National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 28 Make Millions Overnight!

After the water dragon finished chatting with Lin Feng, in their seven-person chat group, he quickly asked, "I have a level 20 gold suit, who wants it?"

"Really?" Devil Dragon quickly asked.

Big Fierce Dragon: "Regardless of whether it's true or not, my sister wants it."

Little milk dragon: "Brother Shuilong, my equipment is so bad! The baby wants the gold set."

Fiery Dragon: "Shuilong don't talk nonsense, get to the point."

Water Dragon: "Okay, let's talk about the important point. Now Mengwang has some silver suits, which are at level 20 and 25. At the same time, there is also a suit, a gold suit, at level 20. For silver, even if the level is relatively high, a dozen or so pieces are not enough. Not much money."

"But now the second world is becoming more and more popular, all powerful guilds and studios have entered, even many stars and some Internet companies have entered. The second world is so realistic, just like the real world, some directors even shoot scenes here, It’s going to be a blockbuster with special effects.”

"Naturally, the higher the level, the higher the popularity, and the more famous it is, the people who are willing to spend money are hundreds of times higher than in the fantasy where we are."

"Everyone is generally around level 15 at this stage. Once they reach level 20 and have more skills, they should form a group to farm BOSS. The value of that set of gold sets is hard to estimate."

"So, let me discuss with you, how much will you pay?"

One-stop: "Your analysis makes the value of the gold suit, which is not low, directly double the value. This is really hard to decide, because if the other party thinks our price is not satisfied, if you find someone else, once the news leaks, Possibly more expensive."

Zulong: "The asking price is 1 million earth coins. At the same time, he added that if the price of the 20-level gold set increases within a week, we will make up for it. If you can own a gold set and are willing to sell it, your strength is very strong. At least At this stage, he should be far ahead of us."

"Because the seven of us teamed up to fight a level 20 boss, it would take too long to be wiped out by the group. On the second day after the server opened, he played the golden set. He must have great strength and is worth our investment."

Shuilong: "What do you think?"

"What Zulong says counts."



Zulong: "If it's armor, it should be worn by warriors. If it's cloth armor, it should be worn by mages. If it's leather armor, it should be worn by agility. Let's buy it first and then talk about how to allocate it."

"Okay, I'll talk to King Meng."

About five minutes later, Lin Feng saw the news of the Seven Dragon Palace·Water Dragon again: "Master, can we meet up? I want to see the golden set of attributes."

"Okay, I'm at Chengnan Exchange." Lin Feng replied.

Afterwards, the two teamed up, and Lin Feng waited at the door in addition to the exchange.

In about ten minutes, the water dragon ran to the gate of the exchange where Lin Feng was located.

Players in the second world can automatically adjust to cover up the light emitted by the equipment. Lin Feng has now turned off the golden light of the golden suit, but the thick and domineering appearance of the giant bear suit still makes him stand out in the crowd.

"Mengwang God?" Shuilong walked up to Lin Feng first, and smiled.

"It's me." Lin Feng nodded with a smile. The water dragon looks more handsome and sunny.

Lin Feng didn't hesitate, and directly shared the attributes of the giant lion suit with the other party.

Lion armor, lion helmet, lion armguards, lion leggings, lion boots. The boosted defense is the same as the giant bear suit, but it has strength added.

The giant bear suit adds 34 points of constitution and 2 points of agility. The giant lion suit adds 34 points of strength and 2 points of agility, and the special effect of the suit: the player increases physical attack by 100 points.

Looking at this attribute, Shuilong was a little dazed and marveled, but he didn't speak, but displayed text in the chat box: "This attribute is so eye-catching! My current level 15 bronze armor only has 20 points of physical defense. Comparing the five pieces together, they are completely different."

"And these 34 points of strength and 2 points of agility are equivalent to the attribute points of level 7 of ordinary occupations! It's absolutely amazing! With this set, I can single out small bosses."

Lin Feng said: "Make an offer."

Shuilong replied directly: "1 million, how about it?"

Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, but at this moment, his heart began to churn.

He is not a big shot, and it feels unreal to earn hundreds of thousands overnight.

But now, this set of equipment is actually worth 1 million? !

It's almost like a dream.

Shuilong continued to post: "At the same time, if there is a 20-level gold set price increase within a week, exceeding 1 million words, we will make up for it. Of course, if the price is lower than the current price, it is normal for the market to erupt, and we will not do it again. You asked for money from Brother Meng Wang. How about it? Sell it?"

"Yes. How to trade?" Lin Feng asked.

Seven Dragon Palace: Water Dragon: "Let's make a real deal! Brother Meng Wang, tell me your bank card number, and I will transfer the money to you immediately, and then you can trade the equipment to me."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will take the money and not give you equipment?"

Shuilong also smiled and said: "Cooperate with our Seven Dragon Palace, in the future you can get more than this little money, even dozens of times, I don't think you will look at the little money in front of you."

"That's right." Lin Feng said: "In reality, the transaction is fine, and the equipment will be given to you first. I will go to the exchange in a while and set a gold coin of 1 million. You can just buy it at a price."

To transfer money in reality, you need to provide your real name and bank card number. The other party may not care about the money, but in Lin Feng's mind, this is not a small amount, and he still has two sets. If the amount is too large, it is uncertain.

But there is no need to provide it in this game, it is directly traded, and the money goes directly to his account.

"Meng Wang is applying for a deal with you."

Shuilong was a little surprised, he hasn't given any money yet, why should he equip himself first?

"Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?" This time, it was Shuilun's turn to ask Lin Feng back.

Lin Feng grinned: "The reputation of the Seven Dragon Palace far exceeds this money, of course I am not bad at this."

"Hey... just kidding."

Afterwards, Lin Feng directly traded the five-piece giant lion set to the Seven Dragon Palace · Water Dragon, and then he went to the exchange and directly sold it for 1 million yuan for 1 gold coin.

The water dragon bought it quickly.

"Ding... 100,0000 into your account."

"Millions! That's it!" Lin Feng was quite excited at this moment, but he still had things to do.

"I still have some silver, do you want it?" Lin Feng asked again.

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