National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 287 The Second Round Of The Six-Player Battle Begins! 【Middle】

Murong Er'er saw that Murong Wuwu looked like she didn't want her before, and frowned slightly...

Suddenly, I found that my sister seemed to have really grown up. This feeling is indeed a bit gratifying.

Li Yuan was also shocked by the current Murong Wuwu...

In fact, Murong Wuwu's damage and moves can be so powerful that no one else is there except Lin Feng.

It's just because she wants to destroy this Liebing quickly this time.

Sure enough, sometimes it is really something else that inspires a person's potential.

Seeing that his blood volume was continuously decreasing, Lie Bing frowned slightly...

After all, the existence of Murong Wuwu is indeed somewhat surprising.

Suddenly, Lie Bing's side began to condense into many water wave needles.


She fought on the ice lotus and manipulated the water wavelength needles around her, stabbing in the direction of Murong Wuwu!

Looking at the overwhelming water wavelength needle, Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan suddenly became anxious again...

"This attack looks really powerful... I don't know if Wu Wu can dodge it..."

"Otherwise, let me attack and defend her..."

Lin Feng said: "You two don't need to be so anxious, when Wu Wu really can't hold on, we will make a move."

"Now it's time to see how Wu Wu will use her moves at such a critical time to save the day.

Murong Wuwu frowned slightly when she saw that she was surrounded by fierce ice water waves...

Seeing that Murong Wuwu was at a loss at this moment, Lie Bing smiled confidently at the corner of his mouth.


In an instant, one move with both hands!

The water wavelength needles pierced Murong Wuwu's body one by one!

"Defense against light waves!"

Murong Wuwu released a defensive light wave!


A powerful wave of light protruded from the mouth of the water dragon, which wiped out a large area of ​​water waves...

It's just that the water-wavelength needle pierced the water dragon's body directly.


There was an angry roar from the water dragon's mouth, the originally black pupils suddenly turned dark blue, and a ray of light passed through its pupils...

Unexpectedly, the water dragon directly entered the berserk state!

This also indicates that it will be even more difficult to kill now...

Lie Bing swallowed uncontrollably, comforting herself silently in her heart...

But, even if I always feel that nothing is wrong in my heart, I still feel that it is something...

This water dragon has entered a state of berserk, alas...

Lie Yan and Lie Yang saw that Lie Bing had aroused the berserk behavior of the water dragon, and shook their heads silently...

In this berserk state, if everyone joins hands, there may be a chance to turn the situation around...

However, now the opponent is just watching the two of them fight, if they attack too abruptly, they will really lose their shame.

I'm afraid Lie Bing this time is really bad luck...

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth raised an affirmative smile. It has to be said that the current Murong Wuwu is indeed very powerful.

Lie Bing opened his hands, using the power of the ice lotus he was in, and began to unleash his unique skills, the lotus attack wave!

I saw pieces of ice condensed into a huge lotus flower from the void!


I saw a powerful ray of light released from the center of the huge lotus, hitting the water dragon directly!

When Murong Wuwu saw this, a smug smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

It's now!

The water dragon swayed its tail, purposely flew to the side of the lotus flower emitting huge rays of light, and radiated water wave balls one after another in the direction of Lie Bing!

One after another, the water wave balls carried the power released by the blazing ice, and smashed the doctor on her body!

The speed can be said to be so fast that it makes people frown...

Lin Feng really didn't expect this stupid Wuwu to use this method of counter-killing!

Not bad.

Lie Bing looked at the water polo that was coming towards him one after another, so he had no choice but to control the ice lotus under him to dodge...


A water polo hit her hard!


The blood volume was instantly weakened by 5000!

This made Lie Bing a little scared, although the 5,000 blood volume is not a lot, but if he was hit by a few of them, it is estimated that all his blood volume would not be able to withstand her water polo attack!

Before she could react, the second water polo hit her again!


Seeing this, Murong Wuwu continued to quickly let the water dragon spit out many water balls, attacking Liebing...





Lie Yang couldn't stand it anymore, before Lie Yan could speak, he slapped a water polo released by Murong Wuwu!

He looked at Murong Wuwu at this time with murderous eyes.

