National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 228 The Scary King Meng! The World's First Guild Has Arrived!


A roar resounded throughout the arena.

At the same time, behind Lin Feng, a crimson light flickered, and the dragon soul of the Sun God Dragon King appeared, and then directly bent over Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng's whole body was instantly covered with a layer of crimson scales, and then, he rushed towards Kuang Long and Long Zhan Yuye!

"Chairman, be careful, his attack is very high! He can kill us instantly!" Seeing this, Long Zhan fought in the wild, and at the same time he activated the shield skill himself.

The mad dragon on one side stared at Lin Feng. His occupation is Berserk Warrior, which is also a hidden occupation! Immediately, he also directly activated the body protection skill, and a blood mist sprayed on his body. After a while, a red cloud formed. Blood covered his whole body.

"My crazy blood armor can increase the defense by 50%. I don't believe it. In this way, he can still kill me instantly?" After the voice of the crazy dragon fell, Lin Feng had already rushed over.

After casting Light and Shadow Lost Tracking, Lin Feng's speed was very fast, and he rushed to Kuang Long and Long Zhan Yuye in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the sword of the Archangel in his hand flickered.


Cut out with one sword!

The holy light surged, drowning the two of them.


The wild dragon roared, but almost instantly, the blood armor attached to his body was broken, and the shield of Long Zhan Yuye also quickly shattered.


Two damage numbers appeared, and then Kuang Long and Long Zhan Yuye were instantly killed, and the screen turned into a blank.

"You have been killed by the player 'Meng Wang'!"

"You have been killed by the player 'Meng Wang'!"

207 Two system prompts sounded, Kuanglong was stunned and fell into shock!

The defense power has increased by 50%, and it is still instantly killed!

This cute king is too perverted!

However, after the Holy Light Slash killed the two of them, it continued to gallop forward, and the players of the Berserker Alliance who had no time to dodge behind them were directly submerged, and then instantly lost.

In the state of Shenlong Transformation, almost no player can resist Lin Feng's attack!

Seeing this scene, the top executives of the surviving Berserker Alliance widened their eyes and immediately called out to other players.

"Everyone spread out, don't gather together! Elemental mages and archers, output from a distance! Don't save skills! Explode his shield first!"

"The newly joined brother find a good position!"

Although Mengwang can instantly kill them, with so many players in the Berserk Alliance, they feel that they can also instantly kill Mengwang after a round of attack.

whoosh whoosh

Suddenly, in the dense forest, the players launched an attack one after another!

One after another magic and arrows bombarded Lin Feng. Among them, many elemental mage players released AOE attacks, directly destroying more than half of the terrain on the field.


Attack after attack fell, and soon, the guardian light array released by Lin Feng was broken, and then the guardian star shield was also directly broken.

Afterwards, the attack of the Berserker League players fell on Lin Feng, but after that, everyone's eyes widened.

MISS, MISS, -102, MISS...

A series of MISS kept jumping up above Lin Feng's head, and occasionally there would be some damage (cgbe) figures, but the low level was terrifying!

In the state of Shenlong Transformation, Lin Feng's attack power has not only been increased, but also his defense ability has been improved.

The attacks of normal attacking players cause very little damage to Lin Feng, and some of them can't even break the defense at all!

"Why does he have such a thick defense!"

" is this possible? My attack has no effect!"

"The transformation form must have something to do with his transformation form! After the transformation is lifted, we can still kill him!"

"Everyone, don't panic, maintain a good formation, and pay attention to the position of Meng Wang! Don't be approached by him!"

A senior official of the Berserker Alliance said, but that's what he said!

But under the effect of light and shadow fascination, Lin Feng's figure was like a ghost, and his speed was very fast. Before the others could react, Lin Feng had already rushed in front of them.

"This speed is too fast!"

"No, he's coming! Everyone, spread out!"

Coming to the middle of a group of mages, Lin Feng unleashed a thunder strike.

Thunder pierced through the void and directly covered the surrounding area.

-12542, -12451, -14511. …

Thunder streaked across, and the void shook.

The 28 elemental mages of the Berserker Alliance were instantly killed, and immediately, the players of the Berserker Alliance were surprised! One by one, they quickly dodged further away.

But at this time, all the hunting dragons and dragon wars in the field chose to resurrect in situ.

"Damn! There is such a high damage!" After the mad dragon was resurrected, he cursed secretly!

Long Zhan Yuye on one side looked at Meng Wang, his eyes were full of fear.

This is the second time he was killed by Lin Feng! He dropped two levels, which is a bit of a loss!

