The birth of the ninth-level holy son instantly made Konoha explode, and the competition for it gradually became white-hot.

Even second-rate families such as the Oil Girl Clan, the Yamanaka Clan, the Akido Clan, and the Inuzuka Clan have joined the fray.

After all, whoever incorporates the Divine Son into his own power, his family's status in Konoha will be greatly improved.

Xiao Yun frowned tightly, or should he follow his inner thoughts and go to the Hyuga clan to be the head of the cow, spread branches for Konoha, and create more little gods?

But when his eyes just fell on the Hyuga clan, a penetrating chill instantly swept through his body, and he saw Tsunade staring at him fiercely, as if warning himself not to go to the Hyuga clan.

Your grandmother's

! Let the labor and management touch it once and don't give it to the labor, do you know how I came over this month?

Don't let me choose? I choose it! I want to say goodbye to the five girls, I don't

want to wake up every day with a map printed on the inside, I want many, many flower girls! "I choose

the ...... of the day

" "Wait, Xiao Yun, you must follow me to cultivate the Eight Doors Dunjia, so that your talent can be brought into full play!"

Just as Xiao Yun was about to choose the Hyuga clan, a watermelon-headed man and a mighty man in a green tightsuit jumped in front of everyone.


Yun immediately recognized the man who almost kicked out the Hokage's finale.

"Hokage-sama, Danzo-sama, Hizo-sama, all the patriarchs, please forgive my subordinates for saying bluntly, the Holy Son must follow me to cultivate the Eight Gate Dun Armor in order to exert his strongest strength, and following others will only waste his talent"

Maitkai looked at everyone confidently.

"Kai, don't make trouble"

Ape Fei Ri looked at his subordinate dissatisfied.

"Maitkai, if the old man is not mistaken, you should only be able to do physical arts, the god son is so talented, you let him follow you to practice physical arts?

"9494, Maitkai, what do you think? As far as I know, after cultivating the Eight Gates Dunjia, you must stick to the essence and defend the yuan, and even women can't touch it, aren't you delaying Konoha Xiao Yun's hundred-year plan to open up branches and leaves for Konoha and create a little god son? Besides, your physical technique is useless! It's just nonsense, don't retreat quickly!"

Hinata Hinata snorted coldly and looked at Maitkai with disdain.

"Wait a minute, I have a word, please listen quietly

" Maitkai ignored the dissatisfied gazes of the three big guys, and continued: "As we all know, the Eight Gate Dunjia is a powerful ninjutsu developed by my father for ninjas who have no talent for ninjutsu cultivation, but this is not the case!"

Everyone was stunned, especially the slightly older ninjas, who all knew that Maitkai's father, Maitdai, had spent twenty years specializing in physical arts, and had developed a set of powerful physical arts, known as the Eight Doors Dunjia.

In the Second Ninja World War, Maite Dai relied on this physical technique to fight out the Seven of the Fog Shadow alone, which can be called against the sky.

His son Maitkai is even more of a Yangtze River back wave pushing the front waves, and now his attainments in physical skills are not weaker than his father's, and he has become an elite Shangninja with just one fist and foot kung fu, which is admirable.

But the so-called everything is inferior, only the ninjutsu is high, and no matter how superb Maitkai's physical skills are, he can't hand over a Mu Dun genius who is even more talented than the original Hokage Thousand Hand Pillars to you to bring disaster.

"In fact, the original name of the Eight Gates Dunjia is Chaos Tianxuan, which is a secret technique that my father got from a fairy aunt when he fell off a cliff when he was a child, this fairy aunt once said that only people with extreme vitality can cultivate Chaos Tianxuan, and my father's cultivation is only the first layer of the nine layers of

Chaos Tianxuan" "Not only that, cultivators who have cultivated Chaos Tianxuan can perfectly absorb all faction ninjutsu, even the special ninjutsu that includes the blood inheritance limit and the blood inheritance elimination can also be used freely"

"And I conclude that Xiao Yun, who has a ninth-level Mu Dun talent, is the person with extreme vitality, so I implore you, for the sake of Konoha, please hand over Xiao Yun to me for training"

After speaking, Maitkai knelt beside the three big men of Konoha with sincere eyes.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect that the so-called Eight Gate Dun Jia actually had such a mysterious origin, how could Matt Dai say that these Eight Gate Dun Armor were created by him, and he was bragging!

