“Calm down!”

“Everyone has weaknesses, the other party’s technique should look hugely consuming, and now Chakra should be left with little!”

“He fights this way, he won’t last long! As long as I drag until he chakra runs out, then I win! ”

Shang Shinobu thought so.

While dealing with Shuo Yue’s melee attack with extremely rich combat experience, he thought about the way to defeat Shuo Yue.

He now regarded Shuoyue as an equal opponent!

Everything is false, and it can be seen from the fact that he solved his three middle ninja subordinates in one go, this person cannot be measured by common sense!

Those three Zhongnin were all taken out by him for nearly a hundred missions, although in this way, they were not the enemies of this teenager!

This genius of Uchiha!

“Are you thinking of stalling for time and consuming my Chakra?” Shuo Yue suddenly spoke up.

Hearing this, Shang couldn’t help but be surprised, his mind was suddenly recognized so easily!

Is this still a teenager who has just graduated from ninja school?

“Hehe, judging by your expression, I should have guessed.” The corners of Shuoyue’s mouth curled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the short knife in his hand once again appeared in flames, and once again rushed towards Shangnin.

The wind is fierce!!

The same flame tornado set off by that hot blade, the same action, the same escape from the flames…

Shangnin jumped back, still in mid-air, he felt that this scene seemed familiar!

Although the two sides often repeat their moves in battle, they are not exactly the same, right?

He even had the height of his jump, the speed at which he landed, the burning pain in his arm… It’s all exactly the same!

“Wait, this place has just been burned!” Shangnin suddenly came to his senses and looked at his right arm.

In his first confrontation with Shuo Yue, his right arm was burned by the flames.

But now, that wound seems to have suddenly recovered at a certain moment, and then burned again?!

This fantastic feeling….

“No, it’s an illusion!?”

Shangnin was shocked again, he obviously opened the chakra eye, but he didn’t notice the slightest sign of the illusion technique!

Instead, after falling into the set set by others, I suddenly noticed it!

“When exactly?”

No, it’s not right!

It was not so much that he noticed it, but that the other party deliberately let him find out!

This…… He, a Uchiha clan with three-hook jade chakra eyes, was actually so despised by the next child?!

Just when he felt ashamed of himself, in the illusion, the third cycle had already begun!

Unconsciously, the two of them fought back to their original positions, and Shuo Yue also rushed forward once again with the blade containing terrifying heat!

At this moment, Shangnin first set his eyes on his right arm, and sure enough, the burns there didn’t know when they had recovered!

“Then, for the third time, I won’t be hit by the same trick again!”

Thinking in his heart, Shangnin immediately made a seal, and spit out a character in his mouth: “Solution!” ”

Along with the frantic movement of the Sharingan, he disturbed his chakra.

However, the ‘illusion’ in front of him has not been lifted!

The boy was still rushing towards him with a knife!

“Nani!? Isn’t this an illusion? “Shangnin is beginning to doubt life!

Maybe the physical battle will be repeated, but the injuries on his body definitely show that he is in the illusion!

But why, I have obviously ‘unraveled’ the illusion, and this scene is still in front of me?

Without having time to think about it, he was burned by the flame tornado again, and this time the injury was even more serious due to the stunned kung fu!

The third time he jumped backwards, his face full of disbelief.

Holding his burning arm, he couldn’t help but ask, “Is this an illusion?” ”

Is this an illusion?

Even he himself is not sure!

However, what answered him was Shuoyue’s indifferent and merciless sword!

“In that case, I’m going to get real!” Shangnin’s face changed, and his expression was as solemn as if he were approaching a great enemy.

The illusion technique that even his chakra eyes couldn’t see through, even the conventional illusion cracking technique didn’t have the slightest effect, and he only had one choice, that is, to defeat Shuoyue here!

Shang Shinobu may not seem to have anything in normal times, and even often suffers the loss of Shinobi, but in their real battle, once it breaks out desperately, it is absolutely terrifying!

I saw that as soon as his toes landed, the whole person suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, it was already Shuoyue’s left.

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”

Shangnin quickly sealed and released a huge fireball, and at the same time mixed several Ku Wu that he had just picked up in the fireball.

Having seen the Shuoyue Technique, he deeply understood that such a combined attack would not be able to achieve anything at all!

Of course, this is really just a feint.

This one who released ninjutsu is actually just a shadow doppelganger!

And his body has quietly touched Shuo Yue’s back!

There are many ways to kill, and for ninjas, the most effective and low-key killing is very simple.

With all four fingers together, he used his entire palm as a blade, stabbing straight towards Shuoyue’s back!

Laugh at!!

Shangnin moved its true character, and the start was really ruthless!

This knife directly penetrated Shuo Yue’s chest!

The dead can’t die anymore!

“Now, it’s time for this illusion to end… Right? Shangren muttered uncertainly, in many kinds of illusions, it is a contest between the caster and the middle magician, and the caster controls everything in the illusion, but if the difference in strength is too large, he will also be counter-killed.

Since Uchiha Shuoyue wants to repeat with him in this illusion, then he will kill him in the illusion!

In general, then the illusion should be over!


It doesn’t seem to be that simple!

The corpse in front of him, which was put through his chest with his arm, was slowly dissipating like a mist, and right in front of him, a new Uchiha Shuoyue was resurrected!

At the beginning of the resurrection, he rushed towards him with a knife!

What a familiar picture!

“What the hell is this illusion!!” Shangnin began to lose his breath.

An illusion that cannot be solved, an illusion that keeps repeating, this is really maddening!

And most importantly, his dignity is swept away!

Knowing that this is an illusion, obviously having a talent like the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye, if someone else uses illusion on him, he can even bounce back!

But why can’t he even solve the illusion technique used by this teenager now!?

“When the hell did you use magic on me?! I’m obviously prepared! What the hell are you doing with this! ”

Shang Ren was incompetent and furious, and he found that not only the burns on his body would recover at a certain moment, but even the other party’s Chakra would recover at the same time at that moment!

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