Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 211: Yunyin Mission


After leaving from the third generation of Hokage, Chao Qianna immediately ventilated with the Hyuga clan. If the three generations of Hokage ask the Hyuga clan to inquire about Akatsuki's intelligence, they must notify themselves in time, and don't investigate Akatsuki's intelligence too much.

Although Hyuga Nissa was a little puzzled, he didn't understand what kind of organization Akatsuki organization was, and it would attract the attention of Chao Yanqian and Sandai Naruto. However, from the words of the Asakunata, Hyuga Nissa clearly knows that Asuna Asakuna is ready to attack the three generations of Hokage.

The Eye of Reincarnation is an important piece of information, and Zhao Yiqian does not want to believe in the three generations of the Hokage Club. It is not afraid and not tempted. In Konoha, the only ones who can help the three generations of Hokage investigate Akatsuki's intelligence are nothing more than the Anbu, Genbu, Hyuga clan, Yunyu clan, and so on.

Shimura Danzo has already suffered from the reincarnation of Nagato, and it is impossible for him to provoke such a terrifying powerhouse. And from the Kyuubi incident, Shimura Danzo must be related to the mask belt soil, otherwise the mask belt soil cannot know the expected date of Uzumaki Kushina's birth.

As a result, the Asakusa decided that Shimura Dan was hiding in Akatsuki's organization, and he would definitely deal with it.

So what the three generations of Hokage can call is nothing more than the Anbu and Younv clan.

But if Hyuga Nizuno and the oil girl clan ventilate in advance, the only power that the three generations of Hokage can use is Anbe.

Although I am a little sorry to the ninjas of Anbe, this is undoubtedly an opportunity to defeat the prestige of three generations. The three generations of Hokage have too much power to speak in the village, which is definitely not a good thing for the Qianren Chaoming.

Of course, if the three generations of Hokage can continue to forbear, and only secretly investigate the Akatsuki organization, then the tactics of the North Koreans will not succeed.

Looking at Jun Maro, who is working hard in the yard, he secretly calculated in his heart.

After a few more years, once Junmaro's thoughts are finalized, he will immediately send Junmaro to Anbe. But before that, the Misaki must make Junmaro deeply realize the black belly of the three generations of Hokage, and only oneself is the righteous party, and ensure that Junmaro will not be deceived by the three generations of Hokage.

Anbe is a direct unit of Hokage, and must be inserted into the hands.

Konoha's life was as peaceful as ever. It wasn't until Yunyin Village's delegation came to Konoha that this quiet village became lively again.

Chao Yiqian did not go to Konoha Gate to greet the mission of Yunyin Village, but in all subsequent meetings, the three generations of Hokage required Chao Yiqian to be present.

The Thousands of Chaos was the culprit in the defeat of Yunyin Village, and they were also the most feared people in Yunyin Village. As long as the Thousands of Chaos were present, no matter how arrogant Yunyin's mission was, he must be cautious of the attitude of the Thousands of Chaos. Often, Chao Qianming only needs a look in his eyes to suppress the arrogance of Yunyin Village.

The negotiations lasted for a week, and the two sides have been arguing.

Yunyin Village seems to have spotted Konoha's hope for peace, and has always wanted to get more benefits in the next cooperation. Even judging from the conditions they put forward, it seems that Yunyin Village is the one to win.

Faced with this kind of proposal, even if the three generations of Hokage were willing, the other high-level elders would not agree. In particular, the conditions put forward by Shimura Danzo literally pushed Yunyin Village to an end. If Yunyin Village really agrees to Zhicun Tuanzang's terms, then Yunyin's economy will go backwards at least ten years.

It is also the first time that the North Koreans have realized what kind of talks between countries are, which are protracted and controversial. After a week of running-in, the bottom line of the two sides has been lowered bit by bit, but even if it is a little bit of interest, they will argue for a long time, and they will not give in to each other.

The Thousands of North Korea agree that it is from the perspective of national interests, and it should be so, but this is too torturous, and the thousands of North Koreas must be present, listening to the endless quarrels of this group of people.

On several occasions, the thousands of people from the North Korea wanted to stand up and persecute the messengers of Yunyin Village, but each time they were stopped by the three generations of Hokage.

Chao Yanqian very suspected that this was the revenge of the three generations of Hokage against him.

Regarding the Yunyin Village Mission, Chao Yi Qianren is still looking forward to it, hoping that they can run to the Hyuga Hinata, the eldest lady who hijacked them by the Hyuga clan, just like the original.

However, Chao Yi Qianren did not monitor the Yunyin Village Mission, because once Chao Yi Qianren ran over to monitor it, it meant that Chao Yi Qianren had to stand up and stop it. In this way, although Yunyin Village can be suppressed, it will not do any good to the lost thousands of people in the DPRK.

The Thousands of Hakka are ready to wait until the three generations of Naruto force the Hyuga clan to hand over the Hyuga Nissa corpse, and then stand up to defend the Hyuga clan, so as to gain the goodwill of the Hyuga clan, especially the goodwill of the Hyuga clan.

A united Hyuga clan is not what Zhao Yiqian wants. And this incident can not only make the Hyuga clan grateful to themselves, but also intensify the contradiction between the division of the family and the family, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Only seven days later, the mission of Yunyin Village still did not do anything, which made Chao Qianren feel puzzled. Is it because of their own reasons that they didn't dare to do so?

Of course, Yunyin Village will not give up the plan to steal the Hyuga Clan's Blood Succession Boundary. Even if all Yunren are afraid of losing thousands of people, the fourth generation Raikage will not be afraid.

Taking their eldest lady directly from the house of the Hyuga clan is something only a fool can do. The plan of Yunyin Village from the beginning was to abandon a cannon fodder messenger and use the messenger's life in exchange for the life of Hyuga Sunfoot.

The messenger represents the face of the country. As long as Hyuga Hippo kills the messenger of Unyin Village, it means that Hyuga Hippo has declared war on Unyin Village, and Yunyin Village uses this matter to ask Konoha to hand over the body of Hyuga Hippo. It is completely reasonable and reasonable. .

Konoha, inside the hotel.

"Are you ready? Yura?" The elder of Yunyin Village said to a young ninja: "Once you perform this task, it means you will give your life for the village."

"I have been preparing for a long time, and I can give my life to the village, which is what I have been looking forward to for a long time." Yura said solemnly.

"Lord Raikage and I know this very well. The village will not forget your contribution. You are an excellent ninja loyal to Yunyin." Elder Yunyin nodded, and then said with a little regret: "It's a pity these past few days. Coming down, Chao Yi Qianren has not been monitoring us, otherwise he can be counted together."

"Huh! That guy, I just wish I could kill him personally!" Yura said murderously.

"The discussion meeting with Konoha can't be delayed, otherwise it will arouse their suspicion, so we must act tonight!" Elder Yun Yin said.

"I understand, wait for my news!" As soon as Yura's voice fell, his whole body disappeared.

Elder Yunyin glanced at the black sky outside, then took off his clothes and lay down on the bed and fell asleep, pretending that he didn't know everything...8

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