Naruto: Start with the Seventh Generation Reward

Chapter 150 The decisive battle between Crow Hermit and Danzo (12,000 words, six chapters in one)

Minato Namikaze's words made Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was already suppressing his anger, even more angry.

No need to think, it must be bad news.


He was too indulgent to Danzo!

What Hiruzen Sarutobi was thinking about, Minato Namikaze didn't know.

"The Crow Sage of the Red Flame Mountain is coming to Konoha."

"It seems that he wants to seek justice." Minato Namikaze said, and then told him about the situation of the Crow Sage and the Fire Crow Clan that Yuichi Yuuki had told him.

As Hiruzen Sarutobi listened, his anger disappeared, and was replaced by a sad face.

Konoha was originally in the wrong in this matter, and they couldn't find a reason to refuse when they came to Konoha to find trouble.

The people of Konoha killed the other's younger brother, and they killed one of the Fire Crows who was the leader of the Fire Crow Clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately stopped caring about Danzo, looked at Yuuichi Yuuichi, sighed, and said: "Yuuichi, is the Crow Hermit of the Red Flame Mountain easy to talk to?"

He thought that he would have a chat first, and if it didn't work, he would just throw Danzo out.

Hearing his words, Yuuichi Yuuichi was stunned. Shouldn't you go find Danzo at this time?

Why are you asking this?

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen in surprise, Yuichi Yuuji didn't lie and told the truth: "I'm not particularly clear."

"I only saw Crow Sage when I signed the summoning contract for the first time."

"I don't know its specific personality very well, but it seems to be easy to talk to."

"Big Crow and Scar are also easy to talk to."

He paused, afraid that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know Big Crow and Scar, and explained: "Big Crow is the strongest under Crow Sage, and is the one who truly leads the Fire Crow Clan."

"Scar can be regarded as Big Crow's deputy."

"They are both easy to talk to, and Crow Sage should be similar."

"But this time someone in the village killed a Fire Crow, whether it will be as I thought, I'm not particularly sure."

Yuichi Yuuji said.

These are all his personal experiences and feelings, but if he forces the Fire Crow Clan not to make trouble, he can suppress it.

But what does the other people in Konoha have to do with him.

The Fire Crow Clan, which was awarded as an achievement reward, has become a real tribe since he was contracted.

He has the same status as Crow Immortal, but there is no need to make himself and the Fire Crow Clan have a grudge for others.

What's more, this person is the old dog Danzo.

Thinking of this, Yuichi Yuu couldn't help but admire this guy. He really would die if he didn't make trouble.

How could he know that Danzo was thinking that his cooperation with Orochimaru had just begun, and seeing the Fire Crow Clan that could directly use fire escape, he wanted to get a few to send to Orochimaru for research.

On the one hand, it strengthened his connection with Orochimaru, and on the other hand, the ability of the Fire Crow Clan did make him a little envious.

Hearing Yuichi Yuu's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, sat in his seat with a gloomy face, took out the crystal ball from the drawer, and sensed it for a moment. A picture appeared on the crystal ball.

It was the Crow and Scar with hundreds of Fire Crows chasing the two Root Ninjas.

"The Crows are still quite restrained." Yuichi Yuu came forward and saw this scene in the crystal ball, and sighed a little.

"If they had performed the ninjutsu they showed me in the Red Flame Mountain, those two people would have died long ago."

In the picture, the Great Crow led hundreds of Fire Crows, all of them flaming, and kept chasing the Root Ninjas running around on the ground in the air.

However, they did not use any ninjutsu in the process of chasing.

After hearing Yuichi Yuuichi's words, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki also came forward, and sighed when they saw the picture on the crystal ball.

"According to the ninjutsu that the Great Crow demonstrated to me before, if they use the Fire Style: Feather Scattering Technique together, there will be nothing left."

"Feather Scattering Technique?" Kushina Uzumaki frowned beside her, "What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

As she said that, she nudged Minato Namikaze with her elbow, "Minato, have you heard of it?"

Minato Namikaze shook his head and said, "No."

"But it should be very strong, right? It takes so many Fire Crows to use it." Kushina Uzumaki looked at the picture on the crystal ball and couldn't help but speak.

"The Great Crow can use it by itself." Yuichi Yuuichi spoke faintly beside him.

"Once this fire escape ninjutsu is used, the flames on their bodies will turn into countless flame feathers, and will also shoot downwards."

"When the big crow demonstrated it to me before, it left many pits on the ground formed by high temperatures."

"Even the soil of the Red Flame Mountain, which has been scorched by high temperatures and underground flames for many years, has been scorched."

