National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 236 The Monster Siege Begins!

"This is quite reasonable! However, the strength of the beast swarm is still unclear, and I think an emergency team is still needed!"

"In addition, there must be a boss among the monsters, and the boss also needs someone to watch!"

On the field, Murong Yiyi added.

"That's it, 500 elites will be drawn from each city gate to form a special team! In addition, if there is a difficult boss, we will deal with it! Ordinary bosses, you should be able to deal with them! If there are rare or legendary Just leave the level to me!" Lin Feng said.

"That's fine! In this way, even if a city gate can't be defended, it can be supported immediately!" Li Yuan also nodded.

Finally, after some discussions, the plan to protect the city was determined.

Each city gate sent 9,500 people and some high-level players, and at the same time formed an elite army of 1,500 people as backup, and the remaining players were to ensure the safety of the entire city and prevent some players from making trouble.

Lin Feng and everyone on the field are on standby at any time. Once the boss appears, the first task is to kill the boss.

After the general direction was determined, Li Yuan and Murong Yiyi then determined the specific plan, including the personnel to be dispatched and the arrangements for the personnel sent by the Seven Dragon Palace and other guilds.

However, Lin Feng did not participate too much in these details. But after the general direction is determined, the details are about balance! Try to ensure that the strength of each city gate is balanced, which is the most critical place.

After this discussion, time quickly passed.

After a full 26 hours, the crowd finalized the specific plan.

At the same time, Lin Feng also opened access to the Seven Dragon Hall and other guilds, as well as those who are willing to participate in the battle to protect Yashan City. This time, a total of more than 20,000 people have been released

Most of the members of these guilds like Seven Dragon Palace have no problems, but the players recruited by the world's number one guild may have a little problem.

But when things got to this point, there was no way around it! And even if there was a problem, a very small number of people were still in control.

Half an hour later, Yashan City opened the teleportation authority.

buzz buzz --

On the teleportation square, rays of light flickered. Many players have entered Yashan City.

"This is Yashan City? It doesn't look that big, it's not as big as the main city!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? This is the player's city, how can it be as big as the main city?"

"But this is not bad, the main city is not comfortable here, and after entering, have you noticed that the blood volume and attributes have increased a bit!"

"Don't tell me I haven't found out that my attributes have also improved a bit, and it is said that players will get extra rewards for killing monsters near their own city! There should be one in Kushan City!"

"Those who envy the world's number one guild..."

"Yes! But after the city is upgraded this time, the world's number one guild should also be upgraded and we should be able to join in time."

"Yeah, Mengwang Da is the most handsome, this time I must join the world's number one guild!"

A group of players spoke excitedly, and on the other side, after the players from the Seven Dragon Palace came in, they also had curious eyes.

"This is King Meng's Yashan City, and it looks like it is developing very well."

"Yes, no wonder it can be upgraded, and there are quite a few buildings in the city. I'm afraid Meng Wang spent a lot of money in it. But that guy can still make money!"

"That's right, I'm afraid that guy is making money in the game now, unlike our side, who has already invested a lot of money, and his development is not as good as him!"

"Forget it, don't talk about it, let's go see Meng Wang first!"

The people from the Seven Dragon Palace walked towards the City Lord's Mansion after speaking, and the other guilds did the same, leading them to the City Lord's Mansion.

Soon, they saw Lin Feng, Li Yuan and others in the City Lord's Mansion.

After some communication, Qilongdian and others also obeyed the arrangement of Lin Feng and others, without much opinion. They were originally there to help, the world's number one guild determined the plan, and they just carried it out.

When the time comes, if the time really does not pass, then there is not much to do.

Soon, after the reinforcements arrived, Li Yuan and Murong Yiyi arranged for people to guard the city gate.

At this time, it was only 3 hours before the monster attacked the city.

When Lin Feng and others arranged, a group of players secretly discussed in Yashan City.

"What should we do now? This time is a good opportunity. As long as the upgrade of Yashan City is destroyed, the morale of the world's number one guild will definitely be hit!"

"Are you going to make a move now? The president hasn't contacted us for a while?"

"Damn it, when you were in Longyuan City, you forgot how the King Meng dealt with us? Hmph, if there was no King Meng! These honors and even Yashan City should belong to our Hot Pot City! And this guy will also be president Killed to level 1!"

