National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 315 Six-Person Battle! The Fourth Round Begins!

At this time, the entire forum began to be full of discussions about the PK between the violent loli group and the cute king team!

The violent loli group is also a team that has been recognized by everyone in the world's number one martial arts competition.

At least from the current point of view, their strength and non-matching are relatively even, and more importantly, each of them is equally strong, and they have all made up for some of the shortcomings of their teammates.

In the previous few games, the Violent Lolita Group killed the enemy very quickly.

This time the strong teams finally met.

In the martial arts arena, the attributes of both sides also appeared in the eyes of the other side.

Opponent: Violent Meow

HP: 780000

Mana: 19900

Opponent: Violent Little Flower

HP: 770000

Mana: 18980

Opponent: Violent Xiaocao

HP: 760000

Mana: 18790

Opponent: Violent Little Coffee

HP: 750000

Mana: 18760

Opponent: Violent Little Sun

HP: 740000

Magic value: 18550

Opponent: Violent Sakura

"Four Eight Three" HP: 730,000

Magic value: 18450

It was also the first time Lin Feng saw such an even distribution of HP and mana in their team.

Li Yuan couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said: "This violent loli group has their usual style."

Violent Meow looked at Lin Feng with arrogance in his eyes.

"Although you are number one in the five rankings, our team is not bad."

"Today our team will definitely do our best to let you know what it means to be great!"

Lin Feng listened to what she said, although it was a bit harsh, but after so long, it was rare to meet such a confident team.

The faces of the other team members are filled with their own dawn, which is indeed worth learning from many people.

The violent little cherry blossoms instead set their eyes on Murong Er'er.

"This time, I hope to compete with you."

The smile on the corner of Murong Er'er's mouth deepened, and he nodded.

"I'm also curious about how you have improved your abilities these past few days.

Lin Feng knew that Murong Er'er was offended now...

As long as her smile is brighter and brighter, it also means that her anger is getting bigger and bigger.

Both Violent Meow and Violent Xiaohua set their eyes on Meng Wang.

Seeing that the two of them were staring at him, Lin Feng guessed that the two of them were going to abuse him together this time.

Li Yuan saw that Violent Xiaomiao and Violent Xiaohua both set their eyes on Lin Feng at this time, and he understood what the tactics of the two of them would be to bring life and said to Lin Feng.

"You have to pay attention later, the strength of the two of them is indeed quite strong, at least compared to the teams we have encountered before, their violent lolita is still very good.

How does Lin Feng nod? Compared with a one-on-one fight, he actually prefers a purposeful confrontation between opponents.

The system prompt sounds at this time.

"Please prepare for the players on both sides, the game will start immediately."

"Time enters countdown 3........1!"


The audience stood up and cheered.

Both Violent Meow and Violent Xiaohua began to unleash their skills.

In the hands of Violent Meow, two small magic arrays began to appear, and they kept turning in the palm of their hands.

In an instant, a huge vine came from Lin Feng.

The vines are also covered with many thorns. If they are accidentally injured, they may directly enter the poisoned state.

In the poisoned state, the use of skills will definitely be greatly weakened.

The speed of the vines was so fast that they had already come to Lin Feng's side in order to bring everyone back to their senses, and whipped him fiercely towards his side.

Lin Feng raised the Archangel Sword in his hand, and when the sword fell, it cut his vine in half.


Violent Xiao Miao frowned slightly, she didn't think about her rattan weaving.

It was unexpectedly cut off by Lin Feng's moves so quickly, but this little damage was nothing to him.

"It's really like everyone said, your attack is really powerful."

"But I'm not bad either!"

The companion who was cut off by Lin Feng flew back to the vine he was controlling in an instant, and whipped towards Lin Feng again!

The vine instantly split into two pieces in front of Lin Feng, and wrapped around Lin Feng's back, trying to entangle him to this point.

"Wood Shackles!"

Those vines began to grow wider little by little, making up for the places where Lin Feng could escape, making others inescapable.

Seeing that Lin Feng was already trapped among her companions, Violent Meow spoke to Violent Xiaohua beside her.

"Hurry up and kill him in seconds, I don't believe he is really as powerful as others say."

