After using the original rune, Tai Yiming closed his eyes and floated in the sky without any movement, but his breath was stable and his spiritual power fluctuated normally. The golden rune of his eyebrows still radiated with radiance, shining on the land.

No one knows what happened to Tai Yi's life, but it is clear that this Tai family ancestor has not been injured, and his strength is completely preserved. Once he wakes up, it will be the destruction of Koye.

But there is no chance for Konoha? That's not necessarily.

At the same time, the eyes of Chen Xuanyi and others fell on the priests such as Prince Changqing and other monks of the Tai family. These people have high strength, but the number is not large, and the strength of the previous fight with the step trainer is seriously damaged, and the consumption is also Very large, as long as Tai Yi's life doesn't interfere, these dozen people are not opponents of the priests.

"Shoot everyone, even if you die, you have to bite a piece of meat on the Tai family." Chen Xuanyi said.

"Hey, are you old fox finally going to watch the show?" Ye Qingyang chuckled lightly.

Previously, Chen Xuanyi was a wise man. As the leader of Taichu City in the third-tier city, he is the most stable and conservative one among all people, and he is well aware of the principle of keeping his mind safe. Anything you do will count the gains and losses, and you will never make any impulse to make any decisions or fight. If you are good, you will go on. If you are not good, you will retreat. The old fox's attributes are the best.

Did not expect this time, he will stand up in the first time, ready to shoot against the Tai family.

"The old man has also been young, and who is not young and frivolous? It's this time, if there is no madness, there will be no chance." Chen Xuanyi lightly said that he didn't care about Ye Qingyang's ridicule.

If you really want to describe his current state in one sentence, it is-the old man talks about the young crazy!

"Hahaha, don't be crazy, don't survive!" Moro laughed in the sky, and his whole body exploded in spirit, directly killing the prince and other people.

"Kill!" Shen Meng's beautiful face appeared on her beautiful face, and her posture appeared, and she also killed the past.

At this moment, all those who truly surrendered to Konoha no longer have any reservation, and all their strengths were taken out, and they were killed towards the Tai family.

Seeing such a situation, the faces of all the Tai family have changed.

"Are they crazy? Huo Ying has been defeated. Why do they still have to fight to find death!" An elder of the Tai clan said with angry expression.

In the history of Zeng Jin, their Tai family is not a person who has not encountered provocation, but these people finally died in their hands, and as soon as the lead person dies, basically the people below will immediately fall down and fall, and no one will Thinking about revenge or something, because those people know that they are not opponents of the Tai family. In the case of already losing defeat, everyone's first priority is to save lives.

They will expose each other, and even kill each other, in order to get the approval of the Tai family at the end to save their lives.

The Tai family also knew the faces of those people, so as long as the leader fell down and immediately rebelled, they would generally save him a life.

But this matter is completely different in Konoha.

Originally they thought they had defeated Naruto, they had already won, and the next time was when the wooden leaves were defeated, surrendered, and submitted their names. But in the end, it was found that no one surrendered at Konoha. This was just the beginning, and the millions of monks in Konoha were their real enemies.

"Alright! This time, the Holy Prophet was awakened, and the longevity was cleaned up at once, and all those rebellious monks were wiped out. I think who would dare to rebel against our Tai family in the future!" Another Tai family elder said viciously .

"Notify Taiyi Xianwei that he must uproot the wooden leaves today." Prince Changqing looked at Taiyi's life suspended in the sky. There was a sage, and he did have that energy to fight against wooden leaves.

The roaring sword light came out of the sky, and the prince Changqing didn't have much time to give orders, and the wooden leaves people would not give him time.

"Old man, dare to fight!"

Chen Xuan, holding a long sword, went directly to the Prince's love.

One of them is the head of the Tai family, and the other is the prince of the third-level city Taichu. Both of them are characters of the same era, and they are considered to have reached the peak in their respective fields. At this time, it is time to die. Chen Xuanyi is natural Looking for the crown prince to fight for a long time, to see who is more powerful in the end, can be regarded as a happy ending to his life.

The first time he was called an old man, the prince's face was very ugly, and he did not hesitate.

The prestige of Chen Xuanyi in Muye is very high. If he can quickly kill it, it will also be a huge blow for Muye and the people of Taichu City, which will be very beneficial to the next battle.

Moro, Ye Qingyang and many others also found the elders of the Tai family. These people are also well-known figures in the eternal life. Even if they have not seen each other, they have basically heard each other ’s name. At this time, everyone collided and wanted to talk.

Moro believed that as long as Tai Yi's life woke up, they would definitely die. If they could pull a cushion before then, it would be considered a formidable stroke in the longevity, and they would be lifted by future generations. In vain.

And for the elders of the Tai family, this is not the time for desperation ~ ~ After all, they still have the ancestors, there is no need to spare their lives for that battle, and it is king to survive.

Plus that they are very expensive in the confrontation with the step trainer, it is best to avoid the battle at this time.

The existence of these two psychology makes the monks on both sides appear to be one-sided from the beginning of the battle. The people in Muye are in a deadly posture, even if they are replaced by injuries, and the enemy is injured by a thousand, and they damage themselves by 800, they are not hesitating, even if they die, they will bite a piece of meat on you. The momentum makes the Tai family more and more shocked.

With the spread of the news, more and more Tai people are coming over and participating in this unprecedented melee, the scene is chaotic to the extreme for a time, and it has become a battlefield within a few hundred miles. .

However, by this time, the Big Three of the Leaf had not shot again.

Lin Chuan was in a coma, and the trainer stood beside him step by step, helping Lin Chuan to recover with the power of wood spirit, and Qin Lang was also in step to prevent someone from the Tai family from sneaking in.

As for Tai Yiming, it is still suspended in the sky, the golden light of the whole body slowly flows, the breath is stable, and the expression is serene.

No one knows when he will wake up, but as soon as he wakes up, the whole battlefield will change dramatically.

The battle at the bottom is nothing more than a trifle. The one who can really decide the outcome is the top monk.

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