Everyone was stunned, it's

over, this time Xiao Yun is really finished!

No one can escape from my Ailuo's sand escape quality three companies, even if there is, it is not something that a shinobi can do.

There was a dead silence in the izakaya under the moonlight, some were sad, some were excited, some were gloating, and the Hokage in the luxurious private room pressed down the Hokage straw hat on his head, he didn't want to see the picture of a generation of geniuses falling.

Finally, he turned the TV on mute, turned his head and drank the Niu Er in the wine jug, endless remorse flashed in his cloudy old eyes.

He regretted it, if he hadn't thought about it so much, he would have acted according to the rules and regulations of Konoha, and the one who could make the Chakra detector sound nine times should have been personally guided by the Hokage.

In that case, Xiao Yun would be able to stay by his side, hide him well, and guide him carefully, how can there be so much?"

"Old man, I'm sorry Konoha"

A trace of tears flashed in the old eyes of Ape Fei Ri, and he hugged the secretary chick beside him, and then cried bitterly.

"Ah, Hokage-sama, ...... you" The secretary chick looked at the three generations of Hokage in horror, obviously frightened.


Thinking that a generation of geniuses was about to fall, Ape Feiri couldn't help crying even more, and he had to hug it tighter, and buried his head deeper.

The secretary chick's brain was blank, and she stood in place, she didn't expect that such a resolute man as the three generations of Hokage would have such a weak side, and she couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

The crying continued, and the three generations of Hokage shook their heads in tears, rubbing their heads on their clothes, making the secretary chick at a loss.

"Fire ...... Hokage-sama, look at it"

Just when the secretary chick was at a loss, her eyes suddenly widened and she looked at the screen incredulously.

"What are you looking at? Let the old man rub it for a while, I'll ......"

Before the three generations of Hokage finished speaking, the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of the TV, and his eyes instantly widened like copper bells, staring at the screen.

I saw that on the screen, at the moment when Xiao Yun was dragged into the soil, the orange-red chakra burst out.

The third Hokage stopped what he was doing, snatched the remote control from his secretary's hand, and turned the volume up to the maximum.

I can only hear it, Xiao Yun shouted violently

, the first door of the Eight Gates Dunjia ~ open the door ~ open the second door of the Eight Gates Dunjia ~ Humen ~ Open

a violent explosion sounded, Xiao Yun suddenly jumped out of the ground like a butterfly out of a cocoon.

The cyan gas fused with the orange-red chakra of the upper nine-tails, forming an eerie green chakra film that covered the surface of his body.

Yes, Xiao Yun broke through the battle, and the second door that could not be opened for a long time was finally opened, and a powerful force surged into the whole body, and his own strength was not only greatly improved.

The most important thing is that Xiao Yun felt that his consciousness had actually recovered a little, and he no longer wanted to be a killing machine quietly like he did just now.


corners of my mouth twitched, and this momentum was no less than the watermelon head just now.

"I'm Airo, you're not her opponent,"

Shouhe said coldly.

"Cut, isn't it just through the chakra of the Nine-Tails?

Shouzuru: ......

"To defeat him, you have to give my body completely to me,"

Shoutsuru said.

"I'll leave it

to you?" I Ai Luo was instantly alert, isn't this?

Leave the control of your body to you, you still haven't broken the seal, break out of the cocoon, your host must be dead, dead.

I Ai Luo subconsciously shook his head, but if he didn't let Shouhe control his body, he wouldn't be able to defeat the man in front of him, and I'm afraid that what was waiting for him at that time would be a dead word.

Grandma Li's, both horizontal and vertical, are dead, fight!

"Shouhe, I can only give you four percent of my body at most" I

love Luo Yaguan, looked at Xiao Yun viciously and said.

"Forty percent is too little,"

Shouhe said.

"At most, you will be given 49 percent, if you don't want to, it's a big deal to die together"

I Ai Luo refused to back down at all, 51 percent is his limit, this is like my Ai Luo and Shou He open a company, 51 percent of the controlling shares is the primary condition for absolute control of the company.


Shouhe had no choice but to agree.

"Dumbfounded, I love Luo!"

"Roaring, wah, wah"


A man and a tailed beast recited a very rhythmic spell at the same time, and I didn't know what to read, anyway, Xiao Yun sounded very similar to the cheerful sadness that the uncle and aunt in the village put when they left.

The milky white glow exploded instantly, lasted for a few seconds, and then faded gradually.

Xiao Yun gasped, and saw that the person in front of him had completely turned into the appearance of a crane, but his body had not become larger, the size of a normal adult, but this shape was somewhat different from the original book.

I remember that Shouzuru must be a beast, how can there be two hills of sand condensed on his chest, and he is armed with a pistol underneath, and has the characteristics of both male and female.

Especially in its yellow, black and white eyes, it reveals three points of sadness, six points of madness, and seven points of coldness.

"Ah, Uncle Ben can finally come out to breathe, as a thank you, I'll just beat you half to death"

A numbing voice came, and Shouhe stared at Xiao Yun excitedly.

Xiao Yun's eyes were over, this battle must be resolved quickly, otherwise he will fall into endless madness, as soon as he thought of this, Xiao Yun's body rushed directly towards Shouhe like a cannonball.

"Hmph, it's very fast, and the strength looks good, but it's a pity that it's just the level of that watermelon head, and it can't hurt Uncle Ben, ah"

Shouhe pointed to the sky with one hand, and five doppelgangers instantly came out of its side, surrounding the body.

At the same time, the mouths of the five doppelgangers sprayed out countless thin needles formed by the condensation of sand and shot towards Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun instinctively dodged immediately, and he could clearly feel that the fine needles condensed by these sand were not simple.

"Did you find it? It's too late!Sha Dun ~ Storm Sand Big Black Sky,"

Shouhe sneered.

I saw that a boxy yellow box appeared in the originally empty space around Xiao Yun, and when I looked closely, it turned out to be made of sand, wrapping Xiao Yun in it.

The six sides of the quadrant also have six big red characters written "burning".


corners of Shouhe's mouth rose slightly, revealing a wicked smile, and his hands made a strange mark, pointing towards the square.

The quartile formed by the condensation of sand actually burned strangely, and the night sky was lit up by raging fire.

"If you can die under Uncle Ben's trick, you can be regarded as a well-deserved death, ah"

Shouhe looked at the burning quadrant proudly.

"Your flame is very strong, I don't know how it compares to my flame?"

"Mu Dun ~ Fire and Wood Killing Technique"


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