National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 258 The Battle Continues! The Third Round Begins!

Seeing that she was defeated by Lin Feng, the Buddhist girl immediately folded her arms and said to Lin Feng.

"Sure enough, the big boss is the big boss, I lost! Being able to fight against the idol today is already the happiest thing for me.

The system displayed: "Congratulations to the Mengwang player, who won the victory point in the second round of the game. I hope everyone will continue to work hard."

"The loser withdraws from the game, the winner will continue the game!"

Standing in front of her, Lin Feng didn't know why, and always felt that what she said seemed to be dying for love.

"No, in fact, your attack can still be strengthened."

The Buddhist girl listened to his guidance to her, and nodded solemnly, her eyes were still full of stars.

"Thank you, Your Highness Meng Wang, for your guidance. I will work hard to improve my attack!"


For a moment, Lin Feng didn't know what to say, and the scene at this time was somewhat inexplicably awkward.

I have to say that Lin Feng is not used to her contrast...

A girl dressed so domineeringly called her Your Highness in front of her...

Uh....feels really weird.

"I'm leaving, I hope you can all win the next battle!"

After speaking, the Buddhist girl stepped off the stage and sat in the audience.

The system prompts: "Player Meng Wang got two victory points, do you need to continue the game!"

yes. "



"Match complete."

Everyone also admired Lin Feng's speed of ending the battle. Now it's less than two hours, and he has already played two big games!

The third player also came to the fighting arena.

Finally, the player is a man, wearing a Pitt suit, holding two golden guns in his hands, and a big ocean hanging on his chest, glowing in the sun...

He appeared in everyone's sight range.

477 The attributes of both parties appeared in the eyes of both parties.

Player: Feiyan Shuangying.

HP: 400000

Mana: 16000

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of coldness and complacency.

Unexpectedly, he really met a powerful master. If he can defeat him, he will definitely become popular in the entire server!

After all, the existence of Lin Feng is like a god in everyone's eyes.

Lin Feng looked calmly at the Feiyan Shuangying in front of him, and he could tell from his eyes that this person was definitely a ruthless character.

In the audience, everyone began to discuss the strength of Feiyan Shuangying and Lin Feng.

"I seem to have seen the name of Feiyan Shuangying on a certain list, although it seems that it is indeed ranked so high, but it is also very powerful.

"I met him once in the monster spawning area, and this person took all my equipment and monsters away! I'm so mad! I didn't expect that he would meet Mengwang today, and Mengwang will definitely clean up he!"

"Me too! I also met him in the wild area, and he wouldn't talk to anyone, and he was always ruthless when he did things. I even greeted him at the time.

"This battle will definitely be more fun than the two battles just now! Moreover, this person's attack power must be very strong. I have seen him directly blame a particularly powerful BOSS in seconds!"

"Isn't that nonsense you said? I've also seen Meng Wang kill the BOSS by himself! And it's not always two, but I like Meng Wang more than others."

"Yes, yes, yes! I think Meng Wang will look more harmonious, no (cgej) will be so ruthless, but the competition really needs such a powerful person to have visual effects!"

"Actually, you don't even need to think about it. In this match, our Mengwang will definitely win. The most obvious thing is that the equipment worn by Mengwang looks better than him!"

"Can you stop being so superficial... It's just that their occupation is different from ours..."

Feiyan Shuangying said triumphantly.

"I finally met you. Those contestants just now are just weak chickens to me."

"This time, I will definitely end your undefeated reputation!"

Lin Feng listened to the cruel words he put down, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Interesting, interesting...

Suddenly, his face darkened, and he spoke slowly.

"Then let's see if you have the ability."

The system beeps.

"Two players, please prepare for the battle, the countdown is about to begin!"


Feiyan Shuangying immediately took out his gun and aimed at Lin Feng's position, bang bang bang! Bullets were fired!

He is very confident in his attack, after all, since he has been playing in this second world until now, no one has been able to match the speed of his bullets!

Lin Feng rode on Shuang'er's body, with a smile on his lips, the speed of the bullet was really far behind him!

With a bang, Lin Feng's shadow instantly disappeared in place.

