"Are you afraid?"

Murong Wuwu asked Lin Feng softly.

At this time, the process is still slowly ascending, and those who have not yet reached the peak.

From time to time, her eyes would look down to the scenery below her, and for some reason, she always felt a little empty.

Lin Feng could only feel that Murong Wuwu was pulling his hand harder and harder, as if he was going to break his hand in the next second.

"Don't look down, just look up, or look straight into the distance."

Murong Wuwu said with some embarrassment.

"Actually, I'm not afraid. It's just the first time I play this kind of game, and I'm just not used to it."

Lin Feng listened to her explanation, looked at her expression at this time, and knew what was going on in her heart.

It's just that I don't want to show my little fear to myself, but these are also very normal, after all, she is still a little girl.

"It's okay, it's almost at the top now, if you're really scared, everything will pass as soon as you close your eyes."

Murong Wuwu has been unhappy for a while, but Lin Feng actually felt that she would be afraid. How could she be afraid of these small entertainment measures?

"I'm not afraid..."

Before she finished speaking, the roller coaster that was originally at the highest point slid down the track, and the speed blew all her hair behind.

Murong Wuwu was already panicked, and directly grabbed Lin Feng tightly, as if she felt a little safe just by pulling him, and her body couldn't bear to lean against him.

Lin Feng felt the wind-like speed very calmly. I have to say that I really rarely come to feel it properly, which is kind of beautiful.


I saw the roller coaster they carried shuttled back and forth on the track.

Murong Wuwu also closed her eyes, not daring to open her own eyes at all, her whole body was already leaning against Lin Feng's body, and then let all her strength be on Lin Feng's body.

At this time, she was already silently thinking in her heart that she would never ride this roller coaster again.

This time she was really ashamed...

Lin Feng also felt that the current Murong Wuwu put all her strength on herself.

Looking down at Murong Wuwu who was pressing her whole body on her body, her eyes involuntarily fell somewhere...

I always felt so awkward for a while, and immediately turned my eyes away somewhere.

Suddenly a sharp turn made Murong Wuwu's figure get closer to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also felt the squeeze of her body against her...

After passing through countless sharp turns, Murong Wuwu's body was already on top of him, rubbing against him countless times.

Finally, the roller coaster stopped where it started first.

Murong Wuwu saw that the speed of the roller coaster finally stopped, so she slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly realized that she was leaning against Lin Feng's body, recalling what happened just now, her face blushed inexplicably .

"Just now, I didn't mean to..."..."

Murong Wuwu wanted to explain, but Lin Feng just reached out and touched her head.

"Let's go, what else do you want to play, you have already played this roller coaster, is there anything else you want to play?"

Lin Feng led Murong Wuwu off the roller coaster.

"After all, it's been so long since I came to this playground to play, so you can play whatever you want."

Murong Wuwu followed Lin Feng around with a hmm, and set her eyes on the merry-go-round.

"Then let's make a carousel!"

"I think this carousel should not be as exciting as a roller coaster."

Lin Feng nodded, his eyes were full of petting, and he led him to buy the ticket and ride on the merry-go-round together.

Two people are sitting on the same horse, turning under the rainbow lights...  …

Murong Wuwu raised her head and looked at Lin Feng at this moment, feeling all the warmth by his side, which she had never experienced before growing up.

I really hope that time can really exist all the time...

But everyone knows that some things will pass sooner or later, such as time...

"I want to come to the amusement park in the future, can I find you?"

Lin Feng nodded and replied.

"Okay, yes. As long as you have time, I will bring you to this playground. As long as you want to play, I can bring you here."

Murong Wuwu hummed, but it was silent but louder, and the merry-go-round gradually started.

After the two got off the carousel, it was already 10:00.

Murong Erer called, Murong Wuwu, looking at the call from Erer, hesitated for a while.

When he caught sight of Lin Feng, he knew that he must come here occasionally to urge him to go home.

"Come on, if she asks anything, just say you stay with me."

Murong Wuwu nodded and hastily pressed the answer button.

Just as the two of them thought, they only heard Murong Er Er urging.

