Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 831: Hard-working genius



Two consecutive loud bangs rang through the side of the tower.

This sudden loud noise instantly attracted everyone present.

Seeing the bursts of smoke and dust that were smashed above the tower, several shadows showed a strange look on their faces.

As for the members of Xiyagong, they frowned slightly, blinking in their eyes, and looked at the uninvited guests who broke into the field lightly!

"Wow, wow ..."

I saw the figure inside the high tower, among the rubble and wood chips, the figure of Guitong Maru Lang crawled out of it, with his hate on his face, staring at the person who had caused him great damage!

When the one who smashed the ghost boy pill into the ruins clearly saw the appearance of the ghost boy pill, Qiao couldn't help raising his eyes, his eyes narrowed, and his voice mumbled.

"The guy in Xie Ye Palace !?"

After hearing her words, the water gate, which was always facing Yin et al. On the top of the high tower, could not help but sank, and said secretly.

Sure enough ... these guys posing as candidates are also members of the virtual night palace!

It's just that even if this information is obtained at this time, it only adds more troubles ...

After all ... if it is a ninja of other forces, it can only show that the strength of Xu Ye Gong is not strong enough, but just unite with other forces!

But ... when these guys posing as candidates and being able to easily compete with Muye Baiya and others all belong to Xiyagong ...

With such terrible strength, Xu Ye Gong is really terrifying!

Just when Tsunade was staring at Kirito Maru's bun, she was behind her, but she had no white hair in her hands.

I saw him stabbing his fingers violently, with his hands constantly tying the seal, and then a hedgehog-like hair shot out suddenly, entangled in the four-tailed Naruto like a beast!

Feeling that his body was bound, Naruto Yoichi couldn't help but want to break free, and shouted solemnly.

"Helper, Tsunade, this kid is not easy to control now!"

Hearing his words, Tsunade didn't hesitate, and suddenly stood beside Naruto Yoichi!

Her fair-faced expression was tense, and she shoved her fist tightly, avoiding Naruto's flaming tail. Without any hesitation, she smashed directly into Naruto's head!


Under one punch, Naruto tied with white hair was instantly smashed into a slap!

Taking advantage of this time, he also quickly stepped forward, and the palm with the burning red flame suddenly slammed it on Naruto's navel, and groaned.


"Dora Dora--"

As if a soldering iron was engraved on Naruto's abdomen, a white steam rose instantly, and at the same time, the crimson red Chakra overflowing from Naruto seemed to be cut off and slowly dissipated from him.

Naruto's originally white pupils closed slowly, and he fell forward weakly and weakly, and Tadashi quickly stepped forward to catch him, Naruto fell into Tadori's arms.

Seeing this scene, Tsunade couldn't help glancing at Naruto who was unconscious in the past, and groaned.

"I really don't know the so-called imp. If he comes back a few more times, his body will sooner or later collapse and give him to me ..."

Hearing Tsunade's words, he never hesitated at all, and immediately gave Naruto carefully to Tsunade's hands.

Without hesitation, Tsunade's palm suddenly burst into a pale green light, covering Naruto's body, healing those burning injuries on his body.

In the air, the eyes of the Watergate who saw this scene narrowed slightly, and breathed lightly.

And at the same time.

Located on the upper side of the tower.


With a bang, I saw Shuo Mao and Dai standing calmly on the ground, looking straight at Jun Malu out of the ruins.

When they saw Jun Malu's face clearly, they could not help but look slightly tighter.

I saw that at this moment, the white skeletal armor covered by Jun Maru's body had numerous sharp bone spurs on his shoulders.

An apparently extra thick but extremely cracked bone suddenly broke apart and came off the bone armor.

Jun Malu's mouth slowly pulled out a contemptuous smile, and the red pupils looked at Shuo Mao and Dai suddenly, full of disdain.

"Even if it's two-on-one, it won't hurt me in any way!"

Seeing this, Shuo Mao's eyes could not help but dignified, Shen Sheng said to Dai who had just arrived here.

"Each of these guys in the Xie Ye Palace has strange abilities, which is really difficult to deal with."

"Before wearing you, I cut at least six wounds on this guy that would hinder his movement, but ..."

Speaking of this, he gave a heavy glance at Jun Malu and said slowly.

"You should have noticed ... all the wounds on this guy have disappeared ..."

Hearing Shuo Mao's words, Dai who came here couldn't help but calm her face and said with a deep voice.

"Do you mean this guy has a strong ability to heal himself?"

Shuo Mao nodded slightly, and after getting his answer, Dai could not help but stare slightly.

I saw him gently rubbing his wrists, the white beard on his lips trembling slightly, his eyes staring at Jun Malu, calmly.

"Looks ... do you have some real skills to deal with this guy ..."

Hearing what he said, Shuo Mao seemed to know something, his eyes narrowed, and he whispered softly.

"If that's the case, then let this guy deal with it. I'll help Kakashi and Kay ... their opponents seem to be very tricky!"

In this regard, Dai nodded slightly and said slowly.

"Okay, leave it to me to handle it ..."

After Shuo Mao flashed and left, Jun Ma Lu Chihuang's eyes in the distance revealed a doubt.

However, he didn't hesitate in his hand, and once again took out a scarlet bone blade from his spine. Wearing a bone armor, he looked like a warrior in hell, staring warily with his eyes full. Is disdainful.

"I don't think how long you can hold on to me if you alone!"

Hearing what he said ~ ~ Wearing a calm face, with gray hair, looked at him with a very complex look, and slowly groaned.

"I used to have a companion. When he got astray, I couldn't stop him ... I'm sorry to have created your organization ..."

"This time I came here to do my best to destroy you ... let all the sins he left in this world disappear ..."

As he spoke, he slowly released the wristbands on his wrists and ankles.

"For this ... I have not dared to take it lightly one day in these years ..."

Speaking of this time, under the sun and wearing that gray hair, it seems that some old-looking faces have a youthful silly smile, and the voice is very soft.

"After all ... that guy praised me as a genius for the first time ... the genius who works hard ..."

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