National Mecha: Invincibility Starts With A Million Increase!
197 The Last Mission Of Ancient Civilization! Mysterious Signal!
As Su Yang, Yue Ye, Jack and Aaliyah go deeper into the palace, the air is filled with the atmosphere of antiquity and mystery. They passed through a series of intricate passages and finally arrived at a huge central hall.
In the center of this hall, there is a glowing energy core, surrounded by strange symbols and ancient mechanical devices. "That is the source of control of all mechanical creatures!" Arya pointed forward and said.
"Looks like we're going to close it." Jack frowned as he looked at the glowing core.
"But it's not easy." Arya's voice revealed a hint of worry, "Shutting down the energy core requires activating four consoles at the same time, and it must be completed within a short time.
"Division of labor and cooperation is our best choice. Su Yang quickly formulated a plan, 31 "Yue Ye, Jack, each of you is responsible for a console. Arya and I will take care of the remaining two. "
They moved quickly and dispersed to different corners of the hall. Just when they started to operate the console, a group of new mechanical creatures suddenly appeared around the hall. They seemed to be activated and attacked them.
"Be careful! These creatures are more dangerous than those encountered before!" Arya warned loudly.
Su Yang and her teammates were forced to distract themselves from dealing with these new enemies. Tsukino's mecha moves quickly, and she cleverly avoids attacks while trying to activate the console. Jack used his beam weapon to effectively suppress the enemy and buy himself time to operate.
At the same time, Su Yang and Aaliya also face huge challenges. Su Yang's mecha showed amazing flexibility in the narrow space, while Arya used her ancient magic to block the waves of attacks.
Time passes by minute by second, and the pressure and danger continue to increase. They must stay focused during the attack of mechanical creatures and coordinate the simultaneous activation of four consoles.
Finally, after a period of intense operation, the four consoles were activated at the same time, and the energy core began to glow intensely, then slowly extinguished. As the energy core closes
The mechanical creatures that attacked them also stopped moving and collapsed on the ground.
"We did it!" Tsukino gasped, but his eyes were full of joy.
"This is a great victory." Arya looked at the extinguished energy core, with a long-lost smile on her face, "You not only saved this planet, but also helped me complete the final mission of the ancient civilization."
At this moment, Su Yang and his teammates felt unprecedented satisfaction. Not only did they defeat powerful enemies, they also uncovered the secrets of this planet's ancient civilization.
Leah led Su Yang and his teammates through the underground palace and came to a hidden library. All the knowledge and history of ancient civilizations are hidden here. "This is the reward you deserve," Arya said. "This knowledge can help you better understand the universe."
Su Yang, Yue Ye and Jack carefully studied the ancient 603 scrolls and books in the library. They discovered a lot about the technology and wisdom of ancient civilizations, and this knowledge will be invaluable for their future journeys.
While they were immersed in this vast amount of knowledge, the outside world was also changing. Su Yang's team became famous for their feats in the ancient civilization ruins, and became heroes throughout the galaxy.
A few days later, they returned to their base and received a warm welcome. Their stories inspired many people and attracted the attention of other explorers and scientists. Su Yang decided to cooperate with them and share the knowledge learned at the ancient civilization ruins.
One day, Su Yang received a mysterious signal...
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