of the shadow, the movement of the three people is more than slow.


With some harsh and hoarse screams, I saw the monster with a very dark body arrived at the trio's body instantly, waving his stout arm, and hit the trio directly!

"Earth. Motu turned out!"

Just at this critical moment, all of a sudden, the black soil among the three was quickly completed!

"Wow ... wow ..."

I saw two black ink lines suddenly extending from the feet of black soil, directly connected to the feet of Omoi and Kalui!

At the moment when the palm of the little shadow was smashed, under the pale gaze of Omoi and Kalui, the scene in front of it was suddenly changed!

The original location of the two men has now fallen into ruin.

At this moment, the dark and burly figure was frowning!

I saw his red-yellow eyes staring at the pit that had been punched out by him without a shadow under his feet, his eyes exuding a chill, and a slightly husky doubt in his mouth.

"A fish missing the net !?"

And at this moment, in the dark underground of the high tower!

Following the three strange sounds that suddenly sounded, the three people, including the black soil, suddenly appeared in front of the fully-armed Konoha!

A group of ninjas in the shadows also widened their eyes and stared at the three people who appeared suddenly!

The black soil looked as usual, but when her eyes swept through the dark ninja in front of her eyes, the bottom of her eyes flashed a doubtful essence!

These guys have been hidden here without dispatching! ?

I saw that the ninja in the shadow had already appeared on the side of the three, and the bitterness in his hands was framed on the neck of the three!

One of the men hiding in the dark, his face very firm, said in a low voice.

"Explain immediately ~ ~ Why are you here !?"

Hearing this, Omoi, who was still worried, shouted angrily.

"The enemies that invaded Kono appeared in the test of your tolerance for Kono, and since Kono cannot control the situation instantly, do you not allow us to find a way out of it by ourselves?"

Carrui aside dragged his sleeve gently, begging him not to be excited, but did not object to his words and deeds.

For a while, the three stood side by side, facing the eyes of a group of ninja ninjas together!

Just as the atmosphere between the two sides became more and more strange, suddenly, the tall figure that had been hidden in the dark came out slowly!

In the light of the dim light, his bald head full of nicks was very scary!

"We will not object, but we must ensure that our whereabouts have not been revealed so far!"

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