"When are you coming back? Where are you now? What are you doing? Remember not to get too close to Lin Feng, after all, a man and a woman cannot kiss each other."

Murong Wuwu quickly replied: "I know, I know, don't worry, I'll remember, I won't get too close to him."

"And I'll be back right away, don't worry."

After finishing talking about Murong Wuwu, she hung up Murong Er's phone.

"It's time to go home, let's go, it's really late, I'll bring you to play next time." Lin Feng said.

Murong Wuwu nodded and looked at the playground, still feeling a little reluctant in her heart, and suddenly her eyes fell on a photo studio not far away.

"Then let's take a few photos as souvenirs.

Before Lin Feng nodded, Murong Wuwu directly took his hand and ran towards the photo studio not far away.

For this lively little girl, I really don't know what to say, alas, I can only follow her mind.

"Run slower, run slower, people's photo studio will not close, be careful if you fall, it will be bad.

Soon the two came to the photo studio together, and Murong Wuwu walked in with Lin Feng.

"Are you two going to take a photo?"

I saw Murong Wuwu nodded heavily, with a happy smile on his face.


The photographer led them to the direction of the interior scene.

"Okay, please pose, I'm going to start taking pictures, how many pictures do you need.

Murong Wuwu thought for herself, thought for a while, and replied.

"I want 10."

“Just so I can keep it [and think about it later.

The photographer nodded, and pressed the camera button for Murong Wu and Lin Feng who had already posed.

click click click click

The sound of pressing the keys one after another reached everyone's ears.

The 10 photos were written directly and handed over to Murong Wuwu.

Murong Wuwu looked at the photo of herself and Lin Feng smiling even sweeter than the moon.

"Look, I'll give you a photo of the two of us together, and I'll take the rest."

After talking about Murong Wuwu, he shared one of the group photos with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took over Murong Wuwu and put a photo of herself in the phone's interlayer.

""Okay, the photos are also sold, we should go back now, it is indeed very late, if you go home later, I think you will be heard again."

Lin Feng took Murong Wuwu into the car together, and Ri Tong rushed to the villa where Murong Wuwu lived.

Murong Wuwu, my gaze is still reluctant to part, looking at the playground that is drifting away.

"You must remember what you promised me, and don't forget it."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Don't worry, how could I forget what I promised."

The car stopped in the villa where she lived, and Murong Wuwu walked down after waving at him.

Lin Feng also left the villa he added by car and went to the place where he lived.

After getting off the car, I also felt exhausted. Looking at the observation computer, Lin Feng just wanted to take a good rest and continue the 6-player battle and 10-player battle.

After resting for a while, Lin Feng went to the bathroom to take a shower, returned to the game room, and opened the game.

Li Yuan just sent the message at this time.

"Is Lin Feng Lin Feng here?"

"When will today's 6-player battle and 10-player battle be held?"

Lin Feng immediately replied.

"Now gather everyone for a meeting, and then we can have 6-player battles and 10-player battles."

This time because of Murong Yiyi's people from the European Union, No (Wang Liao Zhao) had no way to form a team battle with them.

For Murong Yiyi, this is indeed something she feels very regretful about.

"Okay, I'll call everyone now."

I have to say that Li Yuan's mobility is really powerful, and it hasn't been a few minutes

All players named by Lin Feng to participate in 6-player and 10-player battles have been added to the team.

Murong Shanshan said: "President, when will we start the 6-player battle and 10-player battle? This time we will fight 6-player battle and 10-player battle. What is the most important plan?"

"Is there a specific ranking for ranking?"

Li Yuan also asked curiously.

"That's right, we have no plans for the 6-man battle and the 10-man battle this time.

"I'm also curious to know what our ranking order will be this time."

"After all, our 6-player battles and 10-player battles are team battles, if one person makes a mistake, it is likely to cause the entire team to fail.

Lin Feng thought about it carefully. In fact, he felt that the most important thing in team battles was strength.

If everyone is strong, in fact, no matter how they shoot, they can crush each other.

If the strength is really not very strong, you can only rely on some tactics to survive.

"As long as the support is behind and everyone is in the front."

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