National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 308 Overwhelming Remarks!

Lin Feng and Murong Sisi met eyes, and after the two pursed their lips, they couldn't say anything to praise Murong Wuwu for a while.

Seeing the two of them staring at the cake she made, Murong Wuwu frowned and asked without saying a word.

"Why are you two looking at my cake like that?"

"I think it's done pretty well. Although I didn't say that it is a little different from the tutorial, the ingredients and so on are the same."

"Try it quickly, how do I do?"

Lin Feng silently picked up a little piece of cake with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, the bitter taste of red wine spread in his mouth......

It's a bit strange that the taste doesn't come up, but it's not too bad to drink...

It’s just that it’s a little bit bitter, but it’s not enough to make a very successful cake.

Murong Wuwu stared at Lin Feng with huge curious eyes.

"how is it going?"

"How am I doing?"

Murong Sisi also noticed the smile on Lin Feng's face curiously at this moment, after all, she still had some doubts about the cake that Murong Wuwu made for the first time...

Just in case if you accidentally eat and ruin your stomach, it will be fine.

Lin Feng nodded approvingly.

"That's right, it's just that you put too much chocolate, it's a little bit bitter."

After hearing Lin Feng's praise, Murong Wuwu felt as if she was going to leap, and immediately tasted the cake she made!

A hint of red wine and dark chocolate.

"It's really not wrong! I feel that I have made some progress, and I thought I would make something terrible!"

Murong Sisi couldn't believe it, didn't she think that Wu Wu would succeed in making a cake for the first time?

I also took a bite out of curiosity. For someone who can make a cake like this for the first time, it is indeed very commendable.

"Not bad, not bad, indeed 997 is doing very well.

"It's the flavor I like."

Murong Wuwu laughed loudly, her face was full of confidence!

The three of them ate the tomato and egg noodles made by Lin Feng together. The taste was light and just formed a huge contrast with the cake made by Murong Wuwu.

"Not bad, I think the tomato egg noodles you made are really delicious."

"Yes! This tomato and egg noodles is really commendable."

As a foodie, Murong Sisi also felt for the first time that although the tomato egg noodles looked ordinary, they tasted quite good!

The three quickly finished today's breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi also left Lin Feng's house.

Li Yuan called Lin Feng at this moment.

"Hey! Didn't you say that there will be a six-player battle today? Why don't you go online yet!"

"I just went to make breakfast, and when the four sisters come, we can start."

When Li Yuan heard this, he was a little surprised!

"It doesn't seem easy for you to go offline for so long just for a bowl of breakfast."

Lin Feng chuckled lightly, and his expression became serious.

Because usually Li Yuan would not call him from Daqing.

"Why did you call me so early in the morning?"

"Is something wrong?"

Li Yuan was told by Lin Feng that he remembered the news about Hot Pot City when he was browsing the forum this morning.

He knew that the usual Lin Feng didn't like to get involved in these things, and he didn't like to go to the forums, but such a hot thing, whether he wanted to listen to it or not, he still needed to talk about it!

"Hot Pot City is about to collapse. If you have time, go to the forum."

"I really didn't expect this hot pot city to collapse so quickly."

(cgdb) Lin Feng frowned slightly. He was still a little confused about the hotpot city incident, so he hung up Li Yuan's phone silently.

After taking a shower, I went back to the game cabin and entered the game......

Opened the forum for the first time, and the entire forum is full of things about Hot Pot City!

[Hot Pot City created its own investigation team, and in the end even the shadow of Meng Wang was not seen. 】

[The president of Hot Pot City, Hot Pot with Red Wine personally killed more than 500 people and kicked him out of Hot Pot City. 】

[The number of people in Hot Pot City has dropped to 500 for the first time. Is this the rhythm of Hot Pot City's collapse? Or is there another choice for hot pot and red wine?】

[The hot pot city that was extremely popular in the past has now reached the point where it is too horrible to look at. What is the situation? 】

【All members have expressed their dissatisfaction with Hot Pot City. Is Hot Pot City really going to collapse this time?】

Lin Feng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this hot pot city lost five hundred people from more than one thousand people.

Moreover, most of the masters have left Hot Pot City.

It is estimated that everyone feels that there is no need for the current hot pot city to continue. This time, hot pot with red wine has completely lost their popular support.

Click on one of the posts to see, and all the comments are written about this incident.

The first floor: "I was a member of the Hot Pot City back then, and I feel that the current Hot Pot City has already changed its flavor. In fact, I wanted to leave a long time ago, but I have always been out of face and have feelings for this Hot Pot City, so I have never left... ..

The second floor: "That's right! This hot pot with red wine can see everyone's request, but I didn't expect him to see it. In the end, I really feel that this hot pot city is dying under his leadership."

