Looking at the powerful enemy rushing at great speed, Xiao Yun's spiritual power was highly concentrated, and his eyes like purple gems emitted a strong light.


Xiao Yun spotted one of the afterimages and flew away.


young man was knocked away by a punch and slammed into the trunk of the tree, sinking into a pit, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Strangely enough, though, the smile on his face was even worse.

"Good reflexes, the only one who can do this in the lower ninja is you, except for Summerer from Thunder Shadow Village, it seems that you have to be more serious"

The young man's eyes were full of approval when he looked at Xiao Yun.

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man suddenly made a seal with his skillful hand, and shouted softly: "Tu Dun ~ Tuliu Dayang"

Although Xiao Yun instantly felt the danger, he still took a step slower, and the trees on the soles of his feet instantly turned into a pool of flowing sand, and his whole body slowly sank, and the more he struggled, the more the suction became stronger and stronger, and it was already submerged to his neck in an instant.

"The third gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia ~ Humen ~ Open"


a huge green flame into the sky, and an extremely violent force soared into the sky.


figure soared into the sky, needless to say, it was Xiao Yun.

"!" Xiao

Yun shouted, and a punch blasted out of the air.

The young man frowned slightly, and a chuckle came out of his mouth: "Good attack, it actually compresses the air, no wonder Sasuke is not your opponent"

I saw that the young man's face did not change, his left hand was raised slightly, and he gently waved his fist towards Xiao Yun.


two invisible currents collided in the air, emitting a dull roar.

Seeing that he didn't succeed in one blow, Xiao Yun swung his fists one after another, and countless qigong waves rolled towards the young man.

The young man shook his fists in the same way, and the blast in the air roared, and the wind howled, and the nearby trees were broken off one after another, and the leaves flew everywhere.

Xiao Yun was shocked in his heart, he had opened three doors, and his strength was so great, I am afraid that even Shangren could not be tough head-on, and the young man in front of him could attack himself so lightly, this power was too strong.

Who the hell is this person?

After fifteen minutes of attack, the young man still had a leisurely expression, and even his breathing did not change, while Xiao Yun was already tired and out of breath.

This guy is simply not human, and he can't compete with him anymore!

Xiao Yun felt that the limit time of his Eight Gate Dun Armor was almost up, and he might face the automatic lifting of the Eight Gate Dun Jia at any time, and he had to decide the victory with one blow.

Mu Dun ~ The Tree Binding Eternal Burial Technique


Countless rattans quickly attacked the young man, the young man looked at it, a contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he took out the kunai left thorn and split it right, and the rattan was cut down in an instant.

"It's now!"

Xiao Yun glanced at the gap in the man's defense, and threw three kunai directly at the man.

The young man didn't even look at it, just jumped lightly and dodged.


the young man suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

"Hmph, did you find out? It's too late!" Xiao

Yun raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a smug smile.

"Is this the Uchiha Windmill Sannotai Sword?"

the young man changed his appearance from the light wind just now, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

"That's right! Suffer death!" Xiao

Yun pulled hard, and the filament on the shuriken that was not visible suddenly made a sound of metal rubbing.

The sound sounded

The young man suddenly contracted, his whole body was straight, as if he had been tied up by something, and looked at Xiao Yun in disbelief.

"Hmph, you're really a genius, if I'm not mistaken, you learned this trick from Sasuke Uchi

" After the young man was stunned for a moment, he instantly regained his composure, his face was as light as ever, as if he didn't care that he had been tied up strongly.

"Whatever!" Xiao

Yun said indignantly, thinking about it today, he was interrupted by Samyi when he was with Tsunade in the morning, and when he was about to talk to Samyi, this guy came again, this is the rhythm of making himself sick.

Not only that, but he also knocked his own woman unconscious, which is unbearable.

Treating his enemies, Xiao Yun naturally would not be merciful, his hands were sealed, and he said coldly: "I don't care who you are, the woman who beat me will die, Mu Dun ~ Huo Mu Lei Attack and Kill Technique"

Although Xiao Yun has learned a lot of Mu Dun's ninjutsu, but in terms of power, the most powerful is this, but this ninjutsu has many shortcomings, first, the launch time is too long, and second, the mobility is too poor, and it must be used only after subduing the enemy.

The third, and most deadly, is that it costs too much chakra.

And as far as the current situation is concerned, the young man has been subdued, and with the strength he has shown, he must use the strongest killing moves to kill him, and he must not be stingy with Chakra.

"This ninjutsu is very similar to the killing of two snakes, but it seems to be much more powerful"

As soon as Xiao Yun finished speaking, the light color on the young man's face gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a solemn face.

In the blink of an eye, countless rattans wrapped the young man, and a small flame burned, but in just a second, the small flame instantly burned the young man into a fireball.

Not only that, but there were thunder flashes on the surface of the flames from time to time, and the screams of the young men were heard endlessly.

After a long time

, the flames finally disappeared, Xiao Yun sat on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh: "Whew, it's finally over

" "Is it?"

A sneer suddenly sounded from behind Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun was startled, and stabbed behind him quickly with kunai, but unfortunately it was still a step too late.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

The young man had a combination of punches and directly hit Xiao Yun.


, Xiao Yun slammed on the trunk of the tree, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"It's really dangerous just now, Xiao Sang, the killing moves you have mastered are very powerful"

The young man's voice seemed to change, becoming like a woman.

I saw that the young man just now was already unrecognizable, and his left hand was pulled.

A strange scene appeared, and the young man was ripped off as if he had been draped over a human skin.

Instead, he had a beautiful face, and even the clothes on his body changed at the moment, turning into a fluttering robe as white as snow.

But the expression of indifference, ruthlessness and contempt for the common people remained unchanged.

"Xiao Sang, you have to come on, your woman can be in my hands"

The woman walked towards Xiao Yun with a smile and ......

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