"That's right! In the previous games, the guild leader treated us well. Don't you think that the world's number one guild in the second world is developing well, so you don't want to leave?"

"How is it possible, I will always be from Hot Pot City! But the president... Forget it, this time is also an opportunity, so let's talk about how to do it!"

"Contact first! We'd better put the monster into Yashan City this time. If we can't put it in, then we can do it ourselves. As long as we destroy the City Lord's Mansion, this mission will be considered a failure!" said one person. .

All of them were members of Hot Pot City who had been inserted by the Hot Pot City Guild before. Originally, they wanted to destroy the world's number one guild from within, but they never found a suitable opportunity.

It was actually a good opportunity to fight against the Berserker Alliance last time, but unfortunately these people are ordinary players in the world's number one guild.

Last time in the confrontation with the Berserker Alliance, ordinary players didn't fight for long at all, and before they were given a chance, the high-level executives of the Berserk Alliance were directly crippled by Lin Feng. "Then the opponent jumped away! There was no The opportunity for these people to make a move.

But this time, these people finally saw an opportunity.

The city is being upgraded, monsters are attacking the city, and the members of the world's number one guild are asking for help from outside players. It happens to be a relatively chaotic time, and it is also a good opportunity for them to make a move.

Moreover, among the foreign aid invited this time, there are still some people from Hot Pot City, but there are not many. Including them, there may be only about 500 people in total.

"Remember that our number is small, so we must gather together. The City Lord's Mansion is the key, as long as the City Lord's Mansion is destroyed, everything will be easy to talk about!"

"However, the city lord's mansion is also the place where the guards watch the most. It's not that easy to get it!"

"It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen! When the time comes, just play by ear! If it succeeds this time, the reputation of the world's number one guild will definitely decline! And Meng Wang doesn't know how angry he will be! Hahaha... "

Thinking of the failure of the upgrade of Yashan City, Meng Wang's annoyed look, there were wretched smiles on the faces of these people.

And on the other side.

On the teleportation square. Some players also looked excited after they came in.

At the same time, among their friends' messages, one message after another is being distributed!

"It's not easy! We actually got in here!"

"Hey, the world's number one guild will guard against our Berserker Alliance, but other guilds won't! The guild leader's move can be considered, come in through other guilds!"

"This time, our Berserker Alliance also sneaked in a lot of people, almost 300 people! When the time comes to fight, we will find a chance to sneak away, and then take the city lord's mansion of Yashan City!"

"Yeah, when the time comes, contact the others, make an appointment, and work together! Now see the opportunity first!"

"Okay, see you later!"

"See you later!"

Time gradually passed, and soon, many players arrived at the three gates of Yashan City.

And the time for monsters to attack the city is about to arrive.

[The wave of monsters will start in half an hour, all players in Yashan 793 City should get ready!]

The system prompt sounded.

At this time, at the east gate of Yashan City, Lin Feng flew in the air and looked around. Outside the peaceful wilderness around Yashan City, there were actually three bright lights flashing, which happened to correspond to the three gates of Yashan City.

"That's, the portal?"

"Where did the monster appear?" Lin Feng frowned.

Followed, half an hour later.


A ray of light flickered above the portals that were seated on all sides of Yashan City.

【The first wave of monsters will arrive in 3 minutes!】

The system's notification sounded, and for a while, the players in Yashan City became nervous.

"Did the monster attack the city?"

"Finally it's coming!"

"Brothers of the world's number one guild, the fate of Yashan City depends entirely on us! Swear to protect Yashan City to the death!"

"Swear to protect Yashan City to the death!"

At the city gate, following the encouraging voices of their respective captains, everyone in the mountain city became excited one by one.

at the same time.


Outside Yashan City, a ray of light flickered in the teleportation array.

Afterwards, monsters came out of the portal, and the first monster to attack was a green-skinned monster similar to a goblin, but its physique was much larger than that of a goblin, with a height of about 2 meters. , taller than the average player.

These monsters held big sticks in their hands, some of them carried bows and arrows, and behind them, ten black eared wolves also appeared from the teleportation array.

Monsters from three directions set off at the same time, heading towards the gate of Yashan City. Two minutes later, the players in Yashan City also saw these monsters.

"It's monsters! They're coming!"

"A level 40 monster, and three bosses!"

"There are 4 bosses at the east gate!"

There was a sound of exclamation, and the players began to prepare for battle.

The monster siege has begun!.

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