Feiyan and Shuangying also began to look for where Lin Feng is now, but no matter how they look around, they can't find where Lin Feng is......

Is there really someone here who can disappear so quickly?

In the auditorium, everyone was looking for Lin Feng, but they couldn't find him...

Feiyan Shuangying's bullets all failed and fell to the ground.

This also made him feel that the game was really getting more and more fun.

Lin Feng rode Shuang'er, dodged behind him, and suddenly released the awakening skill, and the holy light fell!

On the sword of the Archangel, a golden ray of light exploded, and on top of his head, the holy light began to hit his head bang bang!

Only then did Feiyan Shuangying realize that Lin Feng had flashed behind her...

Everyone's hearts are hanging at this moment...

"Isn't it true that he was instantly killed so quickly? So fast? This person seems to be very powerful..."

"Just now, I didn't even see when Meng Wang flashed behind him... Meng Wang's pet is too powerful..."

"Of course, what do you think, he is number one in the five rankings. If someone can beat him, he must be popular! But thanks for the time, it is estimated that no one can beat him."

"I think the opponent Meng Wang met this time seems to be quite formidable. Maybe Meng Wang will lose in this battle..."

"It is absolutely impossible for Meng Wang to lose, and you don't even think about the speed of the bullets released by Feiyan Shuangying just now. Meng Wang even dodged it. It is impossible to lose.

"Yes, yes, yes! May I ask who's speed can match the speed of this bullet? But the real strength can only be seen in the results, unless Meng Wang's trick can directly kill him in seconds!"


Feiyan Shuangying saw the holy light coming towards him in the void, immediately took out his pistol, and fired bullets in the direction of the holy light!


The attacks of the two exploded in the void instantly...

Lin Feng also frowned slightly, it seemed that this competition was really fun.

In fact, everyone couldn't believe that someone could be so powerful

Feiyan Shuangying saw Lin Feng standing behind him, and suddenly saw that he took out two long guns from his Pete suit and continuously shot bullets at him!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

It was as if tens of thousands of bullets had surrounded him...

Lin Feng looked at the bullets that hit him with lightning speed in front of him, and immediately released the protective light array!


A powerful holy light appeared around Lin Feng, as if a large piece of pure land was cut off.

All the bullets hit the powerful protective light array and fell down...

Feiyan Shuangying also felt Lin Feng's strength, which was beyond his imagination...

Someone can stop their own bullets.

Lin Feng rode Shuang'er to his side, unexpectedly, the speed of Feiyan and Shuangying suddenly increased...

In an instant, it disappeared in place...

Lin Feng felt it, behind him, Feiyan Shuangying appeared behind him!

Just when Feiyan Shuangying wanted to give Lin Feng a fatal blow in the back!

Everyone broke into a cold sweat for Lin Feng......

"No way... Meng Wang won't just lose like this! Behind!"

"This..... The speed of the flying swallows and double eagles is too fast! I haven't realized it at all, okay, how could it be like this!"

"That's right...the Feiyan Shuangying seems to be able to predict where the opponent will appear...too powerful..."

"Both of them are formidable masters, but at this moment, I have no way to guess who will win.

"I still think it must be our Mengwang! Don't think about it, if this war is not won by Mengwang, I will wear a skirt and stand on my head!"

"However, I feel that the result of this game is not important anymore. The whole atmosphere now seems to be really urgent, so that it will feel like fighting again!"


A bullet shot towards Lin Feng's back, and the speed was astonishing...

Feiyan Shuangying's mouth raised a confident smile.

"Come on, you're nothing but my underdog

Lin Feng also sensed the attack from behind him, and in an instant, he dodged it on his Shuang'er!

In that instant, the bullet passed behind Lin Feng.

Feiyan Shuangying couldn't help showing a look of surprise... is this possible!

How could anyone be so fast!

"Just a little bit!"

Lin Feng admired the speed of the Flying Swallows and Double Eagles,'s just too self-righteous.

Feiyan Shuangying was even more unconvinced, and once again stopped at Lin Feng's current position...


A lot of bullets were fired in an instant, Tu Lin Feng was fully covered within the attack range!.

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