"His transformation time is limited, if you want to kill him, you still have to wait until his transformation is over!" Long Zhan Yuye said.

Hearing the sound, Kuang Long also nodded, expressing power!

The time for Shenlong Transformation can only last for 60 seconds, and the skill cooldown takes half an hour!

In these 60 seconds, Lin Feng was like a killing god, and the players of the Berserker Alliance had no way to resist wherever he went!

Murong Shanshan's eyes widened when she saw this scene!

Murong Shanshan was still a little worried when Lin Feng was allowed to fight against so many people, but now it seems that Lin Feng is indeed a little bit sure!

Just delay now, as long as Li Yuan leads the players from the world's number one guild here, Lin Feng and the others will be much safer!

And with Lin Feng's current performance, Lin Feng is a big killer on the battlefield, and the world's number one guild has a great hope of victory!

"No wonder he said before that he wouldn't fight until the end and wouldn't retreat! He really has that confidence!" Murong Shanshan muttered.

But at the same time, she was a little unconvinced in her heart, Lin Feng's progress is too fast!

She was able to fight Lin Feng twice before, but now Lin Feng seems to have left her far behind.

"Is it a bit too much PK, do I have to do more tasks like him?" Murongcai began to think.

And just as she was thinking, on her side, a player from the world's number one guild suddenly exclaimed.

"Not good, the president's transformation time is coming!"

After his words fell, Murong Shanshan hurriedly looked.

At this moment, the red scales covering Lin Feng's body slowly faded away, and soon Lin Feng returned to normal state.

"Good! His transformed state can only last for about a minute!"

Everyone come to me, set fire together, and instantly kill Meng Wang!"

Seeing this, Kuanglong was excited for a while, and the players of Kuangzhan League beside him seemed to see hope!

Then, the players around activated their skills one after another and locked on Lin Feng.

And at this moment, Lin Feng directly summoned Xiao Hei and other pets, jumped onto Shuang'er's body, and started galloping in the dense forest!

whoosh whoosh—

Boom boom boom——

One after another arrows and magic bombarded over, Lin Feng dodged some, and some also bombarded Lin Feng's body.

-305, MISS, -405, MISS, -568...

Three-digit numbers surged out one after another, and there were a lot of MISS among them. Even in a normal state, Lin Feng's own defense can reach more than 10,000, and the skill damage of these ordinary players can only deal so much harm!

After a concentrated fire attack, Lin Feng's blood emperor didn't even fall down with a third.

But at this moment, Lin Feng directly released the Guardian Cross Healing, and at the same time Xiao Zi also flew over, and immediately began to heal Lin Feng.


The blood volume began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. Seeing this, the players of the Berserker League were once again powerless! The number of long-range players who made the move just now has reached more than 300, but this move still did not kill Lin Feng instantly.

At this time, Kuanglong has already noticed that Lin Feng is difficult to deal with! Long Zhan Yuye on one side is also frowning.

"All the players must be focused, otherwise, he is too flexible! And the defense is also high, and we high-level players must also take action!" Kuanglong said.

After witnessing Lin Feng's attack, they already understood that getting close to Lin Feng might mean being instantly killed!

But now, in order to kill Lin Feng, they have no choice!

"It can only be like this!"

"All the top executives, vice presidents, captains, and the top 100 people in the guild's combat power, come with me! Let's kill the cute king together!"

"Let other long-range players lock on the cute king, and shoot directly if there is a chance! Focus on attacking!"

Hearing this, all the players nodded one after another, and looked at Meng Wang fearfully. But there was a murderous intent in his eyes!

"Is Gaowan going to make a move?" Lin Feng frowned when he saw Kuanglong and others coming towards him.

"Cooperating with other players, Gao Wan may also kill me!"

"But, you have a guild, and I also have a guild!"

With a gleam in his eyes, Lin Feng rushed towards Kuang Long and the others without hesitation and rushed to kill Guo Yi.

Seeing this scene, Kuang Long and the others were slightly taken aback, and gritted their teeth, thinking that Lin Feng was blatantly provoking!

"Meng Wang! This time, I will definitely kill you!"

The mad dragon directly released the form of a berserk warrior, his black hair instantly turned into blood red, and a smear of blood armor suddenly appeared around his body.

Seeing this, the top management of the Berserker Alliance on one side, those who can transform themselves also used the transformation form one after another.

And then at this moment.

"right here!"

"Brothers of the world's number one guild, kill me!"

A shout suddenly sounded from the other side of the dense forest, Li Yuan appeared, and led 5,000 players from the world's number one guild to rush over!

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