The fourth floor: "Everyone speaks directly. I was also a member of Hot Pot City back then, but I left relatively early. I feel that the strength of this hot pot pairing with red wine has never been very good. It is still the best guild in the world."

Fifth Floor: "Actually, after leaving Hot Pot City this time, I still want to join the No. 1 Guild in the World, but... I think that my ability is indeed a bit weak, and I still feel that now is not the time to plan to fly solo for a while."

The sixth floor: "That's right, I think the same way. In fact, sometimes, I think it's good to fly solo. When the fate comes, I will join it naturally. Although it may not be a very powerful guild, it will not be as good as the guild. Same as hot pot!"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

I have to say that the current opportunity is indeed a good opportunity to recruit people.

In fact, there are masters in the hot pot city, but they have not been seen.

As expected, Li Yuan sent him another message.

"You actually hung up on my phone, we have known each other for so long, this is also the first time you have hung up on me.

Lin Feng replied with some helplessness: "I am also helpless."

"By the way, send me a post, which is what we need to recruit players now.

"I believe that the masters who left the hot pot city will come to us soon."

Li Yuan was slightly startled, he hadn't thought of such a thing at all!

"Okay! I'll send it to you now."

"I'll go to Yashan City first." Lin Feng replied.

After replying, Lin Feng immediately came to Yashan City.

After patrolling around, the other four people in the six-player battle also went online.

In the six-person beheading team, Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan asked at the same time.

"Captain, where are you now?"

"We're going to find you now, and then continue with the six-man battle."

"It is very necessary for us to finish the six-man battle today."

"Then start a ten-man battle."

Lin Feng replied: "Okay.

"Now there are still nine days before the end of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference. During these nine days, everyone will continue to work hard.

"Assemble, I'm in Yashan City."

Murong Wuwu said: "We will all work hard."

Murong Er'er also heard a little about the hot pot city this time, and asked.

"Captain, I heard that this hot pot city is about to collapse."

Li Yuan also said excitedly when he heard Murong Er'er talking about the hot pot city this time.

"That's right! Now the entire forum is full of talk about Hot Pot City, and I feel that the current Hot Pot City has really reached the point where everyone pushes it.

The corner of Murong Shanshan's mouth raised a cold smile.

"Isn't this a normal thing? This hot pot with red wine in Hot Pot City is simply not capable of leading Hot Pot City to a more powerful position. His mind is too small."

Lin Feng nodded.

In fact, he can quite understand the feeling of this hot pot with red wine. He has always been such a powerful existence, and he must be very upset when he is suddenly compared to others.

But, it's been so long, he still devotes himself to fighting with himself...

The point is that there hasn't been a big progress yet.

"This time hot pot with red wine, seeing that my hot pot city is getting weaker and weaker, I should be more serious about running the whole hot pot city than before.

"Okay, everyone, don't discuss the hot pot city this time, we still have a task on our shoulders."

All the people came to Yashan City, and six people came to the world's number one martial arts conference together.

The system prompts: "Would you like to choose today's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament with six players?"


The six people spoke in unison.

In an instant, the six people turned into a white light and disappeared in place, arriving at the Martial Arts Field.

The entire Martial Arts Hall is noisy, and there are many spectators sitting there!

Murong Sisi greeted everyone lively.

Everyone started shouting slogans when they saw such a cute Murong Sisi!

"Goddess Sisi! You are the best!"

Lin Feng just felt that the scene seemed to be a bit less like a battle scene, but more like a star chasing scene...

"Mengwang! Mengwang! Mengwang is the invincible existence. Our Mengwang is the invincible existence. This time the world's number one martial arts conference will definitely be won by Mengwang

"That's right! That's right! We are fans of Mengwang, maybe we can really get a little bit of benefits..."

"I'm afraid you are not a fake fan! We are the most real fans! Meng Wang, you are the best!"

"I've been waiting for a long time, and finally the battle of King Meng is finally here. I also ate a bowl of melon last night. I heard that the current hot pot city is about to face the rhythm of collapse."

"I have heard about this, but the Hot Pot City will definitely not collapse, and you don't even think about how many people there are still in the Hot Pot City, but if it continues like this, it will probably collapse sooner or later."

"Now it's the six-player battle of Meng Wang. Let's talk about this match! Why are you discussing the hot pot city? It's bad luck! If you want to discuss it, it's better to discuss it in the forum."

"Yes, yes! This is obviously a competition. It would be better for everyone to cheer for Meng Wang and the others. Don't worry about other things. After all, I am not from Hot Pot City. It is normal that Hot Pot City is so miserable. 11

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