
Jiraiya opened the door to the conference room.

The light cast his shadow on the wall, as well as the figure behind him.


Jiraiya suddenly stopped, turned to look at the woman behind him, and said with a wry smile: "You don't actually need to come, the old man didn't even call you..."

Tsunade's pale face still showed fatigue and confusion.

Her right arm is still wrapped in a bandage and hanging around her neck. She looks very different from her previous vigorous and resolute image.

"Is this a Jonin meeting?"

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Tsunade seemed to come to her senses, raised her eyes and glanced at him, and said calmly: "Can't I participate now?"

Feeling as if he had said the wrong thing again, Jiraiya scratched his head in distress.

However, he did not dare to say anything more to the now sensitive Tsunade.

Tsunade looked tired as if she hadn't slept for a long time, but in fact she slept 14 of the 24 hours a day.

Even so, there is still a sense of powerlessness, which can only be attributed to mental fatigue.

I was mentally damaged by the death of the rope tree, and suffered a heavy blow at this time, so I always relived that day in my dreams, causing me to often wake up while falling asleep.

A doctor cannot heal himself, and a doctor cannot heal himself.

This is Tsunade's current state.

"You two are actually here too."

At this moment, as a generous voice reached his ears, a round figure walked over.

Hearing this voice, Jiraiya quickly turned around and said respectfully: "Senior Tofeng."

The first person who took the initiative to talk to them after entering was Akimichi Tifeng, who is now the leader of the Akimichi clan.

He was once the same generation as Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Kagami Uchiha, Kado Mito, and Koharu Koharu. They were all spotted by the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama and joined the elite guard force, under his direct leadership and teaching. .

But at that time, he always carried out missions with Uchiha Mirror.

After the death of Uchiha Kagami, he quietly and naturally faded out of the high-level circles of Konoha, and returned to the Akimichi clan to cultivate future generations.

Even so, his seniority was still so terrifying that Jiraiya had to call him uncle.


Seeing Tsunade standing silently, Jiraiya tugged on her sleeves, turned to Akimichi Totifu and apologized: "I'm sorry, she's not in a good mental state recently."

"You don't have to be so polite." Qiudao Qifeng waved his hand nonchalantly, his chubby face smiling like a Buddha, as if he no longer had the pride of his youth.

"Looks like you're recovering well?"

He glanced at Tsunade's arm. The plaster on it had been knocked off, and it was just a bandage with medicine. He smiled and said: "If you have time, you can come to me in the clan. I still have some secret medicine there. Maybe I can help you.”


After a moment of silence, Tsunade whispered her thanks and looked at her arm.

It would take an average person several months to return to normal life after suffering such an injury, but it was obvious that her bones and flesh were healing faster than anyone at Konoha Hospital had imagined.

Speaking of which, it was all thanks to Jiraiya.

When she was brought for rescue, her bones, flesh, and meridians were severely damaged. She was a disabled person with a splint. She could only lie on the bed, taking medicine and IV drips, and was moved here and there.

At first, nurses took care of her daily life, but the sensitive and irritable Tsunade was really difficult to take care of, so Jiraiya, who couldn't stand it, simply took care of her personally.

Tsunade's mood was a bit complicated at first, until this pervert with evil intentions...

He insisted on supporting Tsunade and taking her to relieve herself. Tsunade was so disposed that she jumped over the wall and punched Jiraiya in the face with her right hand, which directly broke the arm plaster.

Jiraiya flew out while still shouting in mid-air, saying that it was this familiar feeling.

Tsunade felt that she would never forget Jiraiya's mean look at that time in her life.

Thinking of this, she glanced at the tall Jiraiya beside her, with some complicated emotions flashing in her eyes.

"Although the recovery speed of bone and muscle injuries is amazing, and the doctors don't understand what changes have occurred in Tsunade's physique, the injury to the meridians that conduct chakra in the arm is still not good."

Jiraiya scratched his head and said with a wry smile: "So, the doctor's advice to her is to change her left hand to her dominant hand after the injury is healed."

He actually secretly asked Mito-sama during this time.

She said that according to her and Tsunade's previous assumptions about the Yin Seal, if twenty years of chakra were released with the cooperation of slugs, the "Creation Regeneration" technique might be able to repair Tsunade's injuries.

Although the chance sounds slim, it is at least a hope, which is enough to cheer up Jiraiya.

But he didn't dare tell Tsunade until he was sure it was possible.

The current Tsunade cannot withstand any emotional stimulation. If she goes from disappointment to hope to despair, the tight string will probably be completely broken.

"Have you said enough?"

Hearing Tsunade's deep voice next to him, Jiraiya immediately closed his mouth, pretending to be stupid and turned his head to look at the conference room. After seeing clearly, he was really stunned for a moment.

"Why did the old man call so many people?"

Under the light of the conference room, not only the shadows of the two of them were printed, but the outlines of figures swayed in rows on the walls on both sides, some were old or young, some were moderate and simple, or some were ambitious.

As the Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Shitai and as the Hyuga clan leader, Hyuga Fumito, the two clan leaders who looked down upon each other were actually called to a meeting by the old man.

They were standing on both sides of the conference table, without even looking at each other, as if they thought the other party was unlucky.

There are also the Nara clan, the Yamazaka clan, the Akimichi clan, as well as the heads of famous ninja clans such as Sarutobi, Shimura, Inuzuka, and Aburame, who are Inokacho.

In addition, Jiraiya also saw some young and unfamiliar faces.

For example, the man with long blue hair and a gentle smile talked happily with others.

As if he was keenly aware of Jiraiya's gaze, the blue-haired man who was talking to the others turned his head.

After looking at Jiraiya, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded politely to Jiraiya, his eyes sweeping across the face of Tsunade beside him.

"That's Kato Dan."

Akimichi Tofeng explained the confusion on the side: "The newly promoted Jounin of Konoha is proficient in S-level forbidden arts and spiritual transformation techniques, and his reputation seems to be very good."

Seeing such a complete lineup of Jonin in front of him, Jiraiya suddenly felt a little heavy.

The core of Konoha is basically gathered in this conference room. If a spy can sneak into this occasion and carry out a suicide bombing, Konoha will be completely buried in the tomb with the collapsed building.

I remember that the last time a jonin meeting was held for such a big battle, it was probably the aftermath meeting of the first ninja war.

So, what will be the theme of this meeting?


The door to the conference room rang, and then someone pushed it open from the outside.

"Looks like everything is here."

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