"The attack range is very wide, the temperature is very high, and the attack power is very strong."

"The big crow alone is like this, and there are hundreds of fire crows gathered together with some flames."

Hearing his words, Uzumaki Kushina shuddered as she looked at the crystal ball.

A movable ninjutsu turret?

It's really a bit scary.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also heard Yuuki Yuichi's words, and the anger that had disappeared came back.

There was a feeling of gritting his teeth, and he said, "Anbu! Bring Danzo here!"

"And bring these two root ninjas here too!"

"Yes!" As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice fell, an Anbu appeared in the Hokage's office and knelt on one knee to respond.

Yuichi Yuuki said what he could say and then prepared to watch the show.

What he said cannot be hidden, and there is no need to hide it. There are still some things he has not said about the abilities of the Fire Crow Clan.

The ANBU went to find Danzo, while Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the picture in the crystal ball and didn't know what he was thinking.

At the same time, on the other side of Chiyan Mountain.

Thousands of fire crows circled and danced in the air, and the flames on their bodies turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

In addition, there are some fire crows in other places who use their beaks to peck the hard black rocks on the ground and swallow them into their mouths, or they stop at a certain place to communicate in twos and threes.

Crow Immortal stood at the highest point of Chiyan Mountain, looking down at his younger brother.

As the boss of the Fire Crow Clan, he enjoyed watching his little brother play leisurely in Chiyan Mountain.

Crow Immortal yawned as he looked at it, "It's time to go to bed. I have nothing to do every day. I'm bored to death. I don't know when the contractors will start the war."

"Boss, boss!"

"Something is wrong!"

Just when Crow Immortal was about to go to bed, a fire crow flew towards him.

"What's the matter?" Crow Immortal's sleepy mood was swept away, and he looked at the fire crow flying towards him and said, "You'd better really have something."

"Brother Scar asked me to come back!"

"We were channeled by Mr. Yuyi today to help complete the task of catching stray cats. After the task was completed, we did not come back directly. Instead, we looked at the scenery outside, but someone took action against us!"

"Futoriko was killed by them!"

"They also want to kill Brother Scar and me!"

Upon hearing this, Crow Immortal was stunned for a moment, and then became furious.

"Where did this bitch come from!"

"You dare to kill my little brother?!"

If this is a casualty caused on the battlefield or during a battle, death is death. It is normal to be in danger when going out to fight.

But this girl is looking at the scenery and looking at dead birds?

It’s simply unreasonable!

"You stay at Chiyan Mountain, I'm going to Konoha now!"

With that said, Crow Immortal disappeared directly into Chiyan Mountain.

It used its connection with Yuki Yuichi and the connection with Scar to reverse channel itself.

In the Hokage's office, Yuki Yuichi's face changed a little as he listened to the discussion between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato. He glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato and coughed lightly.

"The Crow Immortal has reverse channeled me."

"What?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato were still thinking about how to deal with this matter, but they suddenly told them that Crow Sage had come?

Although they had long known that Crow Immortal would come, they did not expect it to be so soon.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had some bad premonitions in his heart.

What does it mean that it came so quickly?

It shows that Crow Immortal attaches great importance to this matter.

And if you attach great importance to this matter, then this matter will not simply pass by like this.

The Fire Crow clan was killed by someone in Konoha. Is this a big deal?

Quite big.

But this thing is quite small.

In the final analysis, a fire crow died, but whether the matter is serious or not depends entirely on the attitude of the Crow Immortal and the fire crow clan. If they are serious, then this matter will be serious.

If they were not serious, this matter would just mean the death of a fire crow.

It's like Konoha lost a ninja in another country, pretty much the same thing.

"Well, I can feel that the Crow Immortal is communicating through my location with the big crows and the others, and is communicating through reverse channels."

Regarding this matter, neither Namikaze Minato nor Sarutobi Hiruzen had any surprises.

Generally speaking, psychic beasts cannot reversely channel themselves.

But this is Crow Immortal. When you hear it, you can tell that it is similar to the Great Toad Immortal.

The Great Toad Immortal can predict in dreams, so it is normal for the Crow Immortal to have some methods.

Just when the two of them were worried, Uzumaki Kushina smiled and said, "I'm going to see what Crow Sage is like."

Hearing his words, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato had no reaction, but Yuki Yuichi spoke first: "My sister and I are together!"

"I have to go when Immortal Crow comes, too!"

"Then let's go!" Uzumaki Kushina said to Yuki Yuichi, and then the two of them ran outside.