"court death

In an instant, he violently used his palm again to slap in Murong Wuwu's direction!

Murong Wuwu looked at the huge slap mark that came suddenly, and suddenly had an ominous premonition

Oh no.....…

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately cast a protective light array!

The Archangel Sword in his hand blasted out a circle of powerful force, protecting Murong Wuwu in the air!

Just within a centimeter!

When Lie Yang's palm hit Lin Feng, it released a protective light array.


Lie Yang set his sights on Lin Feng, he didn't expect his attack to be useless against his defensive moves!

Murong Shanshan and Murong Er'er were also angered by this fierce sun!

Originally, they wanted to see the battle between Murong Wuwu and Lie Bing. Since they were villains first, they would not let them go.

Murong Er'er unleashed his own magic attack array!

A huge purple magic appeared in front of her, and after singing a few times, one after another purple magic hit the direction of Lie Yang and Lie Bing.

"I didn't expect them to be villains."

Lie Yan saw that Murong's ears started to launch a group attack, and they were not to be outdone.

Instantly released his own attack towards Murong Er'er!

Arrows rained continuously in the air towards Murong Er'er!

Li Yuan looked at the rain of arrows all over the sky, and also showed his unique skills, released the rain of swords, and followed the rain of arrows emitted by Lie Yan to shoot at each other!

Looking at the current scene, it also makes people feel that the momentum is huge!

Lie Sun and Lie Xing launched a combined test attack on Lin Feng!

A wave of light from the sky of ice and fire reflected back towards Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng dodged to the side in an instant, and the double sky of ice and fire directly hit other positions...


Seeing that Li Yuan's moves were comparable to his own, Lie Yan summoned more rain of arrows in an instant, and continued to pound the wall on Li Yuan's body!

As a long-range attacker, Murong Er'er had already aimed his hostility at Lie Yang at this moment.

Seeing Murong Erer's attack coming towards him, Lie Yang had no choice but to give up Lie Bing first and fight Murong.

Murong Wuwu drove the water dragon to shoot another attack wave in the direction of Lie Bing!

Lie Bing dodged triumphantly, who would have thought of it!

But at this moment, Murong Shanshan directly jumped up, releasing her instant killing skill on Lie Bing's body!

Lie Bing regained his composure and dodged Murong Shanshan's heaviest attack, but his blood volume was still reduced a lot.


Seeing this, Murong Wuwu launched another attack on Lie Bing!

With such a powerful force, it can be said that people inadvertently took a deep breath...

A critical blow hit Lie Bing fiercely!


The blood volume dropped directly to zero!


The audience watched this shocking scene and couldn't help discussing it.

"I found that these people are really powerful. My God, this is the first time I've watched such a battle scene. It's so exciting... This is only the second round, and I guess it won't be until the third round."

In the fourth and fifth rounds, it will be even more shocking!"

"I think so... I guess it will be even more shocking at that time. The current scene is rare in a thousand years, but I thought that Murong Xiaowu's combat power would be weak.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"It seems that the people we think are weak actually have enormous power. Needless to say, Meng Wang's words must be the strongest. The other "Master Qian's strong" must have more powerful moves. Release it."

"I think so. It's only the second round now. I guess it will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future, and the scene will definitely be even grander than it is now!"

"It's also rare to see such a powerful side of Murong Xiaowu. In normal times, in my eyes, Murong Xiaowu really doesn't look that powerful. The output, to win."

"Women may really only become very powerful when they want to be very powerful. If it is normal, knowing that there are so many masters around, normal people will want to lie down and win."

"Yes, yes, yes! I think so too. If I was surrounded by these powerful people, I would also want to lie down and win, but Murong Xiaowu suddenly became so powerful, probably because of her opponent Lie Bing! What she said , but a little jealous."

"You mean to say that Murong Xiaowu became so powerful because she was jealous? But if you think about it in this way, it's not impossible.

Still, here's hoping they both get the Victory Valley they want. "

Seeing that she had defeated Lie Bing, Murong Xiaowu had a smug smile on the corner of her mouth, although she still looked a little calm on the surface, she couldn't hide the smugness in her eyes. .

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