"This coordinate set of everyone, combat class, support class, random combination, a small team of 1,000 people, the captain candidate, you choose yourself."

"Helper, really let us choose the captain by ourselves, isn't that good?"

"I feel very good, is there anyone who forms a team with me, I am 97th in the combat power ranking, and my strength is barely enough."

"I also want to be the captain, I don't have any merits, but I definitely have a sense of righteousness."


Soon a hundred squads were formed.

100,000 people, the mighty departure, caused quite a stir.

"There is another big move to dominate the world, this time the whole gang is dispatched, is it to kill the super boss."

"Impossible, impossible, I feel like they're going to do the task."

"No matter what you do, the little brother who is fighting for the world is so handsome! Since you can't join, you can only marry in."

"Why didn't I think of that?"


An hour later, the assembly was complete.

Peach Blossom Town is surging, and countless gangs begin to gather.

"Alluring City Gang Leader, the battle for world dominance has been assembled, and you can fight at any time."

"Okay, we're ready for Love in Allure, and you can apply for a Gang Residency at any time."

"That's good, let's wait where we are, ready to join the fight."

After 50 minutes, the Allure Gang Leader applies for a gang station.

World Announcement: Love in Allure applies for the establishment of a gang station, the monster siege begins, lasts for three hours, the station crystal is not destroyed within three hours, and the gang station is successfully established.

"I'm going! Love in the Fallen City, apply for the establishment of a gang station, so suddenly!".

"It's really sudden, no wonder so many gangs have gathered, they must have known the news earlier."

"The love of the fallen city is worthy of being a heroine among women, and the wolves are eyeing each other, and they dare to establish a gang station."

"Grapevine, the United States has successfully established a gang station, and their highest level has reached level 47, which is a full four levels higher than our highest level."

"Damn, why are the Mi Guokees so powerful, how could they be the first to establish a gang station, could it be that the leader of the Allure City also knows the news."

"It is quite possible that everyone knows the danger of being the first to start a gang, and it will definitely be the target of public criticism."

"For the sake of the country, you bigwigs can't let go of the grievances in front of you, all the gangs are the living force of Huaxia District, why do you have to fight for the first?"

"The battle for dominance in the world has gathered 100,000 people, it won't be to make trouble!"

"If they go to make trouble, they will turn black for the rest of their lives."

"Zhao Yang is a very decent person, I feel that it is impossible to make trouble, a few days ago, we cleared the dungeon together, it is impossible to stab a teammate with a backhand!".

"Fight for the world, I believe in them, and they will never do such a bottomless thing."

"The other gangs have also gathered a lot of people, this time there must be someone who can't hold their breath, I hope that Love in the Fallen City will successfully establish a station, after level 50, I don't want to be bullied by other countries."

"Work hard to upgrade, work hard to improve the soul of the soldier, and I will make a contribution when the time comes."


The chat content of the world channel is very positive.

Love in a Fallen City, Gang Station.

East, west, north and south, four directions, ambushed countless gang players.

The monster siege has begun, and the first wave of monsters is only level 25.

It's very easy to kill.

The wind is slight, the hegemony of the heavenly alliance, Liu Yiyi's worry-free pavilion, and the shadow of the heavenly machine pavilion ......

There are hundreds of gangs, large and small, and they can't tell who is the enemy and who is the friend?

"Helper, we're here to help this time, right, we must be here to help, right?"

"What are you worried about? Help will definitely not cause trouble, you didn't say it before you came, you are just worrying."

"That's right, everything is under the command of the gang leader, so don't worry about it."

"I'm just worried that the gang leader will do stupid things, and I can't ruin the reputation of the gang because of a station!"

As time went on, more and more players arrived on the battlefield.

The fifth wave of the monster siege has begun.

The monster's level has reached level 35.

"Love in the Alluring City All players, kill monsters quickly, always ready to fight, this time there are really a lot of gangs who want to pick up cheap."

The leader of the Allure City Gang glanced at his cronies with an unkind gaze.

"Helper, I didn't reveal the news, it's really not me."

"Execute the order! I didn't say you revealed it! You've been playing games with me for years!".

"Yes, it's been five years".

"After the battle, you go to the logistics to rest for a while, you should be tired of fighting me for so long!"

"Helper, you still doubt me, why? We are not only comrades-in-arms, we are also good sisters!".

"Why? Do you think I don't know who you are? I didn't say it before, I miss sisterhood, but what about you? What you want is glory and wealth."

"What good did Fengwei give you? You didn't care about our sisterhood for five years."