Shortly after they left, Jiraiya Orochimaru and two Hokage advisors came over.

The news that a group of flaming birds in the sky were chasing two ninjas wearing masks who looked like ANBU had already reached their ears.

Seeing them coming, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, told him what Namikaze Minato told him, and what Yuuki Yuichi said, and then said, "What are we going to do with the Fire Crow Clan now?"

"Especially Crow Immortal, he came here in person."

"And Danzo and Nebe."

Listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Orochimaru licked his lips, while silently thinking in his heart that he could not communicate too much with Danzo.

He hates idiots.

Although Danzo had not told him about this matter, he knew very well what Danzo had in mind. He just wanted to use the corpse of the fire crow to study it, and at the same time bring them closer to each other.

But he didn't expect Danzo to be so stupid.

The psychic beast that covets others is also a psychic beast that has mastered the energy of nature.

It's just looking for death.

He still remembers what he felt when he wanted to practice the immortal mode.

If you want to practice the immortal mode in Longdi Cave, the White Snake Immortal will use her fangs to inject natural energy into them. She will eat those whose bodies cannot withstand the snake transformation whole.

Orochimaru is one of them. If he hadn't prepared a backup plan, he would have died.

But it is precisely because of this that he transformed himself into the body of a snake.

It was also because he saw the power of the White Snake Immortal that he later transformed himself into the White Phosphorus Orochi.

After all, the White Snake Immortal is the Great White Phosphorus Snake.

It is also because of this that he clearly knows that these psychic beast groups that have mastered natural energy are extremely powerful.

Whether it's Ryūchi Cave, Miaomu Mountain, or Shiggy Bone Forest.

The first two have huge groups and the Great Toad Immortal and the White Snake Immortal.

Although the latter only has the Slug Immortal, it goes without saying that the power of the Slug Immortal is understandable.

So far, Tsunade has not been able to channel one third of Slug Sennin.

Just thinking about it makes you realize how powerful it is.

Now, although a tribe of fire crows from Chiyan Mountain who are not among the three holy lands suddenly appeared.

But regardless of whether they are ranked among the three holy places, as long as they really master natural energy, it is enough to be ranked among them.

It can even be said to be the Four Holy Lands now.

Orochimaru thought in his heart, and at the same time made up his mind to break up with Danzo.

He can accept the badness of his collaborators, and he can also tolerate the ambitions of his collaborators.

But he couldn't stand the stupidity of his collaborators.

He is stupid!

Orochimaru is still facing Konoha now.

He also wants to become the fourth Hokage.

Licking his lips, Orochimaru looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, showed a smile, and said: "Push those two root ninjas out, and then talk to Crow Sage."

"If it doesn't work, we can only throw Danzo out."

"We Konoha cannot afford this."

Orochimaru's words silenced everyone, and they all knew that Orochimaru was right.

"But this." Jiraiya frowned and spoke, but before he could finish speaking, Orochimaru interrupted him directly and said, "But what?"

He still understood Jiraiya's character. He narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke again, "You and Tsunade and me."

Having said this, he looked at Namikaze Minato and said, "There is also Namikaze Minato."

"The four of us have contracted the three holy places."

"Even if you have learned magic, you should be very aware of the power of the psychic beast group that has mastered magic."

"Any one of the three holy places can cause a devastating blow to Konoha."

"Then this Fire Crow clan that has mastered natural energy, do you think they can do this?"

"They even have their own immortals."

Orochimaru's words silenced everyone again.

Although these words may sound ugly, they are indeed true.

That is to say, Tsunade is not in Konoha now. If she were, she would directly send Danzo out at this time.

In Konoha, apart from Uchiha, only Uzumaki Kushina and Tsunade had the greatest malice towards Danzo.

By the way, there is also Yuki Yuichi.

After turning to bed, Koharu was silent for a moment while listening to Orochimaru's words, and then said, "It would be unacceptable to us to hand over Danzo directly."

"He is an elder after all."

Koharu said as he went to bed, Mito Monoyan also nodded and said: "Indeed."

"Although Danzo made a mistake in this matter, if he is handed over like this, our prestige in Konoha will be reduced a lot."

The two of them were not shielding Danzo, but that was indeed the case.

Jiraiya looked at everyone, was silent for a moment, and then said, "The matter now still depends on Crow Immortal."

"As long as they don't pursue it, they can still pass by. I'll go over and have a look."

"Then go over and take a look, and talk to Crow Sage first." Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded after hearing Jiraiya's words.

Hearing this, Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya and said, "I'll go over and have a look too."

As he spoke, he licked his lips.

