National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 247 Accidentally Opening The Dungeon Wings Of The Sky!

The Fairy Witch Xiaozi, Dandanshoudandan, Lunar Dragon King Xiaohei, and Xueyue Remnant Wolf Xiaoha stood around each other, continuously releasing their skills towards them!

I saw that the blood volume of all the monsters was constantly decreasing...

Except that the blood volume of the biggest boss decreased very slowly, but the blood volume of other minions decreased at a rapid rate.

Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, used the Frozen World!

In an instant, the entire pool was frozen, and because of the restraint of attributes, the Sun Dragon King Xiaohei's skill attack was greatly improved!

-45000, -4500045000...

The Boulder Mermaid and Troll Mermaid are frozen in place!

Lin Feng immediately swung the sword of the archangel and released the skill guardian angel cross cut!

A mass of holy light shone intensely on the Archangel's sword, and it slashed down!



Lin Feng directly cut off 1.2 million HP of the troll merman!

The other giant stone mermen were directly cut off all their blood volume!

Now that its helpers are gone, we can gather together to fight this BOSS!

The troll merman didn't expect that all of his soldiers would be instantly killed by Lin Feng. His eyes, which were originally sea blue, suddenly turned red!

A blue three-character fork appeared in his hand.

"Die! Human!"

"You will regret everything you did today."

The voice just fell off!

A blue light cut towards Lin Feng's body and killed him!

Lin Feng immediately summoned Shuang'er, rode on it, and quickly escaped the blow with lightning speed...


I have to say that its attack speed is indeed much faster than the monsters I encountered today!

But fortunately, no matter how fast its attack is, it can't beat Shuang'er!

Lin Feng immediately erected the sword of the Archangel, pointing straight up!

A group of holy light wrapped the Archangel's sword, and immediately released the awakening skill!

Holy Light Falls!


The group of holy light wrapped on the sword of the archangel exploded!

A dense and intense holy light fell downwards, and hit the troll merman while trembling in the void.


At this time, the troll merman was attacked by Lin Feng, and immediately entered a berserk state!

The water pool it was in started to have waves after waves, hitting the rock wall! He raised the three-character fork in his hand, and sprayed a black spray towards where Lin Feng was!

Fortunately, Lin Feng had already summoned the guardian star shield just now, and the water spray hit his shield, but it only hurt a little bit of his own blood.


Lin Feng unleashes the Guardian Light Array and the Guardian Saint Hammer at the same time!

The huge magic circle glowed with golden light under the troll merman.

In the protective light array, the troll merman wanted to use water splashes to attack Lin Feng, but was blocked by the protective light array!


The patron saint's hammer also slashed down on it!


The giant merman's blood volume quickly retreated, and now it has less than half of its blood volume.

While this troll merman enters the stun!

Lin Feng seized this small gap and released the guardian angel to fight back!


The eight million blood volume of the troll merman was all deducted!

"Damn humans"!"

The giant merman raised his head to the sky and howled!


I saw that the body of the troll merman began to turn into a pool of black water, following the pool of water to merge into one...

Lin Feng looked at the equipment and gold coins all over the floor, and immediately began to count: two sets of bright holy clothes suits, 10,000 gold coins!

Sure enough, the equipment and gold coins blown up by this powerful boss are much more than that of mobs!

Now I already have three sets of Bright Saint Cloths, and I will sell them all at that time, and add the gold coins I just obtained, in order to buy more NPCs!

But I still have a little bit of regret in my heart, thinking that other equipment will be revealed... +

Just when Lin Feng turned around and wanted to leave the cave, suddenly, the whole cave started to shake violently!

The rocks on the rock wall began to roll down...

The wind is a bit muddled!

What's the situation!

Could it be that there are powerful monsters?!

It's so hidden deep enough!

The water pool suddenly exuded a red-golden light, spreading throughout the entire cave life!

Lin Feng was also wrapped in this red-gold light, unable to see clearly what happened.

As the light disappeared, a three-story hexagonal tower appeared in front of his eyes, standing erect in front of him.

With the experience of activating Zhao's Tower last time, this time, it is estimated that other copies were activated.

"Congratulations to the player Meng Wang for opening the copy Sky Wings!"

