National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 218 Entering The Ice God Trial Space

The Holy City Hall of the Ice Realm Protoss.

The lord thanked Lin Feng again, and then directly arranged for Anderson to take Lin Feng and Natasha to the place where the Ice God inherited.

"Sacred Son of the Meng King, the succession of the Ice God is no small matter!"

Several people walked all the way to the top of the Ice Mountain, Anderson said as they walked.

"Almost every king of our Ice God Clan will initiate an Ice God inheritance, but there are not many people who can successfully pass through the Ice God inheritance!"

"And after a few times, the kings also found out! The younger the Ice God's inheritance, the easier it is to succeed, and even if it fails, there is still a chance to survive.

"Natasha's age is almost the same now, and she has just reached the minimum limit of the Ice God's inheritance. This time, it is also a coincidence that she has the blood of the Holy Son to start the inheritance!"

"Son of Meng Wang, if it is possible... Even if the inheritance fails, I hope that the Son can protect His Royal Highness Natasha. She is still young, even if she fails this time, she still has another chance!"

Anderson exhorted.

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng nodded.

"Don't worry! Your Excellency Anderson, I will try my best to ensure that Her Highness Natasha completes the inheritance challenge! If the challenge fails, I will protect Her Highness Natasha as much as possible!"

"In that case, I would like to thank the Son of Meng Wang first!"

Then, the three of them set off towards the peak of the iceberg.

The surrounding temperature gradually dropped, and the ice layer became thicker. After walking for an hour, the three of them finally came to a white hall.

"This is the Ice God Inheritance Hall!" Anderson said.

Lin Feng looked over, and saw a tall goddess statue standing in the center of the hall, and in front of the goddess statue were ten temple-sized ice cubes as tall as ten people!

There is a slight light shining on the ice cube, which looks very extraordinary.

"This is the inheritance stone of the ice god! As long as it is activated with the blood of Seraphim, the inheritance of the ice god can be carried out!" At this time, Anderson said.

After the words fell, Lin Feng nodded 340, and looked at Natasha at the side.

"Are you ready?"

Natasha nodded, and said seriously.

"Brother Mengwang Shengzi, Natasha is ready!"

Then, Lin Feng pressed his hand on the Ice God's Inheritance Stone, and Natasha also walked up, pressing a pair of small hands on it.

"Your Highness, after entering, you must listen to Prince Meng! Don't run around!" Anderson emphasized.

Natasha nodded, showing a serious expression.

Seraphim's power surged in Lin Feng's body, and immediately after, on the shimmering inheritance stone, the light flared up, and a fiery light flashed out, wrapping Lin Feng and Natasha together.

After a while, the picture in front of me flickered and jumped.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng appeared in an unfamiliar space. Natasha, who was on his side, was a little nervous, and followed Lin Feng closely.

Lin Feng surveyed the surrounding space. This place looks like an indoor square, but it is more than ten meters high and very wide. Inside the space, there are many icicles with a thickness of five or six meters.

"Is this the place where the Ice God is inherited?"

Lin Feng said, but there is no system prompt at this time!

After taking Natasha for a few steps, Lin Feng found a total of 100 monsters in the first floor, divided into three categories.

Ice Palace Broadsword Trial Guard

Level: Level 100

HP: 80000

Ice Palace Bow and Arrow Trial Guard

Level: Level 100

HP: 70000

Ice Palace Shield Trial Guard

Level: Level 100

HP: 90000

These guards were wearing armor one by one, and the armor looked like it was made of cold iron (cgfj), with a layer of frost covering the surface, and the weapons in their eyes were also in the same way.

The guards formed teams one by one and spread out over the entire square.

A team has a total of 5 people, 1 shield guard, 2 broadsword guards and 2 bow and arrow guards.

"These people are the trial guards of the Ice Palace! Could it be that you have to fight all the way in to get the inheritance of the Ice God?" Lin Feng couldn't help thinking.

And at this moment, the guards of the Ice Temple trial also found Lin Feng and Natasha.


The Ice Palace trial guard snarled, and immediately followed, they ran towards Lin Feng. At the same time, the archer guard shot up with an arrow and shot towards Lin Feng directly.


A sound of breaking wind sounded on the field.

Lin Feng hastily released the protective light array just now, and included himself and Natasha into the light array.


The arrows were blocked by the light array, and at the same time, the Archangel Sword in Lin Feng's hand was raised.


A ray of holy light flashed out, directly drowning the three guards rushing in front of him.




