National Hokage: Draw Double Kamui At The Beginning

Chapter 180 Fame Spreads Far And Wide

In the arena of the practice field, Su Bai's eyes were cold, his right hand passed through Xia Yan's fragrant shoulder, and came out from behind her.

Chidori almost pierced her heart, and felt a chill!

If his hand deviates by one or two centimeters... then Xia Yan will peel off her skin even if she doesn't die. It is absolutely impossible for her to ignore her injuries and indulge in Su Bai's last sentence like now.

"Copied thousands of ninjutsu..."

Xia Yan murmured, a large amount of bright red blood flowed from her chest, dyeing most of her body red, she looked extremely miserable!

But Xia Yan didn't care about these things, as if she wasn't the one who got hurt.

Xia Yan, as a genius of the white-eyed clan in Youcheng, has experienced many battles, and this injury is not enough for her to be overwhelmed.

In addition, she is a special Jōnin, and it won't take long to recover with her own recovery ability. She doesn't care about these injuries at all.

What she cared about was that she lost to Su Bai, to an opponent who wasn't even an Elite Chunin!

What makes her feel even more frightening is that the opponent is also the pupil art blood succession limit, and her own white eyes are no match?

Xia Yan stared blankly at the indifferent man in front of her, especially his Sharingan. At this time, the three pairs of Gouyu looked so mysterious, which made her feel powerless.

"Why, why is this happening?"

"Isn't my white eyes the strongest pupil technique Xueji? Why did I lose to him?"

"Could it be that the legends left in the family are false? In fact, Sharingan is the strongest pupil technique blood succession limit?"

Xia Yan was in a very restless mood.

She found that she was not only defeated in strength, but even her faith in her heart was shaken!

She panted heavily, causing the huge thing in front of her chest to tremble. The drastic change of mood accelerated the blood in her whole body, and more blood gushed out from the wound, with a desperate expression on her face. The old students feel pity.

Xia Yan has a high prestige and popularity in the academy, and usually helps these old students a lot, but now they are all begging Su Bai.

"Su Bai, quickly pull out your hand, don't hurt senior Xia Yan anymore."

"That's right, Xia Xueqing's meridians were interrupted, and she will be able to recover in a few days, but if you continue like this, Senior Xia Yan's life will be in danger!"

"I beg you, let Senior Xia Yan go."

"I'm a medical ninja, and I'm willing to treat Xia Xueqing, Su Bai, please let go of Senior Xia Yan."

The old students spoke, and their voices were transmitted to the ears of the two on the field through the equipment.

Su Bai frowned slightly after hearing this, but soon relaxed.

He pulled out his right hand, threw off the Bloodline on it, kicked Xia Yan violently several tens of meters away with a "bang!", and fell heavily on the ground without getting up for a long time.

Su Bai looked at Xia Yan, who looked like a weak girl, with a cold voice.

"Xueqing is my girlfriend, next time you dare to bully her Chidori will not cross your shoulder, but your heart!"

Although Xia Yan looked miserable at the moment, Xia Xueqing's meridians all over her body were severed by her kneading fist, which made Su Bai still feel puzzled and wanted to kill her!

But Xia Yan is Xueqing's clan after all, so I don't know what conflicts exist between their two families.

And Xueqing didn't want herself to hurt Xia Yan, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart and let Xia Yan go.


Xia Yan left and was carried away.

It wasn't that she was too seriously injured and couldn't walk, but she had the idea that Baiyan was not as good as Sharingan. Baiyan's strongest belief collapsed, and she was locked in the deepest corner of her heart. Nothing happened in the accidental world at all.

Xia Xueqing looked at the pitiful Xia Yan, and a look of unbearableness flashed across her face.

She is feeling very complicated at the moment, on the one hand, she feels sorry for Xia Yan, but on the other hand, she is happy that Su Bai is standing up for herself, and feels that she is surrounded by happiness.

"I hope sister Xia Yan won't go into a dead end and affect her growth." Xia Xueqing thought silently in her heart.

When Su Bai walked back to the stands with his bloody right hand, everyone realized just how strong he is!

"Oh my god, even senior sister Xia Yan lost, so Su Bai is already ranked third in the ranking?" A junior student exclaimed.

The rules of the ranking list are very simple. Those who are capable will go up and those who are mediocre will go down. As long as you can defeat the opponent, you can get his ranking and resources.

Xia Yan was originally ranked third, while Su Bai was ranked 21st, which is the ranking he obtained after defeating Ling Deng.

Logically speaking, Su Bai is not qualified to challenge Xia Yan. If he wants to challenge the top ten super geniuses, he must first defeat a C-level monster with about 3000 cards by himself, so as to be eligible for the challenge.

However, this challenge was initiated by Xia Yan, Su Bai does not need any qualifications, as long as he dares to accept it.

Xia Yan used to get three credits per day as a reward for ranking, but now it belongs to Su Bai, which made him very satisfied with the institution's system.

"Three credits for a day without doing anything? Yes, that's more than I earned in the wasteland."