At the same time, a reminder sounded in the ears of the players in the Huaxia District: "Player Meng Wang successfully opened the dungeon Sky Wings. Players who meet the requirements can enter the adventure."

The announcement was made three times, and all players admired Lin Feng even more!

With more and more dungeons, opening dungeons will no longer be announced to the world, but domestic announcements will be made to allow players to actively participate, and opening dungeons will also increase their popularity.

"It's amazing! I've been looking for a copy for a long time, but I haven't found it all the time. I didn't expect that... again, Meng Wang found it first."

"Meng Wang is so awesome! It seems that I will have to brush wild monsters well in the future, maybe I can also encounter dungeons!"

"A powerful person always has any opportunity. For someone like me who is still at the weak level, "Even if I really encounter a dungeon, I probably don't have the strength."

"I just want to kill wild monsters silently, and I don't know when I will be able to be as good as the cute king!"

"Don't dream, it's probably impossible in this life, just think about it, everyone should kill monsters first!"

"I guess those people in Hot Pot City will be mad! Our president has opened the dungeon again, hahaha! I'm proud!"

Murong Wuwu was also a little surprised when she learned that Lin Feng had opened another copy of Wings of the Sky.

But it was only for a moment, everyone seems to have gotten used to Lin Feng's awesome existence, but well, the psychology is more and more admiring for him...

When Murong Yiyi heard the news, she just nodded calmly.

Murong Er'er was looking at the current second world forum.

It gathers all the posts about Lin Feng.

Because of Lin Feng's relationship, there are posts by Murong Xiaowu and Murong Xiaoyi.

Murong Er'er continued to read everyone's comments below the post.

It can be seen at a glance that there can't be too much navy involved in these posts.

There are many people attacking, Murong Xiaowu and Murong Xiaoyi.

The smile on Murong Er'er's face became more and more gloomy.

What she hates most is seeing her sister get hacked.

Immediately using his own hacking skills, all these posts were deleted.

At this time, in Hot Pot City, Hot Pot with Red Wine and Hot Pot with Sprite are also discussing the fact that Lin Feng opened the second dungeon, Wings of the Sky.

Hot Pot with Sprite: "I really didn't expect that this cute king would have another shit luck, and he would come across another dungeon."

Hot pot with red wine A faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"What if the second copy is turned on?"

"The most important thing for us now is to improve our own strength. When the time comes, we will give him a heavy blow, which will definitely shock the entire second world!"

Hot pot with Sprite also thinks that hot pot with red wine is true......

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, I wonder if things are as simple as everyone thinks...

What kind of existence is this Meng Wang? It is indeed difficult to deal him a heavy blow.

However, considering the reasons for the failure last time, it is true that everyone's strength is not strong enough!

Although one person may not be able to catch up with Mengwang, but! If everyone improves their strength and superimposes everyone's level, they will definitely surpass Mengwang!

"That's right! Brother! What you said is so right, but... the further you go, the slower the leveling up. What should I do?"

Hot pot with red wine, also thinking about how to improve everyone's level faster.

However, apart from brushing dungeons and fighting monsters, there is indeed no other more powerful method.

"You tell our subordinates to fight more wild monster bosses (well done) and get more dungeons."

"This time, I will definitely not let Meng Wang go easily."

Hot Pot with Sprite Hearing what Hot Pot with Red Wine said, he felt that he had already planned everything, so he asked curiously.

"Brother, what are you planning this time?"

"How are you and the president of the mad dragon of the mad war alliance?"

Hot pot with red wine: "They have agreed to cooperate with us."

"This time, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, everyone must upgrade properly in the past few days!"

At this time, the hot pot with pulse is also online, watching them discuss the matter of Lin Feng, also joined in.

"This time Meng Wang opened the second instance, Wings of the Sky, if we don't take action, it will be even more difficult to kill Wu.

Hot pot with Sprite is said to be hot pot with pulsation, and I think it is indeed the case...

After all, Lin Feng destroyed their entire city by himself!

It would be a disgrace if one did not take revenge for such an extermination of the family!

"Brother, what is your plan this time?"

Hot pot with red wine said very mysteriously.

"I'll tell you when it's time to act.

"This time, I will definitely not let Meng Wang escape easily!"

While talking, the eyes of Hot Pot and Red Wine were full of anger. .

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