Mu Yuyi felt that the tail beasts in the Dantian were being pulled away little by little. This feeling was actually uncomfortable, especially for the tail beasts. The seal made them scared.

However, under the comfort of Mu Yuyi, neither Sanwei Isoya nor Wuwei Mu had fought fiercely.

In the original works of Naruto, [Xiao] It took several days for the organization to extract a tail guarding crane in My Airo's body, because the chakras of the tail beast were too large and the extraction was very slow.

But this is not a big problem for Lin Chuan and others. Their extraction speed is very fast. Everyone uses the immortal chakra. The power of the explosion is not comparable to that of Naruto, and the wood feather is also I personally guided the extraction of everyone, and the speed was much faster. It is estimated that one or two tail animals can be drawn.

[Xiao] members of the organization at this moment, each of them is in the early stage of refining, and the energy fluctuations caused by so many people printing and casting at the same time are very huge. The breath can still spread to the outside world.

The entire Zhang family is now heartbroken, and everyone's eyes are on the forbidden ground of the family. The higher the cultivation, the more obvious the feeling. Even if the terrifying atmosphere is covered up, it still cannot be completely removed.

"Homeowners !!! What the **** are these people doing ... this breath ... terrible!" Said an elder in the early days of refining with horror.

"I don't know!" Zhang Qing frowned, looking deep into the family, with deep worries in her expression.

He is currently the highest in the family, so he has the deepest feelings. When the breath just broke out, he had already visited Yougu once and wanted to see what happened.

But as soon as he was close to that place, a great coercion waved out of the ground, making him almost kneel directly on the ground, and a sudden cold sweat.

So Zhang Qing turned decisively and left.

He didn't dare to take risks. Although these people lived in his house, they were not subject to his restraint at all. They were uncomfortable. These people just demolished Zhang's house, and he couldn't help it.

The previous scene of Qin Lang's beheading and killing eight monks in the refining period was still vivid. He had no doubt that if they had provoked these people, they would have chopped melon and chopped vegetables in their Zhang family as before.

"Pass my order, no matter what happens in the valley, no one can come near!" Zhang Qing said solemnly, only to pray that this situation would quickly pass.

Facing these mysterious monks, he has only deep weakness.

One day has passed, and the two tail beasts in Mu Yuyi's body have all been drawn out. Although there is no danger of life, Mu Yuyi is also in weakness.

At the moment, three Sun Wukong in the body of the zero are being drawn.

With the last red tail of Chakra being pulled out, another eye was opened on the outer golem, and the breath emanating was becoming more and more terrifying.

Without any pause, the crowd was still in the process of sealing and casting, and began to draw the second tail of the zero burial body with the same name.

This is the tail animal that Lin Chuan appeared before the breakthrough of the thunder core at the top of the Thunder. It is also by far the largest chakra among all tail animals in Lin Chuan.

This time, the speed of the seal has dropped a lot, because the tail animal has only appeared for a short time. Although it has been accepted by zero burial, it has not yet reached the level of intimacy. For the matter of being extracted, the name is the same. Fearing instinctively, the funeral can only signal to everyone to slow down and prevent problems.

Zhang family.

"Homeowner, the breath coming from the valley is getting more and more terrible, and even people outside the family have been alarmed. Even the guardian clan can't cover their breath, what should we do?" An elder said in horror,

In just one day, the breath emanating from the valley is getting more and more terrifying. The kind of cowardly coercion has risen to the point where monks who are not high in cultivation can't bear it, even the monks who are in the emptiness period have already Feeling the depression, this was still far from the valley, and they could not believe what the forbidden land was like now.

"No matter what the circumstances, they are absolutely not allowed to disturb them. They declare that there is a strong one in our family, and don't say anything else!" Zhang Qing said with a flushed face, bloodshot eyes.

On this day, he was under unimaginable pressure. Many people suggested that the Zhang family move out of the place directly and give the place directly to those people.

This is the surest way to protect yourself.

But in this way, it also means that they abandoned those people in Lin Chuan, and once these people encounter any danger, this account may be counted on their heads.

But if you do n’t move away, who knows what those people in Linchuan are doing. If it ’s not easy to make a big bang, judging from the horrible atmosphere now, the Zhang family is all over.

It was in this case that Zhang Qing exhausted the public opinions and let the whole family stay here.

This is not a bet.

If he loses, Zhang Jiahui flies away and wins. He may get nothing. This is his current situation.

The extraction of Nanao ’s duplicate name lasted more than half a day, and it was not fully extracted until the evening of the next day ~ ~, and the burial was also directly paralyzed and sat on the ground, a bit out of power.

Next, Lin Chuan left the team and stood in the middle of the outer golem.

He has the most tail beasts in his body, one guarding the crane, two traveling, and a six-tailed rhinoceros. There are three tail beasts. It is estimated that it will take at least a day to extract them.

At this moment, with the two funerals and Qinglong detached from the cast, the speed of the tail beasts dropped again a lot, and with the passage of time, everyone also showed fatigue, after all, this magic dragon nine seals is not simple The seal technique, uninterrupted for a long time, is also a great test for everyone.

The transparent Chakra covered Lin Chuan's body, and the red tail beast Chakra was quickly drawn out and injected into the outer golem.

By now, the eyes of the Outer Golem had opened four, and the fifth one slowly opened as the tail crane was drawn, and the breath emanating from it was even more terrifying.

The cold, evil, with endless suffocation, this is the negative energy that cannot be removed from the chakra, the tail beast.


"Homeowner, we can't bear it anymore. In this way, the entire Zhang family will collapse. I'm afraid I can't accompany you to die!"

An elder's voice fell, and no matter what Zhang Qing's face was, he turned and left.

The breath has become more and more horrible. The Zhang family can no longer be suppressed by Zhang Qing alone.

Except for many of Zhang Qing's dead men, most of the Zhang family have abandoned this place and left.

And Zhang Qing, still holding on.

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