"Now that the helper knows it, then don't blame me, what he can give me, you will never be able to give it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he drew his dagger and stabbed it straight into the heart of the Allure City Gang Leader.

"Your real name is Shuangshuang!".

The attacking dagger paused slightly.

The Allure Gang Leader turned around and directly pinched the wrist holding the dagger.

"If I'm not mistaken, you've been an undercover agent inserted by Fengwei from the beginning! You have played so well in five years!

"I just want to know if it's true that you blocked me in order to protect me, or if it was to gain my trust."

"It must be to gain your trust, otherwise do you think I'm stupid?".

"Go as far as you can, it's better not to let me see you again, whether it's true or not, I'll always remember that love."

"Why? I've betrayed you, why can't you bear to kill me?"

"Let's go!" Allure turned around and said no more.

Shuangshuang looked at the back of the helper and left ruthlessly

!"Shuangshuang, you have to take care!".

"Wind and snow, the four of you follow her, protect her safety, and you will both be your masters in the future."

"Subordinates obey orders".

Wind and snow, is the personal guard of the leader of the Allure Gang.

They would never disagree with any of the Lady's orders.

"Allure, are you really relieved that you will leave like this? she is your own sister."

"If the young eagle wants to fly freely, it always has to go through the ordeal of life and death, I want to see what kind of ecstasy soup Fengwei poured into my sister?"

"According to the results of the investigation by his subordinates, five years ago, Fengwei saved Miss Shuangshuang's life, and it should have been since then that he had feelings."

"Fengwei is a playboy, how many women around him, this stupid sister, why do you want to moths to fight the fire".

"Ask what the situation in the world is, only let people promise life and death."

The woman who suddenly appeared, sighed, and suddenly disappeared.

This woman's strength is extraordinary, and she has reached the realm of a grandmaster.

After both of them left the gang station, they went directly to Fengwei's location.

When he saw Duran, he was stunned!

"Shuangshuang, why are you here?".

"My identity has been exposed, and I can't help you deliver the message in the future, I'm about to leave, so I'll tell you about it."

"Where can you go little girl? Just stay with me! I'll take care of you in the future."

Duran's face was a little unsightly, and Feng Wei obviously wanted to step on two boats.

"There is someone around you to take care of you, I won't bother, I left, thank you for saving my life five years ago."

"Five years ago, you were so young, I have always regarded you as a sister, there are so many villas in the Feng family, you can choose whatever you want, and you will treat me as a brother in the future."

His eyes lit up: "Is it really possible?".

"Of course, Brother Feng will protect you in the future, you are wandering alone, you have suffered enough when you were a child, I don't want you to continue to live a hard life."

"Okay then, I'll be tired of Brother Feng in the future."

The leader of the Allure City Gang stood on top of the city tower and looked at the white figure in the distance.

"Shuangshuang, you must protect yourself".

The monster siege has been carried out in the eighth wave.

Countless elite bosses appeared, and the players of Allure suffered countless deaths and injuries.

Fighting for the world's command channel, Zhao Yang spoke.

"All the gang members, prepare to fight, and all players who attack the gang station will be killed!"

At this time, there are already gangs ready to move.

Zhao Yang led the gang members to move slowly in the direction of the gang station.

Casual players saw the action of fighting for world domination and couldn't help but start a discussion on the world channel.

"Fighting for the hegemony of the world, you don't really want to take advantage of people's danger!".

"Could it be that Zhao Yang is going to be blackened, he wants to seize the fruits of the victory of the love of the fallen city."

"Why? My idols, why do such things, is it really worth it? Is it so important to have a gang station?".

"I thought that in our Huaxia, there was a powerful and righteous gang, but I didn't expect it to be a hungry wolf in the end."

"I've made a big thunder, don't scold everyone, take a closer look, what are the people fighting for dominance doing?"

"Scolding Mimi, scolding Mimi, the battle for world domination turned out to be allies, they are killing the players attacking the gang's station, they are allies".

The player was so excited that he couldn't even speak incoherently.

"I know that the battle for domination of the world is still the way I feel in my heart, and Zhao Yang is still the same Zhao Yang."

"Which gang are those men in black from, it's so hateful!".

"Fortunately, there is a fight for the help of the world, otherwise the love of the fallen city will be dangerous."

"Now many gangs are eyeing each other, just relying on the fight for dominance of the world, I don't feel safe, brothers are always ready, we can't let these good stories of profit consume the heart, prevent the birth of the first gang station in Huaxia District."

