The night was dark.

"How detestable! Those Kusagakure guys! They killed the ninjas in their own village to such an extent just for an unnecessary war!"

In the small house of Yifeng's family, Naruto's angry voice rang out.

"Oh, so scary!" Sakura took a deep breath and said with a moved expression: "So such terrible things are happening in the ninja villages outside?"

"Terrible things are not only happening in the ninja villages outside." Ino patted her best friend's shoulder and sighed: "It also happened in our Konoha."

As she spoke, she glanced at Sasuke leaning against the wall with a meaningful look.

"Tell me this true experience for our learning task today." Yi Feng, wearing black-framed glasses, sat at the long table and said in a gentle voice: "How do you think we can avoid such a thing from happening?"

"Beat those guys with bad intentions!" Naruto spoke first and shouted loudly: "Beat them until they are scared, and then make them promise not to do such things again!"

"Promises should be useless, right?" Sakura frowned and said softly: "Even if they temporarily succumb to your force, what if they continue to do it after you leave?"

"We should send Rina and her daughter to a safe place." Ino pondered for a moment and expressed his opinion: "Hide their identities so that they will not be coveted by others."

"Humph, that's just a temporary solution." Sasuke snorted and said lightly: "It can't change the essence of the problem."

"What do you think, Sasuke?" Sakura asked with a burning gaze.

"Except for the mother and daughter, all the ninjas in Kusagakure Village will be killed!" Sasuke said with cold eyes and a proud expression.

"Kill, kill them all?" Sakura's expression suddenly became a little stiff, and she said intermittently: "Isn't this too extreme?"

"Long-term illness requires heavy medicine. The village that treats human life as recovery medicine is obviously hopeless." Sasuke glanced at her and said indifferently: "Let them survive in the world, they will only continue to harm others."

"I don't agree!" Naruto slapped the table and stood up and said: "If you kill casually like you do, what's the difference between you and the bastards in the Kusagakure Village?"

"The difference is that I stand on the side of justice." Sasuke said lightly.

"Bullshit, you are not justice at all!" Naruto retorted.

"Two, two..." Hinata, who was sitting on the side, was obviously frightened by the scene, but her first reaction was not to escape, but to mediate the dispute between the two.

Unfortunately, the voice was too small, and Naruto and Sasuke didn't hear it.

"Why don't you listen to Teacher Yifeng's opinion?" Shikamaru suddenly spoke, interrupting the two people's swords. "Since it is a question raised by Teacher Yifeng, there should be a standard answer, right?"

As he spoke, he looked at the boy with glasses with a meaningful look.

Shikamaru is now more and more certain that his good brother is planning something big behind the scenes!

Not only that, the other party also wants to mix up the students present.

This makes Shikamaru feel complicated and hesitant.

Should he follow up or stay away from this vortex completely?

Shikamaru has no answer yet.

So he wants to get more information from Yifeng so that he can make a judgment.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the room immediately turned their eyes to Yifeng, and their faces showed expectant expressions.

"Unfortunately, there is no so-called standard answer to this question." Yifeng smiled and said softly: "Everyone has different thoughts and values, and the solutions they come up with are also different. In other words, your answers can actually be regarded as answers."

"All?" Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

"It's just an answer, but it's not the best solution in your mind, right?" Shikamaru stared at his friend, with a serious expression on his face that he had never had before. "Teacher Yifeng, I want to know what the best solution in your mind is?"

"Break the old Kusagakure system and build a new Kusagakure system." Yifeng's mouth corners slightly curved, and said calmly: "These two are a whole, and they must go hand in hand and are indispensable."

"Break the old system and build a new system?" Everyone muttered this sentence in their mouths, thinking.

Shikamaru quickly understood the deep meaning of it, and took a breath with complicated eyes and said: "The road you chose is destined to be a sea of ​​blood and corpses. Is it worth it?"

"Death is not worth fearing. Not knowing why to die is the real horror." Yifeng's lips spit out lightly, and his eyes behind the transparent lenses seemed to be burning with fire. "Shikamaru, I think you should understand this truth."

Shikamaru fell into silence, his eyes tangled.

"Let's stop here today, everyone." Yifeng looked at the classmates in the room and smiled gently:"I have prepared some written materials for you, hoping to answer your current doubts."

The so-called written materials are actually part of the textbooks of Wave Country compiled by Yifeng. It includes the analysis of the structure of the ninja world, the origin of ninjas, and the nature of daimyo and nobles.

Everyone took the books and said goodbye one after another.

Sasuke stayed and looked at Yifeng with complicated eyes and said, "What you just said is not just directed at Kusagakure, right?"

Although he is not as sharp-minded as Shikamaru, the hedgehog-headed boy in front of him is also a smart man. As long as he thinks about it for a while, he will understand the deep meaning of Yifeng's words.

"Indeed. The backward old system is a common phenomenon in the ninja world." Yifeng did not hide it and said very bluntly: "Kusagakure has it, and other ninja villages also have it."

"So, are you going to be an enemy of the entire ninja world?" Sasuke took a breath and said in a low voice.

"You are wrong, Sasuke."

Yi Feng's mouth curled up, and he smiled gently: "Those oppressors who follow and maintain the old system can't actually represent the entire ninja world. They are just good at disguising themselves. They disguise their own interests as the interests of the entire ninja world, but in fact they are persecuting and enslaving the lower classes."

Sasuke stopped talking and fell into deep thought.

"Sasuke, I have an old friend here who has always wanted to see you." Yi Feng walked to the side of the cupboard and tapped the wall beside him.


In Sasuke's surprised and stunned eyes, the floor was separated into a dark passage.

"This, this is..."

"Please go in, she's inside."


Sasuke swallowed his saliva, his face full of shock.

It was not until today that he realized how hidden his peer was! He actually built a secret base under his own house? !

This kind of thing is definitely not allowed by the Konoha high-level officials. Didn't they find out at all?

Also, who is that old friend who wants to see him?

Sasuke was very curious, but also very nervous.

He should have discovered Yi Feng's hidden thoughts and secrets now. Would he be silenced? Or, is this a trap?

Forget it!

Sasuke took a deep breath and walked down the stairs.

At this point, retreating will make the other party look down on him! For the glory of Uchiha, he will hold his head high even if he dies!


The environment below is not as dark as Sasuke originally imagined, but as bright as day.

Walking through the long corridor, you can see all kinds of sci-fi research equipment placed in the compartments on both sides. Until the end of a huge platform supported by dozens of pillars, Sasuke's eyes appeared with a familiar back.

Black hair shawl, wearing a dazzling black gauze dress. Slowly turned around and showed a gentle smile to Sasuke. "Long time no see, little Sasuke."

"Mom, Mom?!" Sasuke's pupils dilated and he shouted with a moved face.

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