"In that case, Minato, you should go and take a look."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, looking at Namikaze Minato, "You three go over together, let's wait for Danzo here."

"Hmph!" Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted, his eyes full of coldness, "Duanzo is in great trouble this time!"

"Yes!" Minato Namikaze didn't object when he heard what he said. He really wanted to go over and have a look.

On the other side, the Crow Sage directly channeled himself to the Great Crow through the connection between Yuichi Yuichi and the Great Crow.

As soon as it appeared, the pupils of some of the ninjas watching from a distance shrank.

It is seven or eight meters tall, 11 to 2 meters in length, and has a wingspan of 24 to 5 meters. Most of the colors on its body are golden, and the rest of the colors are also red. Combined with its body shape, it looks like It's like a great sun.

"What a shame, someone dares to bully my little brother!"

"I'm tired of living!"

The Crow Immortal's mouth was the quintessence of the nation, and flames erupted from his body as he flew in the air.

However, the flames on its body are not the flames like the big crows and others.

Instead, there is some gold mixed in with the orange-red flames.

As the flames covered the whole body, the Crow Immortal circled in the sky, and the temperature nearby increased by four to five degrees in an instant.

Originally, the temperature here had increased a lot because of the crows, and now it was rising straight up.

"Boss!" Seeing the Crow Immortal, the Fire Crows looked very excited, especially Scar. Seeing the Crow Immortal coming, he flew out immediately, waving his wings and pointing at the Root Ninja who had fled farther on the ground.

"It's those two bastards!"

"My two little brothers and I were standing on the tree watching the scenery and chatting, but these two bastards attacked us while we were not paying attention!"

"They killed one of our brothers directly, and then wanted to kill another brother and me!"

"Fortunately, I consciously cultivated my blood before, otherwise they would have succeeded!"

"If I hadn't been a little powerful, the three of us would have disappeared without a trace!"

Scar was very sad. Those were his few little brothers, but because of carelessness, one of them was lost!

He said sadly, but the Crow Immortal became more and more angry as he listened.

Although he already knew these things, he couldn't help but let his head get congested when he heard it for the second time.

"Fuck you!"

"Look at me!" Crow Immortal was furious, and the golden flames wrapped around his body rose instantly.

As he urged the flames on his body, the temperature around him instantly rose by more than ten degrees.

The trees that were slightly closer to him began to spontaneously combust.

Looking at the almost invisible Root Ninja, Crow Immortal flapped his wings and a huge fireball flew over there.

The speed of the fireball was very fast, and even if it did not touch anything in the air, it left a continuous black burnt mark on the ground, and a raging fire began to burn around it.

At this moment, Crow Immortal looked up and snorted coldly, "Look at your mother!"

It felt a sense of peeping when it just came over, and now it's still there!

Isn't this looking down on it? !

Crow Immortal thought, and the flames on his body burst out again. Sarutobi Hiruzen and others in the Hokage's office saw this scene and fell silent.

The crystal ball no longer displayed the picture at this time, and it was obvious that the chakra was cut off.

"As expected of a sage from the summoning beast tribe who has mastered natural energy."

"So powerful." Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, and at the same time calculated in his mind how likely he would be to win against Crow Sage.

The result was not good. Unless he used the Shiki Fuujin and summoned the god of death, he seemed to have no way to deal with Crow Sage.

He even felt that even if he used the Shiki Fuujin, it would be useless.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a headache.

Even so, he hadn't taken into account the ability of the Fire Crow Clan to fly.

If they flew in the sky and continued to use fire escape on Konoha, wouldn't Konoha be a fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others?

There are very few ninjutsu that can fly in the ninja world, and Konoha does not have such ninjutsu.

The Rock Village does have the Light and Heavy Rock Jutsu and the Heavy Rock Jutsu, and they also want to get them, but this is the secret of the Rock Village, and they have sent many spies to get it but they haven't gotten it.

The secret technique that can fly is, without exception, extremely precious ninjutsu.

Moreover, the ninjas and ninjutsu of the ninja world basically do not pose much threat to flying things in the air.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen was about to go bald.

At this time, a moment after the crystal ball disappeared, the fireball directly hit the position where the two root ninjas were originally.

Although the two of them had tried their best to avoid it, the fireball hit the ground and the flames swept around, and they were inevitably contaminated by the flames.

This kind of flame has strong adhesion and high temperature. The two of them just touched it a little, and the flames expanded and burned like an accelerant.

But in a moment, the two were covered by the flames.

At the same time, there were two screams.

