After a very satisfying night, he walked towards Obito's house at dawn the next day.

When he jumped into Obito's window, Obito was still washing and planning to go to school.

"Wow! Biao, can you go through the door once?"Obito was so frightened that he swallowed the mouthwash and complained.

However, when he saw clearly the equipment on Sakuyue's body, all the complaints disappeared instantly, and he was stunned in shock.

"You, you, you actually! When did you become a chuunin?"

"Oh, this, I was just promoted yesterday."Sakuyue didn't care, as if being promoted to a chuunin was as easy as drinking plain water.


Obito rubbed Sakuyue's chuunin vest curiously, as if he saw some treasure other than Nohara Rin!

Sakuyue slapped Obito's hand away and said disgustedly:"Isn't it disgusting? Don't touch me!"

"Oh, no, can you lend me some clothes?"

"Can Konoha's vests be borrowed at will?"


Obito was a little disappointed. Just when he thought Sakuyue was going to be criticized, Sakuyue graduated from the ninja school ahead of schedule. Just when he was still envious of Sakuyue graduating early, Sakuyue had been promoted to a chuunin. Now!

And he is still a student in the ninja school!

This difference is not even a small difference!

But this gap is really disappointing!

Obito's disappointment is written on his face. The old cousin who used to be funny said comfortingly:"Obito, be strong!!"

"I'm fine!"

"Well, aren't you determined to surpass Kakashi?"

"That being said, I……"

Obito was still struggling, but suddenly he saw a flash of red light. When he looked carefully, he happened to meet a pair of vermilion three-magatama Sharingan!



Before he could react, Obito fell under Sakutsu's genjutsu.

In this illusion, he did not need to create any kind of environment to assassinate Obito, nor did he need to torture him over and over again like Yue Du did.

What Sakuyue has to do is just spoil the episode about Nohara Rin's death, oh no, show it to him!

Nohara Rin has always been a calamity in Obito's heart. That girl is determined not to be with Obito. The two of them have no destiny.

Even though Obito insisted on saving her when she was captured!

Although Obito almost gave up his life to save her and Kakashi!

She still isn't attracted to Obito!

This also proves that...licking the dog will result in nothing!

Some people don't like you just because they don't like you. Even if you give everything, you may not get it!

Even if you get it, it's still too much!

Unless you don’t care if it’s sweet or not, you just want to twist it off!

Obviously, Obito cares about this melon

‘The genjutsu Sharingan is not as powerful as the moon. There is no time difference. As long as the genjutsu lasts, he will stay in reality as long as it lasts.

As time went on, Sakuyue saw Obito's face bursting with tears.

When he washed up in the morning, he didn't wear those ugly goggles. The amount of tears he shed was even greater than when he had injections as a child!

Slowly, his aura changed, and his sadness almost became substantial, which shocked Shuo Yue.

Genjutsu often creates the most terrifying images deep in the target's heart. Obito didn't know what he was most afraid of, but Nohara Lin's death was definitely something he didn't want to see.

As the sadness grew stronger, Obito's brain began to produce special chakra that only belonged to the Uchiha clan, and eventually flowed into his eyes.

His eyes turned red, and a magatama was spinning rapidly on his iris, but he obviously had no intention of stopping.

The original Obito had double magatama eyes when he opened his eyes. At that time, he thought he was just protecting his friends.

And what he saw now, although it was just an illusion, was the death of Nohara Lin after all. How could he allow her to die!

A magatama spins rapidly and quickly evolves into a double magatama!

The double magatama is still spinning rapidly and has not stopped at all!

Sakutsu couldn't help but frown. Obito's expression was already very painful, which meant that he might still have the motivation to continue developing his Sharingan.

Then, as long as he takes one step further, he can reach the same level as him - three magatama!

Sakutsu has no objection to this. Let alone the three magatama, if Obito can turn on the kaleidoscope, he will be happy for him!

As for, are you afraid that Obito will surpass him?

That doesn't exist!

If you are dissatisfied because you are surpassed, it only means that you are not good enough. What kind of man do you think you are if you blame others? waste?

How can you still suppress others and prevent them from growing?

If you are overtaken, chase back yourself!

This is the right way!

However, the facts disappointed Shuo Yue!

Just when Obito's second magatama was spinning rapidly and was about to evolve into the third magatama, his eyelids drooped and he fell backwards!


Shuoyue, with quick eyes and quick hands, quickly grabbed Obito and carried him onto the tatami.

"Sure enough, there is still an age limit, because I can't bear the pressure, so I can only stop here!"

He clearly remembered how painful it was when he opened his eyes for the first time.

And Obito was just a seven-year-old child. The first time he opened his eyes, he directly reached the second magatama. It was already a huge burden on him!

Just that The pain is enough to make people faint!


, at this age, Nimagatama is considered a top talent even among the Uchiha clan!

After he recovers, he should be able to compete with Kakashi! A battle! As for

Sarutobi Asuma, who had beaten him violently before, he was no longer his match!

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to pinch Obito in an attempt to wake him up.

Among those who pinched and swollen Obito, Obito didn't react at all, like a dead pig!

"Madan, it’s too big!!"

Cursing secretly, Sakuyue picked up Obito again and ran towards Konoha Hospital!

Originally, he just wanted to use illusions to stimulate Obito's potential, but he didn't expect that this idiot actually took it seriously!

That means he is really here. He was injured during the genjutsu!

Just now, I thought he was dizzy because he couldn't bear the power of the two Magatama Sharingan!

Now that the genjutsu is injured, he can only be admitted to Konoha Hospital, which costs a lot of money!

"What a stupid thing. When you make money in the future, I will charge ten times the interest!"


Konoha Hospital also lost its conscience hospital. When Sakuyue hurried in with Obito on his back, someone immediately came over to help.

After carrying Obito for emergency treatment, he was pushed into the ward.

There is a sign on the door of the ward stating that no one is allowed to enter, and the patient needs to rest.

But through the glass, Sakuyue saw a white-haired man next to Obito in the ward!

"Yes, you two are truly destined! Just give up on girls and go fight with bayonets!"

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