Amid the envious and puzzled eyes of the crowd, Su Yunfei just glanced at Tian Mengxue.

He nodded slightly as a greeting.

Then, he looked at the holographic screen on the wall and watched the performance of the self-assessment candidates carefully.

In fact, he was a little surprised.

She came so early?

This girl must be very lucky.

Tian Mengxue saw him withdraw his gaze and looked cold and perfunctory, and pursed her lips slightly.

It doesn't matter, we can still chat through the system.

Tian Mengxue greeted: "Chief Su, it seems that the strong men from various districts are here."

Su Yunfei replied: "Yes."

As time goes by, it is normal to come into contact with strong men from other regions.

Tian Mengxue said again: "A range larger than a district should be a domain."

"I heard that a domain has 1,000 districts."

Su Yunfei was slightly surprised and couldn't help asking: "How did you know?"

Tian Mengxue made a naughty expression and said: "I did a task and the system told me."

Su Yunfei thought about it and it was true. After meeting certain conditions, the hidden information given by the system would be triggered.

A district has 100,000 people, 1,000 districts, a total of 100 million people!

That is to say, all the traversers on Blue Star are distributed in 40 domains.

Su Yunfei glanced at the people in the test hall. These were all the first-tier strongmen in each district. Not to mention the top strength, at least they had a certain amount of luck.

It is still unknown whether they will be enemies or friends in the future.

In comparison, Tian Mengxue, as an ally, is indeed much closer.

Su Yunfei felt that the temperature in the hall was getting lower and lower, and couldn't help but glance at Tian Mengxue.

This girl's strength and ice and snow talent are unfathomable.

But is the leakage of ice and snow elements due to her too strong talent or poor control?

Su Yunfei also has SS-level fire talent, but there is no such anomaly.

Maybe people are different and cannot be generalized.

Finally, in the hall, an electronic female voice sounded:

"Dear testers, welcome to the Endless Martial Arts Hall for the warrior level assessment!"

"The warrior level assessment is divided into four items: strength, speed, blood, and actual combat..."

"Your test process and results will be broadcast to the outside through the holographic screen. If you do not accept it, you can pay an additional fee to open the privacy test. The fee is 1 million energy."


"Newcomers who are taking the assessment for the first time need to take two tests to assess the final warrior level."

"If you do not become a warrior in the first test, please improve your strength and test again after seven days."

"If you pass the first test, you will have a maximum of six hours of rest time, Then, a second test will be conducted to determine the final grade. "

"In order to improve the efficiency of the test, the first three assessments are not in order. Multiple testers can take different assessments at the same time. Just confirm the queue at the project entrance."

"You can use the AI ​​assistant to take the assessment by yourself! You can also wait for the real examiner to come in."

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the test hall:

"It turns out that you can really take the assessment by yourself. I thought you had to wait for the examiner."

"There are real examiners? Where did they come from?"

"They are all digitized results. Real people are useless, right? Maybe they are more strict than machines."

Some impatient guys are about to start the self-service test as soon as possible.

The voice broadcast did not end, and said in a soft but firm voice:

"The warrior level is divided into three major levels: warrior, general, and god of war. Each level has three levels: primary, intermediate, and advanced. There is a huge gap between each small level."

"Solemnly remind all new testers that the warrior level test is difficult. It is common to fail to become a primary warrior in the first test. Please do not lose confidence and fight again in the future."

"I wish you all a smooth assessment and prosperity of martial arts!"


The difficulty of the warrior assessment is indeed well-deserved. Many people are surprised by the rules and requirements.

Even Su Yunfei was a little surprised.

It is already a high evaluation to be able to reach the primary warrior level?

It is even more difficult to advance to the general level.

How strong should the god of war level be?

In the increasingly crowded test hall, many people showed a cautious look.

The original confidence and sense of superiority were reduced by half.

However, everyone has their own personality.

In the crowd, there were several figures that were particularly eye-catching.

They were arrogant and looked down upon, as if they thought these rules would not be any obstacle to them.

"Junior warrior? You think this little trial can stop me?"

"You wantI am only interested in becoming a high-level warrior within 6 hours."

"This assessment is too low-level. It can't inspire my fighting spirit at all~"

"If it weren't for the novice period, I would have become a high-level warrior long ago!"

These people are aggressive and arrogant, and they don't take the assessment rules seriously at all.

Primary warriors are all rookies, they are nothing!

Some people couldn't help but chuckle:

"These guys think too highly of themselves. How can the warrior assessment be so easy?"

"That's right, if it was so easy, wouldn't the God of War be worse than a dog? That wouldn't be the Endless Doomsday."

For this group of arrogant guys, many people just think they are bragging.

While showing off, they are also messing with other people's mentality.

Some people also retorted:

"The strength of these people must not be underestimated, otherwise they wouldn't be so arrogant."

"You can tell from the aura, there is something real about them. "

"We'll know what your strength is after the test."

At once, many people in the test hall took action and selected a project to prepare for the test.

There were also others who were still waiting and watching to thoroughly understand the test equipment and rules.

Su Yunfei planned to wait and see what the standard line of each project was.

The warrior level test is difficult. In addition to the high requirements, another reason is that all four tests must meet the standards of a certain level.

One shortcoming is not acceptable.

Ten minutes later.

Some people passed the three tests.

Su Yunfei also preliminarily obtained the standards for the first three items.

Anyway, it's the first test, and he can definitely reach these three items. Become a junior warrior standard.

As for the fourth item, actual combat.

It is in a virtual combat space that generates various environments, and the picture cannot be transmitted to the outside.

Only the time and the number of enemies killed can be seen on the holographic screen outside.

The junior warrior standard is to kill 30 junior beast soldier-level monsters within 30 minutes. Of course, the virtual environment can speed up the flow of time, so it doesn’t really take that long.

Junior beast soldiers are the level of monsters, equivalent to the junior warriors of humans.

Ten minutes later, the first strong man finally completed the actual combat test.

"Congratulations to tester No. 33 Laurent Blanc, the first test rating is a junior warrior! Please go to the lounge and take the second test within six hours."

Laurent Blanc is one of the people who made the bold statement before.

He strode towards the rest area and snorted contemptuously: "Too easy! I will become a senior warrior soon! "

Some strong men looked at his back, envious, and with a haze in their eyes.

Su Yunfei stood up and decided to conduct the test.

At this time.

In the corridor, a middle-aged man holding a bottle of wine staggered into the test hall.


The man in the dark blue examiner uniform squinted his drunken eyes and scanned the testers in the hall.

He burped loudly and emitting a pungent smell of alcohol.

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