The two root ninjas fell to the ground and tried to roll over to put out the flames on their bodies, but it was useless. No matter how they struggled, the flames never showed any signs of weakening.

The two root ninjas wailed and screamed on the ground, regretting very much in their hearts.

They did not expect that it was a very simple task, but now it has become like this.

Just as the two of them were struggling, Sarutobi Shinnosuke appeared not far from them wearing a spiral mask.

Seeing the two people, even as the captain of the Anbu, he was a little terrified.

Too miserable!

There were many thoughts in his mind, but his hands were not slow, and he quickly formed a seal, "Water Style: Water Array Wall!"

He formed a seal and pressed it on the ground, and the water continued to flow out and hit the two root ninjas.

The flames on their bodies were a little smaller, but only a little smaller. Under the water flow of the water array wall, these flames were much smaller, but still existed.

Seeing another masked ninja coming out, Crow Immortal was surprised, and then his eyes narrowed, ready to throw another fireball out.

However, just as it started to move, Yuichi Yuuki's voice came from not far away, "Slow!"

"Save him!"

Yuichi Yuuki's voice was a little anxious. He was in the Hokage's office watching him leave from the spiral mask Anbu.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to be calling Shinnosuke at the time.

Isn't this Asuma Sarutobi's brother?

If he was killed by Crow Hermit, it would be a bit of a mess.

At the same time, he also understood why only Sarutobi Asuma failed the early graduation examination.

If his brother wanted to graduate early, and he was the examiner, he would never be able to graduate early.

Hearing Yuuki Yuichi's voice, Crow Sage stopped and turned to look at him, as if waiting for him to speak again.

Yuki Yuichi and Uzumaki Kushina ran over, glanced at Sarutobi Shinnosuke who had almost extinguished the flames, and said, "They are not in the same group."

Hearing this, the Crow Immortal nodded. If they were not in the same group, then it would not need to continue attacking.

"What the fuck, who are the people behind those two bastards?!"

"I'm going to crush him to ashes!"

Feeling the temperature, Yuuki Yuichi wiped the sweat from his forehead and couldn't help but said, "Let's collect our magical powers first."

"The temperature here is too high to bear."

As he spoke, he wiped his sweat again.

Seeing his appearance, the Crow Immortal did not continue to maintain the flames on his body, and even the big crows behind him did not continue to maintain their flames.

The temperature here is hotter than standing in the sun for two hours in the summer.

Just standing here, he felt like he was going to have a heat stroke.

He knew that even if the Big Crow and hundreds of Fire Crows maintained the flame in one place, the temperature here would not rise too much, only five or six degrees above the sky.

It's so hot here, it's most likely the Crow Immortal's flame.

This is really scary.

In just a short time, the temperature soared so much.

And just now when Sarutobi Shinnosuke used the water formation wall to extinguish the flames, he also saw that in so much water, the flames were still not extinguished instantly.

But it slowly weakened.

Although these flames are not as good as the Amaterasu Black Flame, they feel equally terrifying.

Crow Sage glanced at Sarutobi Shinnosuke who was performing a healing technique in the distance, and then looked at Uzumaki Kushina next to Yuki Yuichi, "For Yuichi-chan's sake, I won't care so much!"

"Just hand over the person behind this matter and that's it."

The Crow Immortal just wants to kill the person behind this.

It could tell at a glance that the two masked ninjas were organized.

Uzumaki Kushina seemed not to have expected Crow Sage to say such words to her.

She was just watching the excitement and had no idea to deal with such a thing. She immediately shook her head and said: "I don't care about this. I just came over with Yuyi to take a look."

"Don't worry about the two of us."

"But I can tell you who is behind it."

Uzumaki Kushina is a little afraid that the world will not be chaotic, but in fact it is true. She is extremely disgusted with Danzo, the dog who has always coveted her, and even wishes that Crow Sage would kill Danzo.

Hearing her words, Crow Immortal was a little surprised, but he still said, "Who is the person behind the scenes?"

"It's a bitch named Danzo. He has a bandage on his head and is blind in one eye."

"So maybe it's a little psychologically twisted and a little perverted."

Crow Immortal nodded, "I understand!"

"I'm going to find your Hokage!"

"You all go back to me! I leave this place to your boss!" Crow Immortal shouted behind him, and then flew directly towards the Hokage Building.

Looking at Crow Sage's size, Uzumaki Kushina sighed, "Is this Crow Sage?"

"It's indeed very powerful."

"It seems that Danzo's old ghost is going to be miserable this time!" Uzumaki Kushina said, with a smile on her face as her trick was successful.