Violent Xiaohua released a huge ball of light and smashed towards Lin Feng's body, surrounded by vines.

Now he can be said to have nowhere to escape the ball of light released by this violent little flower.

Lin Feng looked at the ball of light that was about to pierce him, and instantly released the skill guardian light array, and a powerful holy light enveloped his body.

With a bang, the ball of light hit them, and a strong holy light erupted.

People's eyes are involuntarily closed, and it is impossible to see what kind of situation Lin Feng is now.

Violent Meow has his hands on his hips, and his posture is quite outstanding.

"I thought how powerful it would be to be number one in the five rankings, but I didn't expect that there wasn't even a ball of light, so I dodged it.

After the light gradually dissipated, everyone could see clearly that the current Lin Feng didn't expect that his blood volume didn't decrease by a single drop!


At this moment, the English letters of immunity appeared on his head!

Violent Meow frowned slightly, did not expect violence, Xiaohua's light ball actually failed, if it were other ordinary people, they would have already been defeated, okay!

Lin Feng still calmly faced the violent Xiaomiao and violent Xiaohua in front of him.

In fact, regarding the skills of the two of them, I can completely counter-kill them.

But I'm also curious about what strength the two of them have that haven't been released yet.

Li Yuan saw that Lin Feng blocked the views of the violent little meow and the violent little flower, and the big stone in his heart fell down.

He thought he really encountered some powerful opponent this time.

It can be seen from his face that Lin Feng doesn't take the opponent in front of him seriously at all.

Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng were safe and sound, and he also let out a long sigh, thinking that this time Lin Feng might not be as comfortable as the last one.

Lin Feng swung the Archangel Sword in his hand, stood it upright, and a holy light wrapped it, releasing the guardian angel to strike back.

A powerful wave of attack accompanied by golden light passed through the bodies of Violent Meow and Violent Xiao Hua.

Before the two of them could react, this powerful attack wave had already landed on them!



One person lost a full 500,000 blood volume, and one person lost a full 40,000 to 50,000 blood volume.

Compared to the two of them's current blood volume of more than 700,000, it is already considered to have lost an average blood volume.

Violent Meow and Violent Xiao Hua glanced at each other, and immediately merged their hands, and unexpectedly released a powerful attack wave!

Created an attack wave with blue and purple rays of light continuously flowing, sweeping towards Lin Feng's body!

It seems that all the matter in the void has been smashed into half.

Lin Feng released the skill Guardian Star Shield!

A huge shield stood in front of him, directly blocking the attack of the two of them, but the aftershock of their attack caused a little damage.


Violent Xiaomiao and Violent Xiaohua obviously combined the unique trick of the two of them, and the damage to Lin Feng was so low, which is still a bit uncomfortable.

The violent little meow immediately became furious, and summoned a huge magic circle with both hands, which was activated under Lin Feng's body.

After she sang softly a few times, the magic circle uttered one after another, as if something was about to emerge from the ground.

This sound surrounded the Martial Dojo, which seemed a little weird and terrifying.

A huge vine was accompanied by venom, and tumbling directly from the magic circle, one after another huge vine began to spread, and the entire Martial Arts Field occupied all its positions in his hands.

Lin Feng frowned and released again, Guardian Angel Cross Slash!

The huge vine unexpectedly blocked Lin Feng's attack from the guardian angel's cross cut, and began to continuously want to bind him in this, the cage they made.

Murong Wuwu and Li Yuan on the side were both anxious. Seeing that Lin Feng seemed to be trapped by the overwhelming vines, he immediately attacked the vines.


Li Yuan controlled thousands of sword rains, and began to fight with some of his companions, but their regenerative ability was too strong, and they could regenerate after cutting them in half.

The water column that Murong Wuwu summoned can only be directly absorbed by her companions, as her own essence, converted into her own nutrients, making them even bigger.

Seeing the current situation, Violent Meow raised a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that my partner's vine attack is quite strong, and even trapped King Meng inside.

At this moment, Lin Feng looked around, looking at the vines that wanted to strangle him, with a hint of coldness in the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, he released his move, Thunder Clap!.

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