Xiao Yun also looked at Ma Tekai kneeling on the ground with a confused face, I really didn't expect that the so-called Eight Gate Dun Jia was actually called Chaos Tianxuan, this name is very similar to the gradual cheats of those big guys in Xiuzhen's novels.

But then again, I don't want to follow this Maitkai to cultivate, every day there is no hanging thing with a few hundred pounds of iron tied to his legs, and he can't touch a woman, such a strong road, Xiao Hei at the entrance of the village shook his head when he saw it.

I don't let go of so many beauties of the Hyuga clan, fooling around with you, when I am Kaizi

?" "Chaos Tianfu? It's actually Chaos Tianfu, the sky doesn't live up to me, master, in the dark, are you guiding me?"

At this moment, a trembling voice of excitement sounded in Xiao Yun's mind.

"System, is that you?" Xiao

Yun asked weakly.

"That's right, it's me!Hey, Hair, you go and learn Chaos Escape with this man named Maitkai,"

the system said in a commanding tone.

"Who do you call to hold the hair? You have the ability to stand in front of me, do you believe that labor and management beat you out and feed you to eat! Don't learn!" Xiao

Yun was speechless, the other system is respectful to the master, and his spicy chicken system ignores his own love and ignores it, and he also makes disrespectful remarks to himself and owes him a beating.

"You...... Okay, you don't want to learn, do you? Labor and management take away your talent, do you believe it?"

"You accept it, if you don't accept it, you're just a hair!"

"You...... Alas, forget it, I don't care about you, I just tell you, if you learn Chaos Heaven Escape, no one in this world is your opponent, even the original bullshit ninja god is a younger brother in front of you, how about learning or not?"

The system softened his tone.

"Don't learn, he's meowing, didn't you listen to the old guy of the Hyuga clan, after learning this kung fu, you have to stick to the yuan, and you can't even touch a woman, so what's the point of living?"

Xiao Yun said angrily.

"Alas, why did I follow such a thing as you? I think that my first generation master, that is really a heavenly person, not only the talent of the ancient and modern, but also the heart of the Tao is as solid as a rock

" "Boy, if you want to stand on the top of the world, you must do it without a woman in your heart, draw the sword of nature, draw the sword of the first style, and kill the person you want first"

The tone of the system is extremely serious.

", I don't learn anyway!" Xiao

Yun was too lazy to take care of this thing.

"How are you willing to learn? You hair!" The

system's voice instantly rose by dozens of decibels, sounding a bit like a man scolding the street.

"Don't learn anything," Xiao Yun said categorically.

System: ......

"Don't worry, women can't be touched, it's just that they can't be touched for the time being, after you open the five doors

, it's okay to touch whatever you want" "I beg you, learn, Brother Xiao Yun" "Uncle Xiao Yun" "Xiao Yun's father

" "Grandpa

" "Ancestor

" "I'll knock one for you, okay?"


"Okay, okay, can't I learn what I learn? I'm afraid of you!" Xiao

Yun really admires this system, in order to let himself learn this Chaos Heaven Escape, the bottom line is gone, is this Chaos Heaven Escape very strong?

Besides, I can have such a talent, in the final analysis, it is thanks to the system, we can't be like Tsunade without conscience, right, after successfully conceived, I will leave myself aside, the gunman, I can't do this.

After all, I, Xiao Yun, have a conscience!

" I choose to follow Teacher Maitkai to cultivate the Eight Sects Dunjia!" Xiao

Yun said slowly......

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