National Creation: I created a weird world

Chapter 109 Legion Ground Battle

"All troop transports follow me to attack the ground!"

"Two frigates provide us with fire cover!"

On the ground, Chu Huai and Tian Yang Meng Meng saw the largest light spot in the space explode.

Tian Yang Meng Meng squirmed his huge body with joy.

"Haha, it hits!"ヽ(‘⌒メ)ノ

"Master Chu Huai, you must reward me well!"

Chu Huai still had a serious expression: "Not bad! You did a good job"

"The Italian cannon keeps bombarding me!"

The old man with dry bones said: "Master, look! More than a dozen light spots are getting bigger!"

"They should be preparing to forcibly log in to our world!"

Chu Huai said coldly: "I want to see what they can do to fight me on the ground!"

"The Legion of the Ghostly Tribe and the Skeleton Legion, we have recruited more than 100,000 in total these days!"

"Besides, the Zerg army that is not dormant has more than 1 million"

"Even if the opponent is a fourth-level world, we can still defeat it"

Tian Yang Meng Meng's pink cannon is still firing continuously.

Unfortunately, the firepower density was too low and the attack frequency was too slow to form an effective firepower network.

These transport ships also activated their energy shields, and they still landed on the ground shakily after being hit by one shot.

Only one unlucky transport ship was hit by two shots and exploded in the air instantly.

Most of the units were buried in the sea of ​​fire, and only a small number escaped.

The frigates in space continued to attack Tianyang Mengmeng, making it difficult for her to aim and attack.

The rest of the thirteen transport ships landed steadily on the ground.

Each transport ship is very large. It can easily accommodate tens of thousands of troops.

The destroyer with a broken stern at the head, the front hatch slowly opened and leaked some gas.

Three people came out.

Behind them stood eight very powerful lizardmen and goblins.

Baru looked at the shot down space transport ship, and his heart was bleeding.

Each of these transport ships cost about 200,000 source energy, and one was blown up at once.

Moreover, the destroyer costing 1 million was also seriously damaged.

He felt distressed when he thought of this, but this distress only lasted for a moment.

When he thought that this was a world with a land area of ​​more than 10 million square kilometers.

He could no longer suppress his excitement.

How could a mere third-order world control such a large land area!

This guy must have found a fourth-order twilight world and took it for himself.

This is a very rich man!

Even if it is just the origin core of a third-order world, it is worth about 5 million when sold on the market.

It took less than ten minutes for the transport ship to open the hatch and assemble.

Although the formation was chaotic, it must be said that these space pirates were very experienced.

Chu Huai brought his 100,000 troops to a place less than three kilometers away from the void pirates.

At a glance, they were all lizardmen and goblins, with a scale of more than 500,000 people.

A guy who looked to be in his forties with a full beard and a single eye patch walked forward.

He looked at Chu Huai proudly.

Then he looked at the army of only about 100,000 behind him, revealing a malicious expression.

"Brother, how are you?"

"I am short of money recently, so I want to borrow some money from you. Do you agree?"

"My request is also very simple, that is, to let more than 500,000 soldiers behind me plunder in your world."

"After all, you made me lose a troop transport ship and a destroyer, so it is not too much to hand over your third-level origin core."

"I, Baru, am also famous for keeping my word in the nearby void."

"As long as you cooperate with us, we will definitely save your life."

Chu Huai smiled coldly: "Or leave your origin core and all the warships and get out."

"I, Chu Huai, am also a very trustworthy person, and I will definitely save your life."

Baru was a little annoyed and said with a fake smile.

"It seems that my brother doesn't give me this face!"

Chu Huai said lightly: "Face is not given by others! It is earned by yourself, I am afraid you don't have the strength! "

Baru's face was full of beards and tigers, and his expression became colder and colder.

"Very good, then you can see if my 500,000 troops have the strength!"

The creator beside Baru said: "Boss... there is no need to talk nonsense with him"

"It's just a third-level world, and you are a fourth-level world"

"And with hero-level units, it's not easy to kill him in seconds"

"What's more, our army has the advantage in numbers, and the advantage is mine"

At this moment, a cute girl's voice came.

"Hehe, you want to defeat Chu Huai!"

"With you, I, Tian Yang Mengmeng, will be the first to disagree"

Baru and the others cast their eyes, and when they saw a huge fat worm that was 100 meters long, they were all stunned.

All laughed: "Look at this ugly big fat worm!"

"It must be delicious if it is roasted, and it tastes crispy with chicken flavor!"

Tian Yang Mengmeng was so angry that her huge body began to wriggle.

"Chu Huai... please allow my Zerg army to fight them one-on-one! "

Chu Huai also wanted to end the battle quickly, so he agreed to her request.

While speaking, Baru's 500,000-strong army had already launched an attack.

Various bows and arrows, spears, and even magic balls fell on Chu Huai's army's position.

Chu Huai was unwilling to fall behind. The bows and arrows of the Guimei tribe were very sharp, and each one was explosive.

When they landed in the lizardmen's army, they could easily penetrate the bodies of several lizardmen.

Seeing that the opponent's black arrows were so powerful, the lizardmen also asked the goblins to hold the steel shields in front.

The archers behind kept fighting back.

The defense of the skeleton soldiers of Chu Huai's Skeleton Corps was already very good.

With a skeleton-cast shield, it was difficult to penetrate unless the opponent shot from the front.

But the opponent's spear projection and magic ball attack still caused a lot of casualties to Chu Huai.

There was a magic skeleton division of nearly 3,000 people in the Skeleton Corps.

The bone staffs in their hands kept releasing strange magic balls on the opponent's positions.

Some landed on the lizardmen's positions and emitted a strong stench, which made these lizardmen vomit.

Even breathing with the mouth could not resist this stench, it seemed to be imprinted in the mind and could not be driven away.

Just thinking about it makes me vomit.

Some magic balls fall on the Goblin's position and spread a large area of ​​green slime.

As long as these Goblins step on it, don't think about lifting your feet. The more you struggle, the tighter they stick.

Anyway, there are all kinds of them, and there is also a slippery liquid that makes the opponent's people slip.

If you want to stand up, you will only slip again. It is basically impossible to stand steadily.

Soon, the armies of both sides fought head-on. The powerful defense of the skeletons has no sense of pain.

Even if the Void Pirates have an advantage in numbers, it is difficult to break through the position for a while.

The sound of swords clashing, painful screams, and crazy killing sounds echoed throughout the world.

The Ghost Clan took advantage of the flying advantage to continuously shoot black arrows in the sky.

Of course, the opponent's Goblins are not easy to bully.

They are also good at using various weapons, spears, bows and arrows, crossbows, and even catapults.

Under the attack of the Goblins' advantage in numbers, the Ghosts fell like raindrops.

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