The nine jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade flying speed is extremely fast, in the blink of an eye has reached the side of Zichuan Bo, and at this moment Zichuan Bo is already at the end of the road, Lin An and Mu Li shot one after the other, have all his lifesaving means All were forced out, and he was seriously injured. At this time, he almost had no hole cards.

Moreover, the three men's attacks were almost seamless. Just before Mu Li's floating slaughterer fell, Lin Chuan's dust instantly turned the damaged scale into dust, and waited until Zichuan Bo recovered from the attack by Mu Li. At the time of the visit, Gosaka Nozomi had come to him.


Nine Gouyu banged directly on Bo Zichuan's body, and the whole space was buzzing violently, and the red light burst open and scattered in all directions.

People in the Three-Eye Alliance are better. Various methods have been used before, but Hundreds of Zichuan Bo's are not so lucky. Many people are swept directly by the fluctuations and repaired to be slightly weaker. He was seriously injured by the airwaves, and even several unlucky ghosts died directly under the wave of the explosion.

This is not the credit of Linchuan ’s Yasaka Nozomi, but because Zichuan Bo triggered the detonating clay around him at the last moment, and even he was about to explode, but Lin Chuan did not give him that time, but the power of the explosion was Increased several times, this is where this scene is now.

The fierce roar lasted for about ten breaths and then gradually stopped. Mu Li had soared and receded when the explosion occurred. Lin An also chose to evade the frontal edge. Only Lin Chuan had to fight against Su Zuo Neng Hu at the same time. The initiator of Gosaka Nozomi, he let the direction of the explosion slightly deviate from his own side, so that he was not much impacted.

Just at the moment when the explosion stopped, Lin Chuan rushed directly to him, and he was bound to get the key from Uncle Zi Chuan, but Lin An could not let them take the lead, although it had been agreed before that whoever killed someone would be the key. But at this time most of the alliance between them has been disintegrated, and who knows what will happen next.

However, when Lin Chuan brought a rock with earthy yellow light out of the center of the explosion, the imaginary contention did not occur.

Lin An was suspended in the air from a distance. A pair of eyes looked at this side calmly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at him like a second fool.

"Qinglong Shenshi is really an acute child. In fact, you don't have to be so anxious. I promised you, I can still talk and talk!" Lin An said with a smile.

Although Mu Li didn't speak, the look had explained a lot.

Lin Chuan held the anxious rock dug out of the dust and pumped the corners of his mouth.


There is a feeling of measuring the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

[Xiao] The people in the organization also looked at Lin Chuan awkwardly. They just saw it clearly. The friend had been paddling beside the other two when they shot, and waited until the attack of the other person consumed the Bo Zichuan. After I chose to pick peaches, and after killing Zichuan Bo, the eager rush to rush to grab things was really speechless.

Mainly Lin An and Mu Li did not move over there, so Lin Chuan seemed a little ...

"Ah ... that ... Uncle Zichuan is solved, what do those people do?" Lin Chuan embarrassedly put away the key and looked at those who were already retreating.

"Our goal is only the key, let's forget the rest!" Lin An shook his head.

"I think so too!" Mu Li said.

The two started today. Although they are both under their control and covered their faces, it is estimated that many people can guess their identity when they are spying on Dayinlou, so things cannot be done too much. Absolutely.

Lin Chuan didn't intend to do anything anymore, anyway, the key was already in hand, then he just wanted to get the virtual spirit as soon as possible.

A hundred miles away, the live broadcast of the monks in the Three-Eye League war fit period has ended, but all of them are aggressive, and many of them have not yet responded.

But the fact is that Zichuan Bo was defeated and was killed by the three monks in the refining period.

"Where did the three shots come from, and why are they so scary?" Someone asked incredulously.

"I know that wearing a red cloud coat with black background is said to be an organization named [Xiao]. The shot should be their blue dragon **** ambassador, and it was just a monk in the early days of refining."

"Yes, it's that [Xiao]. There are so many immortals in their organization. No wonder they are so powerful!"

"The one in white clothes should be [Dawning]. I saw the wind and snow and the four envoys. It should be their boss!"

Everyone talked about this shocking war situation. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed it to be true until now.

The three monks in the refining period joined forces to kill the monks in the fit period. If this is said, it is estimated that the Nakagawa continent will be a great deal.

"What kind of organization is that gray robe? Not many people seem to know?" Said an elder of Dayinlou, frowning.

"It is [Dawn], an organization that has just been set up. From the perspective of the recent war, their strength is also very terrible!" Shui Wenjie frowned.

To be honest, the battle he just saw had a big impact on him ~ ~ He always felt that he was standing at the top of the entire continent, even though he was not as good as the top ones, but The gap should also be small.

But after watching the previous battles, he knew what a true genius was.

"If these three people come from one door, I am afraid that the entire world of self-cultivation will be theirs in the future ..." Shui Wenjie said softly, then shook his head, how could such a powerful three people come from one door, let alone he had recognized The identity of several of them.

This battle is destined to be entered into the annals of history, becoming an insurmountable classic, and this Italian appearance battle of Da Yin Lou has also caused the entire battle to sweep the entire immortal world with a storm and storm, and all major forces are at the first time After getting the details of the battle, they were all shocked.

[Breaking Dawn], the wind and snow, and their boss ’s peerless kendo, [Dawn], the six stars of the southern dipper, and their boss ’s horror body technique, and finally, [Dawn], not only in the initial refining of the virtual alliance with the other two, It was instant that they took out five fairy wares, and half of the companion fairy wares of the seven continents were in their hands, which was too great a shock to everyone.

After the battle, the people in Dayinlou immediately went to the battlefield, but no three organizations were found there. They used a fairy to hide their breath and left quietly, and no one could track them.

With the continuous deepening of intelligence investigations, an organization called the Three Eyes Alliance has emerged, and it is [Dawn], [Breaking Dawn], [Dawn] that compose them!

Thank you Zhizi Zi Shou 99 books for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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