Payne stunned for a moment, and looked back in surprise.

He didn't expect to see a few people here, because the danger coefficient increased after entering the ancient world, and everyone's protection methods were placed on the periphery. They did not follow the gods to act together. The strength has entered the third ancient immortal world at this time, which is unexpectedly unexpected.

The reincarnation blinked slightly. Payne recognized the figures of several people. Although they were all wrapped in black robes, after knowing their identities, it was not difficult to match them one by one.

The best to identify is Faye, because of his burly shape and the relationship between body building. He is the tallest among all people, and there is a sense of standing among the crowd.

In addition to this, it is more obvious that Lin Hao, even a large black robe can not completely cover her graceful posture. Among Lin Chuan's public protection methods, her overall strength is the most powerful.

Then according to what he just said, Payne also recognized Wei Wu and Gao Ze, and the remaining one was Shuiyue. It was really difficult for the five of them to walk here from the gate of Xiangu, because compared with To a group of gods, their strength is actually a little insufficient.

Payne groaned for a moment, instead of immediately stepping forward to recognize the crowd, but followed behind them far away, and wanted to see how much the five protection methods had grown during this time.

"The Qinglong God made them not contact us for a long time. I don't know what the situation is now ..." Wei Wu said softly.

"They should be in the third world of ancient immortals. The battle between them and Prince Gong's house was the last time they appeared in front of outsiders. No one saw them in this month!" Fa Yesheng Said lowly.

"It should have been in the ruins. It is said that the battle with Prince Gong's mansion happened because of the ruins. Later, many monks tried to enter the ruins, but found that the formation to protect the ruins was a rare soul attack formation. It was terrible. , The monks who entered it were basically killed instantly! "Gao Ze said with lingering fear.

"Ah? Shuiyue, can your hydration technique pass such an array?" Wei Wu asked curiously.

"Hydration can only evade ordinary attacks, there is no way to attack the soul!" Shuiyue said, spreading his hands.

"Okay ..." Wei Wu said frowningly. The beautiful face made me feel sad and sad.

Lin Hao, who was walking in front of the crowd, had not spoken, but was listening to the crowd's chat.

She hasn't seen Lin Chuan for a long time, and the gap between them is getting bigger and bigger, so she no longer knows how to face this former fellow student.

Suddenly, Lin Hao's complexion hidden in the shadows was condensed, and he glanced toward the back with a faint trace.

"Be careful, we may be tracked!" Lin Hao's voice echoed in everyone's mind, making everyone's look slightly faint.

Everyone responded quickly and showed no abnormalities, but no important information appeared in their conversation.

"What to do? Shoot?" Wei Wu asked.

"No, here is Fang City, assault is prohibited, unless you can face the encirclement of many powerful forces here!" Gao Ze said.

"Look at the situation first, I'm not sure if he is following us!" Lin Hao said.

This is just her intuition, not sure yet, and the person behind is hiding in a black robe without any breath on her body. If such a person is not mortal, her strength must be higher than her, and in the ancient world, it is simply There is no mortal, so she doesn't want to take a shot when it is absolutely impossible.

The five people strolled around in Fangshi, it seems that they are very curious about this Fangshi, many of them will go shopping, but it is not that they want to buy anything, but to use this opportunity to determine the dark Is the clothing person following them.

"OK, that person should be following us, what should we do?" Wei Wu said with a frown.

"Now that we have taken the initiative to come to the door, we should dispose of it. We always follow such a tail, and it is not convenient for us to do anything!" Fa Ye's gaze revealed a murderous act.

"Let's go outside Fangshi!" Lin Hao said in a cold voice, without any mood swings.

They have encountered them several times in such a bad way, and some monks have watched them as weak and weak, and they want to kill and win treasure, but such people have died miserably in the end.

The practice of Lin Hao and others is not high, but that's just their appearance. The real situation is that their strength is far beyond their practice.

As Lin Chuan's protection method, they have eaten such things as Dan, and there are immortal chakras, and many of them have been taught to them by Lin Chuan. They want to kill them in this situation. These five people are almost impossible unless they are shot by a large number of monks.

After the five men left Fangshi, they galloped towards a distant forest all the way, without any notice of being tracked.

The man in black behind them quietly followed the past after they left Fangshi. He didn't dare to come too close to it ~ ~ can only hang behind five people far away.

"That man has followed!" Wei Wu said softly.

"Be prepared to ambush in the forest in front, kill if you can kill, and retreat if you can't kill!" Lin Hao's cold voice revealed a sense of killing.

The icy breath began to spread from her body, and the surrounding temperature began to slowly decrease.

After entering the forest, the five quickly dispersed and hid, and they put on [Xiao] robes to conceal their breath perfectly. This is the key to their ability to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

The man in black frowned as he plunged into the forest. The five people seemed to be lost. Looking around, he didn't find any trace of five people, and his breath completely disappeared.

"Did you find it?" The man in black said to himself standing still.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, countless ice mirrors erupted instantaneously, and the temperature around them dropped sharply. The black man was trapped in a crystal palace-like ice mirror fortress in the blink of an eye.

"Xianshu · Bingyu · Magic Mirror Ice Crystal!"

At the same time, a yellow light suddenly burst on the ground, and the earth soared towards the man in black and grabbed his legs.

At this moment, a figure wearing a red cloud trench coat with a black background appeared among all the ice glasses.

Outside the distant forest, Payne stands at the back of a rock, and the pupils of the reincarnation eyes burst out, staring directly at the scene in the forest.

"Interesting ..." Penn said quietly to himself.

Thanks to the young guys for the reward of 100 books!

(End of this chapter)

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