Yuki Yuichi looked at her with a helpless look, "Speaking of which, even if you don't say anything, Elder Danzo, who is the mastermind behind this, will still be in a miserable state."

Listening to Yuki Yuichi's words, Uzumaki Kushina hit him on the head, put his hands behind his back and said, "What do you know?"

"I'll tell Crow Sennin who is behind this first, so that Danzo won't find a scapegoat."

Yuuki Yuichi twitched his lips when he heard this. No wonder you told everyone about Danzo's special appearance. That's what you thought.

While the two were talking, Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato came over.

They also saw Crow Sage heading towards the Hokage Building.

I originally wanted to chat with the Crow Immortal, but now I have no chance.

Walking to Uzumaki Kushina's side, Namikaze Minato said: "Did Crow Sage say anything?

He asked Kushina Uzumaki.

Hearing his words, Uzumaki Kushina curled her lips and said, "As long as the mastermind behind the scenes is handed over, it will be over."

"If you ask me, just hand this piece of shit Danzo over to Crow Sennin."

"Otherwise, it would be difficult for Konoha to withstand this anger if we fight."

Uzumaki Kushina said, pointing to Sarutobi Shinnosuke who was still performing healing techniques on the two root ninjas in the distance.

"That's it. With a slight wave of his wings, he threw out a fire escape that was several meters long. It didn't even hit the two ninjas directly at the base."

"It was only slightly stained by some sputtering flames, and it immediately burned the whole person."

"It even took a while to extinguish the fire with the water formation wall."

"Those flames are still burning inside Water Escape."

Hearing Uzumaki Kushina's words, Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru both frowned.

Jiraiya looked at the situation in the distance, frowned and said, "If this fight breaks out, no matter whether we win or lose, Konoha will be destroyed."

"It's not just that." Orochimaru licked his lips beside him, "If a fight breaks out, the forest here will be destroyed."

"If this is what Kushina described, as long as a trace of flame splashes into the forest of death, then...hehehe."

Orochimaru didn't finish his words, but everyone present knew what he meant.

Konoha is surrounded by forests, with only one road leading to the outside. According to the adhesion and combustion-supporting properties of these flames, as long as a trace of flame is splashed out, the entire forest and Konoha will be burned to ashes.

Any water-style ninjutsu to put out the fire is useless.

In this case, as long as the fight breaks out, Konoha will suffer a bloody loss regardless of whether it wins or loses.

If they win, Danzo will be saved, and then Konoha will be destroyed, and even the prestige and face mentioned by the two advisors will be gone.

After all, we can't expect Konoha to be gone, what face and prestige can we have.

If they lose, then Danzo will not be saved, and then Konoha will be destroyed, and even some strong people will be killed.

The result of both is just whether Danzo is dead or not.

But whether he is dead or not, as long as he fights with Crow Immortal, Konoha will be destroyed, and then other ninja villages will be ready to move.

Whether they win or lose, it is a bad result for Konoha.

Namikaze Minato frowned, and then sighed. Now Crow Hermit has gone to the Hokage Building.

I hope the Hokage and the two advisors don't worry too much about this.

Otherwise, it will be a disaster.

"Danzo. Alas." Jiraiya sighed, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I remember you seem to be in the Root, right?" Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru and said.

Looking at Jiraiya, Orochimaru snorted and laughed, "Soon you won't be."

"I was just helping the teacher to look after Danzo."

"But after this incident, the teacher won't let me go."

Orochimaru said, looking at Yuichi Yuuki, and then looking away, focusing on the Root ninja whose flesh and blood had been burned.

"That flame is very similar to the legendary black flame."

Namikaze Minato also looked over there and said, "It is true."

Amaterasu Black Flame also exists in the legend of the ninja world.

Or many Mangekyo eye techniques exist in the legends of the ninja world.

Yuichi Yuuji shrugged and looked in the direction of the Hokage building.

He could also see a small black dot in the air.

That was Crow Sage.

"It should have arrived." Yuichi Yuuji said.

At this time, in the Hokage's office, Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other two with serious expressions and slammed his hands heavily on the table.

"What do you mean?!"

After he sent people to catch the fire crows, he never cared about these things, nor did he tell his subordinates to pay attention to this. His whole mind was on the affairs of the Sand Village.

In his mind, the matter about the fire crows was not worth paying attention to at all. Two elite ninjas from the root went to kill a few fire crows and brought them back for Orochimaru to study. Isn't that a sure thing?

The matter was simple and easy, not even comparable to the C-level mission.

So, in his mind, he was called here for no reason, and the key was that after he came here, they still looked at him with a dark face without saying a word.