"I am always ready, these big gangs are really greedy for profit, and they don't care about the interests of the country at all."

"This time it's a national online game, and unity is king."

"Well, we must unite, we scattered people, we should form a gang."

"This idea is good, the scattered player Zhan Wushuang is the strongest, but it's a pity that he can't see the head of the dragon."

"The establishment of gangs will be discussed later, and the major gangs will start to move."

"Fighting the world, Tianji Pavilion, Deception Alliance, Sanssouci Pavilion, Shadow Pavilion...... This time, many forces have been dispatched together."

"It's over, it's over, you see, the legendary boss, the final boss of this monster siege, it turned out to be the legendary boss."

"I feel that the love of the fallen city is in danger."

"Don't give up, Sanssouci Pavilion is also a friendly army, you see, Zhan Wushuang is also here, and he is also helping the love of the fallen city."

"Brothers, rush to help Allure Love take the gang station."

The first big melee in Huaxia began, and the biggest threat was the sudden appearance of a legendary-level boss.

"Everyone in the world obeys my command, regardless of all losses, stop the other gang members, and make sure they don't touch any brick on the city wall."

"Understand, for the next hour, we must not give an inch, and think about it, unless we step on our corpses."

"Good brother, I'll leave it to you here, I'll drag down the legendary boss."

Zhao Yang dodged a few times and came directly to the legendary boss.

"Brother of the Love of the Alluring City, leave it to me here!

"Fighting for the world's leader, can you do it alone? Do you need us to leave a few people to help you?"

"Don't worry, I'm enough alone, hurry up and help!"

Zhao Yang directly used the skill cross slash, and instantly pulled the hatred of the legendary boss.

Shadow Demon Wolf: Legendary Boss

Level: 40

Life: 10 Million

Attack: 2500 Defense: 2000

Skill: Shadow Blaster, Demon Wolf Blade, Divine Strike, Peerless Strike.

Special Effects: Shatter, Crit, Rebirth.

This boss is quite difficult to deal with, and if you want to kill it, it is impossible before level 50.

Could it be that Huaxia District is targeted, otherwise, how can there be a legendary boss in the first gang station.

Zhao Yang used a three-stage slash, a five-stage slash, and left the battlefield with the legendary boss.

Legendary boss, the destructive power is too strong, and a single attack may directly destroy the resident crystal.

An hour is a long time.

Zhao Yang was in danger several times, and he was almost buried in the mouth of the Shadow Demon Wolf.

Gang stations, fighting everywhere in all directions.

Regardless of life and death, the other gangs turned on their skills and stuck directly into the pile.

Life for life, injury for injury!

Feng Wei did not join the battle this time, and the gang leaders of the other major gangs also did not join the battle.

I don't know what conspiracy is brewing?"

"Huaxia District, this time it's in trouble, the legendary boss is enough for them to drink a pot."

"Whoosh with death, I want to see what the Huaxia District will fight with us."

"Smecta, Bull Smecta".

"Hahaha, God bless us! Huaxia District is now in a mess, and the highest level of our country has been raised to level 48."

"After level 50, Huaxia District will become our back garden."

"In the world of soldiers' souls, we are definitely the strongest."

At this time, many countries are playing a big game of chess.

The leader of the Allure City Gang frowned slightly, according to the current speed and casualty ratio, within ten minutes, the crystal of the gang station could not be saved.

Three hours away, 20 minutes to go.

"This time, you must not lose, for the sake of honor, you must not lose!".

"Let's use the killer feature of Alluring Love!".

"Helper, think twice before acting! The killer feature has been exposed, and the love of the fallen city is likely to be hit hard."

"Look at how many people are helping us fight, even the number one master, Warriors, has already died once."


The wind and clouds suddenly changed, and countless red figures appeared out of thin air.

This is the killer feature of Alluring Love.

10,000 well-trained women in red appeared, turning the tide of the battle in an instant.

These women in red have all reached the terrifying level 40.

The soul of the soldier is all yellow and yellow.

Everywhere it passed, it was all a one-hit kill!"

"Allure, I didn't expect that for the sake of a gang station, the killer feature of the family was directly exposed, and this time, Allure's love was doomed to failure."

"Black-clothed guards, all dispatched, at all costs, to break the crystal of the gang station."

The Allure Gang Leader frowned slightly.

"The black-clothed guard of the Feng family is really worth a lot of blood, Feng Wei, what are you doing this for?"

The Lord of the Deception Alliance feels that doing so is worthy of Huaxia's cultivation.

Born in Huaxia, he actually did something that hindered the development of players in Huaxia.