A C-level divine tree fruit in the academy sells for 30 credits, which can add 300 experience points to his yin and yang attributes.

Calculated in this way, the university contributed 30 experience points to him in one day, and 900 points in a month, which is not a small number.

Everyone looked at Su Bai who was treating Xia Xueqing, and they were still whispering, marveling at his strength.

"Hehe, Sharingan... Su Bai, you are very good."

At this time, everyone heard an old voice, and immediately looked, including Su Bai.

Everyone saw that Deng Rong stood up, looked at Su Bai and said loudly: "Copied thousands of ninjutsu... This is really an incredible thing."

"Su Bai, the little guy Wen Fei, the city lord of Yangcheng, bestowed you with the instant fame because of your unique Body Flicker Technique. You really deserve it, and Wen Fei has a good vision."

"And I also recognize you in the aspect of mastering the most ninjutsu, so I plan to give you a title."

"What can I call you..." Deng Rong began to think about it.

When everyone heard that the vice president wanted to bestow the title on Su Bai himself, they felt as if they had been beaten with blood, and the envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes burst out all of a sudden!

What is the name?

That is people's recognition of a certain ninja's strength, it is a supreme honor, and it is a treasure that many ninjas can't get until they die!

Especially the title given by the strong, no one doubts its gold content!

For example, Vice President Deng Rong in front of them is even the strongest among the strong!

Anyone who is not weak on Blue Star knows who Deng Rong is.

He is one of the three vice presidents of the Kyushu Academy. He has taught the academy for decades and has taught countless superpowers. Deng Rong's status is much higher than that of the city lords of several major base cities.

Only a powerful and prestigious person like Deng Rong dared to call the lord of a city a little guy, but other people dared to be slapped to death by Wen Fei so early!

But Deng Rong... I'm afraid Wen Fei not only didn't dare to get angry, but also nodded with a smile. His status is really too high.

"Uh, the vice president still knows my father?" Wen Yuanyuan was stunned.

My father who is a big man who usually has a high position and authority, and is always carefully fawned upon wherever he goes, is actually called a little guy...

Chang Rui looked excited, looked at Vice President Deng Rong and said happily: "Su Bai, you are about to develop, the title bestowed by the Vice President himself is too valuable!"

Yang Liu also nodded, the envy in his eyes was undisguised, "Yes, the title bestowed by the Vice President himself is definitely something that all ninjas dream of."

Ling Yiyi looked at Su Bai with a look of admiration in her beautiful eyes, "I don't know what name you will get, Su Bai, you are so amazing!"

Like Yang Liu, Ge Long, Zhang Dong, and Zhong Hang are envious to death.

"What title do you think the vice president will bestow on Su Bai?" Zhong Hang asked.

"I think the title bestowed by the vice president should be based on Su Bai's ninjutsu." Ge Long said, "After all, ninjutsu is too difficult to practice, and the average Jōnin only masters about twenty, but Su Bai can't. You have mastered a terrifying thousand kinds!"

Zhang Dong thought, "Ge Long, you are right. I guess the vice president will call Su Bai Doctor of Ninjutsu or something. This can best reflect his Grandmaster and understanding of Ninjutsu."

Doctor Ninjutsu?

Everyone nodded immediately.

Makes sense and is apt.

But this is just their guess, what name Su Bai will get in the end depends on Deng Rong, the vice president.

No matter what the name is, Su Bai is destined to be famous today.

Everyone held their breath, looked at Deng Rong nervously and curiously, anticipating the name he wanted.

Deng Rong thought for a long time, his face changed constantly, as if he was struggling, and finally showed a helpless expression.

"Hehe, people's brains don't work well when they get old, and I, an old guy, can't think of any good names."

"So... just give you the name of Sharingan, after all your ninjutsu is copied."

The name of Sharingan?

Sharingan Su Bai?

After hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded frequently.

Everyone knows that Sharingan can copy ninjutsu, and the name given by the vice president is very appropriate.

Su Bai's Sharingan is not only powerful, it seems to be the only pair on the Blue Star at present, and he really deserves the title.

Thinking of this, everyone cast envious glances at Su Bai.

They knew that from today onwards, Su Bai would become famous in You City!

There are even people who think that the title bestowed by the Vice President of Kyushu Academy is too valuable. I am afraid that Su Bai will be famous far and wide, and his name as Sharingan may spread to the other three base cities!

"Tsk tsk, I'm so envious!"

"Yeah, it's awesome that the vice president personally gave Su Bai a title!"

"I don't think I've heard that the vice president gave anyone a title. Su Bai is the first one, right?"

"Of course, what is the strength of the vice president? Ordinary geniuses can't get into his old man's eyes!"

"Su Bai is amazing. He got two titles at a young age, and they were all bestowed by great people. I'm so envious!"

Everyone was envious, jealous, and wished they were the ones who were bestowed the title by Deng Rong now!

"The name of Sharingan?" Su Bai was stunned after hearing Deng Rong's words.

Isn't that Kadian's nickname?

This is really a coincidence, both myself and him have copied thousands of ninjutsu, and they are both called Sharingan ninjas...


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