It makes him look like a criminal of the Uchiha Guard who is born evil!

Thinking of this, Danzo was furious, "What do you mean!"

"I was studying how to deal with the Sand Village, and you suddenly called me here. What if the mission is delayed?!"

Put the blame on someone else!

These four words appeared in the minds of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other two at the same time.

But soon the three of them were relieved.

This is Danzo.

If he is not like this at some time, they are still a little uncomfortable.

"Studying the Sand Village?"

"You are studying the Fire Crow, right?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted and spoke directly.

"Your business has been exposed!"

"Impossible!" Danzo felt a little bad, but in his opinion, it was just killing a few summoned beasts, and it didn't matter even if they were discovered.

But even so, he couldn't admit it!

"I have been staying in the base of the Root all the time! I don't know what Fire Crow is or isn't!"

"If you want to cut the funding of my Root, just say so! Humph!"

Seeing that Danzo was still stubborn, Utane Koharu frowned and said, "Danzo, the fact that you sent people to kill Fire Crows has been exposed!"

"This is a big deal! Are you still pretending?!"

The Crow Immortals of the Fire Crow Clan have already arrived, but they didn't expect that Danzo would still pretend.

Hearing what they said, Danzo felt aggrieved. What did he mean by pretending?

It was just killing a few summoned beasts, so why did he have to go to trial?

Thinking about it, he stopped pretending and slapped the table and said directly, "I just saw those birds flying around and emitting fire, so I thought of catching them for research!"

"If they can develop their abilities in Fire Style, Konoha will be revived again!"

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned black.

What is revival?

When has Konoha ever declined?

Although the first Hokage held up the entire Konoha with his own strength, that was because the first Hokage was too strong!

Putting aside the strength of the first Hokage himself, Konoha at that time was not as good as when the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, was in power.

Similarly, when the second Hokage was in power, he was not as good as the current Konoha!

The current Konoha is the strongest!

He knew exactly what Danzo meant by saying this!

"Danzo! The leader of the Fire Crow Clan is here to find you!"

"Come here, I will let it know what a strong person is!" Danzo snorted coldly, "If you want to cause trouble for me, I'm afraid it's not qualified!"

Hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes gradually turned cold. He took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, "In that case, you must resolve the matters between you yourself."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, his eyes began to turn cold, "The battlefield cannot be in Konoha!"

"This is my final bottom line!"

He hadn't noticed Danzo's ability to cause trouble before, but now it was clear.

In his eyes, Danzo was almost a disaster.

Today's incident was caused by Danzo, so let him face it by himself!

They could clearly see the strength of the Crow Sage in the crystal ball. If a fight broke out in Konoha, the entire Konoha would be affected.

At that time, no matter whether we win or lose, it will not be worth it to Konoha.

Just for Danzo, it wasn't worth risking all of Konoha.

With Crow Sage's ability, I'm afraid if a fight breaks out, Konoha will be completely wiped out.

After hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, Danzo snorted, "You are afraid of even a mere psychic beast, Hiruzen, you are already old!"

"Danzo, I am the Hokage!" Hiruzen Sarutobi scolded.

"Hmph! If you want to cause trouble, then just come! It's just a fire crow!"

Danzo snorted again, turned around and walked directly outside.

"Hiruzen! You will regret it if you are so indecisive!"

As he spoke, he stepped on the iron gate that was kicked away by Kushina Uzumaki.


With a muffled sound, Danzo left here directly.

But just as he was going out, a huge fire crow was flying towards here.

Danzo frowned when he saw this, feeling something was not good.

As soon as Crow Sage arrived here, he saw Danzo at a glance. Seeing that his appearance was exactly what Uzumaki Kushina said he would, he immediately asked angrily: "Are you the fucking bastard Danzo?!"

Upon hearing this, Danzo, who was initially confused, immediately became angry.

As the leader of the Shimura clan, no one dared to say such things in front of him, whether he was a child or an adult.

When he was a child, he was the young clan leader, and later became a disciple of the Nidaime Hokage. Now he has become the elder of Konoha, the leader of the roots, and the leader of the Shimura clan.

"Are you the leader of the bullshit Fire Crow Clan?!"

"Don't say that I just killed a few fire crows, so what if I wiped out your clan?!" Danzo snorted and cursed loudly.

He deliberately amplified his voice so that the others in the room, Sarutobi Hiruzen, would know.

He dared to mess with things they didn't dare to mess with, and he dared to do things they didn't dare to do!

He wants to prove that the original teacher chose the wrong person!

He is the best candidate for Hokage!

