
The horrible and evil atmosphere broke out, and the earth began to tremble violently. A giant creature slowly rose under the palm of Linchuan. The huge body occupied an area of ​​hundreds of meters. It was a huge humanoid monster. Nine eyes, color and body are like dead wood, with ten pillars protruding behind them, and a pair of giant hands in front of them looks very weird.

After the appearance of the Outer Golem, Lin Chuan's breath also began to erupt, and endless dark red energy surged out of him, constantly injecting into the Outer Golem under his feet.

"What it is……"

The major forces in the distance, including the sons of the Ten Great Fairy Bones, have already stared.

The outbreak of Tochigi and Lin An already made them feel incredible. At this moment, Qinglong summoned such a terrible monster directly. They have not even heard of it. Obviously, this thing has always been a killer left by Qinglong.

With the continuous injection of the tail beast Chakra, the breath of the alien golem becomes more and more horrible. The terribleness of the alien golem can not be felt by the monks. They can only feel that the alien golem is extremely dangerous through instinct, but However, it is impossible to accurately determine the level of the strength of the Outer Golem, because they can not feel Chakra, but it is not only the tail beast Chakra that Linchuan injected into the Outer Golem, but also a huge fairy.

This makes the strength of the alien golem much worse than that of the original Naruto. At the same time, many monks who are at the top of the mainland have begun to realize that the evil spirit of the alien golem has destroyed the sky. This is a kind of Let them feel a sense of fear from their hearts, even if they watch from a distance, they all have a chill deep into the bone marrow.

"Mu Li actually has one of the three main sutras of the fututu, no wonder he can become the chief disciple of Yuanzong!"

At this time, many people from the outside world also recognized the white runes surrounding the body of Mu Li. The breath could not be concealed at all. Like the golden light of Tai Yi Jing, people can feel that they can surpass the sentient beings in the moment they see it. Momentum.

"It's no wonder Mu Li can fight against Prince Ziku, so only those who have the same three major verses have the qualifications!" Some people sighed in shock.

On the other side, Shui Wenjie's eyes fell on the jade plate under Lin An's feet, and his face also showed an extremely shocked look.

"It turned out to be the celestial disk !!! I didn't expect that the fourth-ranked fairy on the list of heaven and earth in ancient times was actually in the hands of Lin An!" Shui Wenjie's heart had set off a huge wave at this moment.

"Tianji disk?" All the elders in the Dayin Lou beside Shui Wenjie showed an incredible look.

"The celestial disc was conceived from the heavenly path, and it is a supreme immortal device that assists in cultivation. It is impossible to detect the existence of the celestial disk! "An elder immediately recalled the information about the celestial disk.

"It is said that this piece of fairy can split its master into countless avatars, transform heaven and earth to practice the Supreme Avenue, and even help other people to form avatars, but the maximum is only six, and the rest cannot be completely controlled, only when needed. Only then can we integrate into ourselves and enhance our strength! "

"Are those ghosts who approach Lin An all the thousands of avatars he transformed with the celestial disk?"

As everyone in Dayinlou recognized the celestial disk, more and more information about this ancient fairy ware was also known. Previously, Lin An's avatar and Feng Hua Xue Yue's avatar were perfectly explained at this moment.

"What a terrible fairy!" Shui Wenjie stared at Lin An in the distance. This man's hole cards were too unimaginable. If he was not forced to the extreme by the prince's skeleton, I am afraid he would not expose Tianji at this moment. The presence of a disk.

除了 In addition to Lin An, the outbreak of Mu Li and Qinglong also shocked them. There are already two present times in the three major verses. Is the other one far away?

"[Xiao], come home!"

At that moment, when Lin Chuan ordered, the gods in the formation made their faces condensed and immediately began to seal.


A colorful light and light flashed slightly, appearing on the **** of the right hand of the Outer Golem. It was the "Tiger" organization of the white tiger **** that instructed the walker, in which the fingernails were lit with green fluorescence at the next moment, which is a big White text.

"White Tiger is back!"

The clear and firm voice of Liaobu Trainer echoed.

He followed closely, and the ring finger on the right hand of the Taoist Golem lit up. Qin Lang, wearing a robe, appeared instantly, and a large Zhu character appeared on the ring finger's nails.

"Suzaku is back!

Qin Lang's voice was low and light.

"Xuanwu is back!"

The next moment, the mysterious word lit up on the right finger of the Waidao Golem, and the absolute figure appeared on it.

他们 "They ... what are they doing?"

Outside the tomb of Xuanxian, countless people are watching everything that is happening, looking at the hands of the Outer Golem one after another [Xiao] organizing the gods to appear, all showing an incredible look, and they are also very confused, [Xiao] How do people do all this, you know, no one else can enter the light curtain.

"Empty Chen returns!"

的 The moment when the thumb on the left hand lights up the empty word ~ ​​ ~ Zhou Yu's figure appeared at the fingertips.

"Nandou is back!"

Immediately afterwards, Ling Hong's figure appeared, and the south character lit up.

"Beidou is back!"

The word Beibei emerged, and Meng Jingxian appeared solemnly.

"Jade Girl Returns!"

The ring finger of the left hand was directly crossed and came directly to the tail finger. At the moment when the jade word lighted up, the figure of ink cicada emerged.

At this moment, all the fingers on the Waidao Golem except the right thumb and index finger and the left ring finger have gods appearing, and the missing positions are the burial, Qinglong and Santai!

It is self-evident that Zero Funeral and Qinglong, as for Santai, it is because Xiao Heng and Shi Jin do not have tail beasts, so there is no need to come over.


The next moment, the dark red light lit up from all of them, and began to infuse into the alien golem under his feet.

At the time, Lin Chuan separated the chakra of the tail beast, part of it remained in himself, and part of it was given to the gods, so if you want to maximize the power of the outer golem, you must use the tail of the body. Beast Chakra.

And now, it is not only the tail beast Chakra, but also their own immortal Chakra, that is injected into the Outer Golem by this crowd. This Outer Golem has become the strength of all the people in the entire [xiao] organization. Best medium.

Zhe Linchuan is not fighting alone, but the whole [Xiao] is fighting together.

Even even the three that did not return home are engaged in the most critical and dangerous battles in the invisible place.

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