In an instant, the holy light flashed across, and the three guards were instantly killed!

At this moment, a group of mana in Natasha's body on the side also became turbulent, and launched an attack.

The magic breath surged, and the temperature around Natasha suddenly dropped. At the same time, two icicles floated around Natasha.

The ice spikes galloped towards the two archer guards.

miso miso

The two ice thorns made a sound of piercing through the air, and hit the two archer guards in an instant.



The two guards were startled. Although Natasha is young, her level is not low, she has already reached level 100.

And this is why she is known as the genius of the Ice Realm Protoss who is once in a century.

When Natasha was attacking, Lin Feng had already raised his shield and charged directly at the two archers.

Death Charge! Activate!



Under the heavy blow of the shield, the two archer guards also fell to the ground one after another and died directly.

At this time, the battle here has attracted more ice palace trial guards.

"It's an intruder!"

"Anyone who breaks into the ice palace will be killed!"

With a stern shout, soon, the trial guards of the Ice Palace gathered and charged towards Lin Feng one by one.

Lin Feng glanced at the guards who were coming, there were about eighty or ninety of them, and behind these trial guards was a taller trial guard with a sword and shield in his hand

Rare Boss Ice Palace Trial Guard Commander

Level: Level 100

HP: 2100000

But at this time, the guard commander didn't have much desire to attack, instead, the guards in front of the trial rushed over one by one.

whoosh whoosh

Arrows from the archer guards flew over and directly hit Lin Feng's protective light array, causing waves to rise above the light array.



Lin Feng once again activated the guardian angel's cross slash, and with a surge of light, he rushed into the camp of the trial guards. Suddenly, screams of pain rang out on the field.




Immediately, the twelve trial guards rushing to the front were immediately killed by Lin Feng. The other guards were slightly taken aback, followed by dodging and scattered, and launched an attack on Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng put a guardian star shield on himself, and then released Xiao Hei and other pets, and then he entered the camp of the trial guards.

Although the trial guard has level 100, it is an ordinary monster, and the damage is not high! Now that Lin Feng has a set of dark gold equipment and a shield blessing, it is easy to resist these damages!

A flat A directly hit a shield trial guard.


Lin Feng dealt more than 10,000 damage directly, and the shield trial guard hit Lin Feng's shield with a heavy blow.


The damage is very small, basically the same as scratching an itch. But even so, Lin Feng did not dare to be careless, although the damage is less, but the opponent is more!

Lin Feng also felt a bit uncomfortable if he came alone.

After a while of running and charging, Lin Feng killed more than ten enemies. And then, seeing that the guards around him almost surrounded him, Lin Feng grasped the sword of the Archangel tightly, and a thunderbolt flashed out from it.


The power of thunder in the void was pulled up, and soon, thunder and lightning flashed around Lin Feng.

Next, bang!

The thunder arc spread, heading towards the trial guards who were killing Lin Feng all around.

Brush it!

Thunder wandered away, and the field suddenly turned into a pool of thunder!




A series of damage figures jumped up, and then, the guards who rushed to Lin Feng's surroundings were all paralyzed by thunder, and after the flashes of lightning spread, they were retracted again.




Thunder gathered and finally disappeared beside Lin Feng, as if it had never appeared before.

But on the ground, more than 20 trial guards have been killed!

The guard commander who was on the side of the archer's trial guard finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed over. A light blue light flickered in his hand, and then a layer of ice appeared on the shield in his hand, and at the same time, the whole person rushed towards Lin Feng directly.

bang bang bang

There were bursts of loud noises when the feet stepped on the ground, and the guards led the whole body to hit like a train.

Along the way, the trial guards who were still hesitating stepped aside one after another.

A strong wind formed on the shield of the commander of the guards. Seeing that the opponent directly hit him, Lin Feng was not to be outdone, and directly launched a death charge.

Lifting the Dragon Roaring Vajra Shield in his hand, a dark wave formed on it, and Lin Feng charged forward, head-on.


Bang One

A loud noise resounded in the trial space, and the shields of Lin Feng and the guard commander collided together, shooting out layers of sparks, but neither of them took a step back.



Lin Feng's guardian star shield shattered, but the guard leader dropped 130,000 blood, but for him with 2.1 million blood, it's nothing!

After the impact, Lin Feng then dodged and retreated.

Then, the holy light surged from the sword of the Archangel in his hand, and it fell down directly!


The Holy Light Cross looked at the commander of the guards. He raised his shield to defend, and after the slash, he looked at Lin Feng coldly. .

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