After hearing his words, Crow Immortal's already furious mood became even more angry.

He came to the door after killing his little brother, and he still dared to be so arrogant.

This stupid Danzo already has a way to kill himself!

"Come out here!"

"Damn it, you piece of shit did this, I won't cause trouble to them anymore!"

"For Yuichi's sake, I'll be done with you!"

The Crow Immortal suppressed his furious mood.

"Come on, come on!" Danzo was also a little angry. He just killed a few fire crows for research, and they all targeted him like this!

He was going to tell these people today that Danzo was not someone to be trifled with!

Danzo spoke and ran directly out of the village. The Crow Sage stared at his back and smiled cruelly.

Just when it was about to catch up, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others walked out of the office. They were secretly surprised when they saw the Crow Sage. Then they took a deep breath and bowed ninety degrees towards it.

Now that he has made the decision to separate from Danzo, there is no problem in repairing the relationship between him and Crow Sage.

"You are the Crow Immortal of the Fire Crow Clan, right?"

"I'm really sorry. As the Hokage of Konoha, I failed to supervise you well and this happened."

"Danzo will be left to your disposal!"

"I will also handle his subordinates!"

Hearing his words, Crow Immortal showed a strange smile, "This is the best!"

"For the sake of us being contractors of the Fire Crow Clan, I won't care so much!"

"But this guy named Danzo must die!"

"Kill my little brother for just a few bucks. How dare the guy next door scold me!"

"I must let him die miserably!"

Crow Immortal has a very high vaginal capacity.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other three didn't say anything. They all heard Danzo's words just now, and they could only say that they were going further and further on the road to death.

After Crow Sage flew away, Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on the doorless threshold, "It's finally over."

After turning to bed, Xiaochun looked a little worried, "Is this really good?"

"Danzo is our elder of Konoha after all."

Mito Kadoyan sighed beside him, "This matter was caused by Danzo, so we can only let him solve it."

"Konoha cannot bear the wrath of the Fire Crow Clan."

"And Danzo is such a troublemaker." Mito Menyan said and shook his head.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes no longer had the coldness before, but instead were a little sad, "There is no need to talk about Danzo anymore."

"There's no other way around this."

"Give some compensation to the Shimura clan later."

They really had no way to deal with Danzo's matter.

The anger of the Fire Crow Clan and the Crow Sage must be borne by someone, and this matter was caused by Danzo.

The most important thing is that he originally wanted to scold Danzo and see if he could negotiate with Crow Sage.

But he didn't expect that he would directly say to Crow Sage in front of him that he would destroy his clan.

At this point, he had no other way.

Hearing this, Koharu Utatane nodded, "It can only be like this."

"I hope Danzo can survive."

"He is our teammate after all."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent. Danzo was a teammate to the two of them, but to him, in addition to being a teammate, he was also his childhood friend.

He was also his best friend.

If it weren't for this, he would never tolerate and let him go again and again.

Thinking of this, and thinking of what Danzo had done today, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed. Perhaps it was because of his indulgence that Danzo had caused such a huge disaster today.

Thinking of this, he felt a little more guilty towards Danzo.

"The rest depends on Danzo's fate."

"If he survives, he will continue to be the leader of the Root. If he doesn't survive, then give some preferential treatment to the Shimura clan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, and Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En nodded.

On the other side, Danzo had already left Konoha and headed straight for the final battle between the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, the Valley of the End.

Although he had been righteous and fearless in front of Crow Immortal before, he knew that Crow Immortal must be strong to be the leader of a summoning beast tribe.

This is also the reason why he acquiesced not to fight in Konoha.

It's not that he is afraid, but that he doesn't want to damage Konoha's things and people.

He Danzo is not afraid of anything!

The Valley of the End is not far from Konoha, and Danzo arrived there soon.

Looking at the statues of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara standing here, Danzo turned his eyes to the statue of Uchiha Madara.

"Born evil Uchiha!"

As he said this, he noticed that Crow Sage was approaching behind him, and his hands quickly formed seals, and decided to strike first.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Great Ball!"

After the seal was completed, he turned around instantly and spit out a wind style with strong cutting power from his mouth.

The wind style showed a wind line and cut towards Crow Sage.

Seeing this, Crow Sage cursed, "Fuck your mother's little Gou Ba!"

It didn't expect that it was merciful to only pursue Danzo alone, but this son of a bitch actually attacked.

Thinking of this, it cursed again, "You son of a bitch who will cut off your descendants, I will kill you with my own hands now!"

This chapter has 12,000 words, and there will be another chapter with 8,000 words later

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