His hands were trembling and his heart was dripping blood.

"All the people of the Deception Alliance, they are on the verge of defection, go to his peerless divine soldiers, don't want it, don't want it, the Decepticon League wants to fight for Huaxia today!".

"Helper, I support you, even if you get the peerless divine weapon, what can you do, kill your own people, my conscience is not at ease!"

"Defection, don't want it, we don't want the opportunity to get a peerless divine soldier, kill, kill, kill!"

The Decepticon Alliance's defection, and the team that was about to advance to the city wall was intercepted in an instant.

In this battle, there are no regrets, in this battle, the bloody battle is all over the forest!

"Deception Alliance, you are good, you are lost, you are amazing."

"Applaud your courage in the face of defection".

"Willing, willing, giving is gaining, what you give up is a divine soldier, what you gain is a brother."

Feng Wei frowned slightly, he didn't expect that the chess pieces in his hand were not under his control.

"The battle is over, and there is no need for the Decepticon to exist!"

"Shadow Pavilion Master, are you still not helping? There is not much time left."

"Don't worry, you know."

"White guards, the whole army will attack, and within five minutes, the battle will be over."

Just when the wind and the shadow were triumphant, countless players suddenly appeared in all directions.

These players move quickly and at the same pace.

Although the strength is not as strong as the black guard, the white guard is strong.

But the technique of combo attack is natural, and ten people can easily intercept the white-clothed guard, or the black-clothed guard.

"Damn, this battle has alarmed the military forces."

"Wind Gang Master, retreat!

Feng Wei took out a whistle, and when the whistle sounded, all the black-clothed guards disappeared out of thin air.

The Shadow didn't make any extra moves, and turned away.

The white guard could directly feel the master's thoughts.

Disappear in an instant.

The leader of the Allure City Gang breathed a sigh of relief, this time the gang station was taken down.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the angry roar of the Shadow Demon Wolf was heard in the forest to the south.

"The leader of the fight for world domination, one person fights the Shadow Demon Wolf, let's go to support."

"I almost forgot about the legendary boss, everyone hurried to support."

Allure Gang Leader, Zhan Wushuang, Lu Xiang, Liu Yiyi and other masters, hurried to go.

Longquan Sword, red light filled the sky!

The Shadow Demon Wolf was not afraid at all.

The second kill skill was activated, and Zhao Yang directly slashed at the Shadow Demon Wolf with a sword.

Legend has it that the boss swings out with a claw.

The red light submerged into the boss's body.

The Longquan Sword actually had a slight crack.

The Shadow Demon Wolf's body shook, and he didn't die directly.

Before dying, activate the skill Shadow Blaster.

At this time, Zhao Yang no longer had any extra strength, and he couldn't dodge this skill at all.

At the last moment, the blue soldier soul on his body shone brightly!

Two small blue swords, seven small yellow swords, and one small green sword.

The soldier's spirit appeared, and ten weapons formed a defensive shield.

The Longquan Sword, which was about to shatter, suddenly became ten times larger and was out of Zhao Yang's control.

A sword came out and directly blocked in front of the defensive shield composed of ten soldier souls.

The Shadow Blaster touched the Longquan Sword and exploded instantly.

The exclusive equipment, the Longquan Sword, gradually turned from the hilt of the sword to powder.

The Longquan sword was shattered, and the ten weak soldier souls refused to leave for a long time.

At this time, Zhao Yang couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground unconscious!

A tear fell, and ten weak figures fused together.

A white long sword was formed, which can be found by observing it yourself.

Whether it is the shape or color, this sword is exactly the same as the Longquan sword.

Zhao Yang was unconscious, the soul of the soldier disappeared, and the shadow demon wolf fell to

the ground and died! Lu Xiang, who rushed over, saw Zhao Yang fall to the ground in a coma, and hurriedly ran over.

"Zhao Yang, how are you? You don't want to die, what should I do if you die?".

"Lu Xiang girl, this is a game, don't you want to be so exaggerated, besides, Zhao Yang's breathing is even, and he is obviously not dead."

Probed Zhao Yang's breathing.

Breathe evenly, just overworked

! Take a long breath and faint!

Allure City Gang Leader held his forehead and shook his head helplessly.

"I'll help Zhao Yang put away the things that the two of them will rest in the hotel and the shadow demon wolf drops, and I'll hand them over to him when he wakes up."

Wait until everyone else is gone.

Zhan Wushuang looked at the powder on the ground and a drop of crystal clear tears.

Took a bottle out of the package and put it away.

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