There are no rare level bosses, and the two level 25 bosses are small characters in Lin Feng's eyes. Throw out a skill and kill it. Two more silver outfits were revealed, silver·black scale leather armor, and silver·giant python leather boots. Plus 20 gold coins.

"Macular Tiger King Cave, the level is low, be careful."

BOSS·Macular Tiger King

Level: 25

HP: 12000


For about an hour, Lin Feng rode the guardian unicorn at such a high speed that he circled all the eastern level 20 strange areas of Longyuan City.

A total of 1 level 25 rare boss was encountered, followed by 12 level 25 bosses, and 15 level 20 bosses.

The result was naturally that all of them were easily killed, successfully upgraded to level 18, and Shuang'er also reached level 18.

There are almost no level 20 players at the moment, and some players are teaming up to fight level 20 monsters. They saw a player running around riding a snow-white unicorn. Many thought that the boss was coming to sneak attack, and almost did it.

As a result, there was someone who really did it, and the skill hadn't hit yet, and the Gemini Guardian Unicorn had already disappeared, leaving only miss!

Then someone was prompted by the system to attack the player Meng Wang himself, and then realized that this is a player!

Although Lin Feng ran away, the legend of the white unicorn slowly began to spread among the players in Longyuan City...

We must know that in this period, it is still very enviable to have a mount, such a beautiful mount.

"The progress of the BOSS terminator has reached 38%. 253 gold coins have also been collected, except for the 3 pieces of gold equipment given by the Xiongwang family. After that, the 27 bosses actually got 3 silver weapons, 24 pieces of silver equipment, and not even a silver shield. Explosion. This is not acceptable!"

Shuang'er was running towards the north slowly, Lin Feng thought: "Why don't you try a level 30 boss? It's okay to pull monsters and fight hard, but this will slow down the progress of fighting monsters. And the equipment that explodes should be level 30 , I can’t wear it either. And even if it’s sold, no one can afford it at this time.”

"Forget it... let's go to the north first, clear the level 20 and level 25 bosses over there, then go to the west of the city, and then go to the south of the city. Today's goal is to clear all the first kills of the level 20 and level 25 bosses, so that others have no bosses to kill." brush."

Lin Feng has calculated that with his current agility of 7 speed, he can run a little faster than ordinary people.

But he couldn't run against ordinary bosses, such as the giant earth bear king, who was like an off-road vehicle in front of him, and he couldn't dodge it with one start.

But the 18th-level guardian unicorn is much faster than the boss he is fighting now. After riding proficiency to increase the speed by 20%, it is like driving 160 miles, and a snow-white figure appears.

Moreover, Lin Feng discovered that the real advantage of the guardian unicorn is not fighting monsters at all, but running. After running for an hour, the fatigue value of 100 is only lost by 5 points.

Then stop, rest for two or three minutes, and return to full value, which is naturally the best mount. At this time, he also realized that the profession of Guardian of Light is more like a knight who has been strengthened N times.

So, with Shuang'er's speed, Lin Feng ran to the level 20 strange area in the north of the city in just 20 minutes, and started his BOSS farming process again.

Fortunately, the boss here has not been killed, but the boss here is not hidden in the cave, but is outside, mixed with other monsters.

Lin Feng rode the unicorn and found the boss easily.

There are very few players in the north of the city, because Lin Feng found that although the monsters here are divided into different areas, it is easy for high-level monsters to suddenly come to the low-level monster area, or bosses to move around.

It is much more difficult to fight monsters here than in the east of the city, and it is easy to be killed by high-level monsters, especially if there are more players, throwing out various skills can easily cause other monsters to attack.

When the player team comes over, it is easy to be wiped out by the group.

But with fewer players, it was naturally convenient for Lin Feng.

It took 1 hour for Lin Feng to single-handedly kill the BOSS in the north of the city, killing 2 rare level 25 bosses, 11 level 25 bosses, and 13 level 20 bosses. BOSS Terminator progress reached 66%

The number is less than that in the east of the city. Judging from Lin Feng's leveling experience, it's not that the north of the city is less than the east of the city, but that the boss has been killed and has not been refreshed.

"I have dual hidden professions, level up fast, and play fast, which doesn't mean everyone else is ordinary. A few bosses may have been killed by teamwork or hidden professions. I have to level up quickly and put on a gold suit."

"As everyone's level increases, it will be difficult to get the first boss around the main city in the future. While it's easy now, I must clean up the surrounding area today, and if I wear a gold suit at level 20, I can clean up the bosses in the strange area at level 30 once."

"However, fortunately, most of them were killed by me. This time, I exploded a set of gold suits, giant lion suits, Kai armor, mainly to increase strength, and also added a gold and lion battle axe, three silver weapons, 23 A piece of silver equipment, 242 gold coins, unfortunately no treasure chest."

After counting the harvest, Lin Feng rushed to the west of the city again.

The west of Longyuan City is different from the other two directions. After a short walk here, you will enter the spooky [Skeleton Forest], full of undead creatures.

There are fewer players here, because the production of the second world is too realistic, causing many players to have the illusion of entering the real world.

Naturally, there is a gloomy atmosphere here. Skeleton monsters and ghost monsters are both scary to look at and disgusting to play. The psychological quality of the players who come here to fight monsters is not low, so the number is naturally very small.

Soon, Lin Feng saw that among the group of more than twenty level 20 skeleton sword soldiers, there were three extremely large skeletons, and their ancient hands were also extremely sharp.

Rare Boss Skeleton Machete King

Level: 25

HP: 21000

BOSS · Skeleton Sword Guard

Level: 25

HP: 11000

BOSS · Skeleton Sword Guard

Level: 25

HP: 11000

"I met something good when I first came here!" Lin Feng smiled, and jumped off the back of the guardian unicorn with a distance of more than 30 meters.

Sing it directly, three seconds, the soul-killing circle was successfully created, and another 3 seconds, the soul-absorbing circle was successfully created.

[Soul-absorbing circle Lv1] Consumes 40 health points and takes 3 seconds to create a circular soul-absorbing circle with a range of 15 meters at the designated location. Then the circle is hidden and can be opened at any time within 10 minutes. After it is turned on, it causes damage equal to 200% of the magic attack every second for 10 seconds, and every creature in the formation dies, it can be extended for 2 seconds. Cooldown for 10 seconds.

"Shuang'er, run around." Lin Feng greeted and continued singing.

"Hey!" Gemini Guardian Unicorn yelled, and rushed out. Thirty meters seemed to be non-existent to her, and with a higher level, Shuang'er became savage.

A rampage directly knocked down a bunch of skeletons, and even knocked the rarest boss in the center, the Skeleton Machete King, flying backwards.

Then, he turned around and ran towards Lin Feng.

At this moment, the three bosses, including more than twenty skeleton swordsmen around them, all rushed towards Lin Feng ferociously.

Just when the monster rushed into the ten-meter range.

Hell flames!

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