Seeing the howl of the black dragon, Zulong frowned slightly...

The black dragon swayed its body, its sharp claws rushed towards Lin Feng's position!

The air seemed to become very cold in an instant, and the surroundings seemed to be filled with the breath of death and extinction.

Lin Feng looked at the black dragon rushing towards him, raised the Archangel Sword in his hand, and made a defensive posture.

The sword of the Archangel began to emit holy light, driving away the surrounding darkness as if...


A circle of white light burst out from the sword of the Archangel!

Lin Feng released the awakening technique, and the holy light fell!

I saw streaks of holy light falling from the circle, continuously bombarding the black dragon...

The speed of the black dragon was greatly delayed by the falling of the holy light released by Lin Feng...

Boom boom boom!

A white light all hit the black dragon.


After the black dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, it was killed by Lin Feng's move...

The corpse turned into a cloud of dust and smoke, dissipated and opened...

All Zulong's blood volume was killed by the moves released by Lin Feng...

He let out a long sigh, and his eyes still couldn't hide his sense of loss for this game...

Now the entire team of the Seven Dragon Palace is only left with the big fierce dragon, the fiery dragon, and the little milk dragon...

The most powerful characters in the team have already been defeated, and it is also a battle that has not been won for them.

Seeing Lin Feng kill Zulong, Murong Wuwu smiled smugly.

"I've already told you, it must be our captain, you still don't believe me."

At this time, the big fierce dragon was still a little unresponsive, and he didn't expect that his captain would be killed in the end!

527 This is enough to prove that Meng Wang's strength is indeed unimaginable...

Now the whole team will give birth to the three of them to depend on each other...

Now I can only pick other people to fight.

Zulong said with admiration in his eyes.

"Sure enough, it is my greatest honor to be able to stand with you today."

Lin Feng also said: "I am honored to be able to fight against you today.

Lin Feng turned his eyes away from Zulong, and looked at the other members of the Seven Dragon Hall.

"Others, just choose a member of our team to fight..."

"Otherwise, it would be unfair to you.

The little milk dragon pouted and said: "Sure enough, it's still what I thought... In the end we still lost."

"Please don't hit too hard..."

Looking at such an unbelievable little milk dragon, Zulong felt helpless in his heart...

The big fierce dragon directly grabbed her ear, and shouted: "Can you stop being so discouraged, we haven't fought yet?"

"Besides, I've also seen someone who was able to come back against the wind!"

The little milk dragon said with a face of complete disbelief: "The headwinds at that time were reversed, as long as there are powerful people..."

"It's impossible for us to go against the wind, don't think about it...the rest of us now have no suspense..."

The big fierce dragon was completely defeated by the little milk dragon, and couldn't help complaining: "Can't you cheer up a little bit?"

"Isn't there just a few of us left?"

"Besides, anyone will have the possibility of turning against the wind. As long as you believe in yourself, maybe there will be a miracle."

Murong Wuwu couldn't help laughing when she heard the big fierce dragon cheering up the little milk dragon: "It's probably unlikely to happen..."

"In fact, sometimes it is better to recognize the reality."

The fierce dragon stared fiercely at Murong Wuwu.

"Now that the battle between captain and captain is over, it's our turn now.

Suddenly, a strong murderous intent appeared in her eyes, as if she would not give up even if she died.

Murong could hear the murderous intent in the eyes of the big fierce dragon, and when he was about to fight for his sister, Lin Feng stopped him.

"Don't, let Xiao Wu come here."

"You have to trust her abilities."

"The current Xiao Wu is not the same as the original Xiao Wu, she has grown up."

Although Murong Er'er didn't say much, he still had some inexplicable worries in his heart...

"I'm still worried about Xiao Wu."

"It's not that I don't know what she does..."

Lin Feng is more optimistic about Murong Wuwu.

Murong Wuwu didn't want others to be disappointed by this, so she also frowned, looking at the big fierce dragon seriously.

The big fierce dragon raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and shot Murong Wuwu!

Four or five bullets flew towards Murong Wuwu's eyes at high speed!

Murong Wuwu instantly summoned Water Defense!

In front of her, a defensive card made of water appeared on her, blocking the bullets flying over by the big fierce dragon.




Seeing that his attack failed again, the big fierce dragon had a ruthless look in his eyes, and in an instant, he rushed towards Murong Wuwu.

Murong Wuwu looked at the looming figure, if there was no shadow, she still felt a little inexplicably nervous...

His eyes are constantly patrolling around, looking for the location of the big fierce dragon at this moment...

Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan at the side were a little anxious...

"If Xiao Wu is defeated later, we two will fight directly, killing her until she doubts her life." Murong Shanshan whispered to Murong Er'er.

Murong Er'er can't control the fire burning in his heart now...


Looking at the current Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan, Lin Feng couldn't control himself......

He still firmly believed that Murong Wuwu would definitely win by relying on his own efforts.

Murong Wuwu frowned slightly, and thought for a while, since she always used this method to kill herself...(cgej)

I must also change a method to win...

I saw that Murong Wuwu used a peculiar way of pedaling in an octagonal direction, and her footsteps were also fast and slow......

The hand continuously shoots out its own water bomb attack!

Although only the figure of the big fierce dragon can be seen at this time, but in the judgment, it can still be judged where the precious dragon is located...

It's just that it's really difficult to seize a chance to kill her in an instant...

If her moves don't hit, it must have given her a better understanding of her attacks...

This will greatly increase your own difficulty.  …

The big fierce dragon was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that this Murong Wuwu would use detours... …

It seems that he really underestimated her.

Both of them are looking for the time when the other is most vulnerable...

However, both of them dare not release their unique skills easily...

Murong Wuwu saw that spinning around like this is not something that can solve the big dragon in front of her.........

Frowning slightly, he stood in a position in an instant, and summoned three water jets to attack!

This time she is also accurate, where will the big fierce dragon be now......


Immediately, the water column headed towards the position of the big fierce dragon, and hit it directly!

The big fierce dragon looked at the water column that was flying towards him accurately, and saw that he had no chance to dodge at all, so he took out the sniper rifle in his hand!

bang bang bang!

Three bullets were fired towards the water column launched by Murong Wuwu!

did not think of!

The water column emitted by Murong Wuwu actually directly penetrated her bullet attack!



All the water jets hit the big fierce dragon at this moment!

The blood volume that was still full of blood was instantly defeated by Murong Wuwu's water column...

Murong Wuwu saw that she had killed the fierce dragon in seconds, and came to Lin Feng happily.


"I did it!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "It is indeed a success, great.

"Then do you think my attack has improved a lot?"

Looking at Murong Wuwu jumping around in front of him, Lin Feng's eyes were full of doting.


"Especially the formation just now also surprised me."

Murong Shanshan and Murong Er heard that Murong Wuwu defeated the big fierce dragon, they were still very nervous, but the big stone in their hearts finally fell down...

The big fierce dragon never expected that he would be defeated by Murong Wuwu...

She was confused, why her own attack couldn't counteract her attack?

Why on earth is this happening...


"Why didn't my last attack fail to withstand her attack?"

Lin Feng saw that the big fierce dragon was very confused, and said with a smile: "That's because her attack can contain everything."

The big fierce dragon suddenly understood something...

She really didn't think of this...

In the end it turned out to be like this...

Although it is very reluctant, but what can I do?

Now there are only two people left in the Palace of Seven Dragons......

The little milk dragon and the fiery dragon glanced at each other.

The blood volume of the fiery dragon is running out now, so it can only rely on the little milk dragon with full blood.

The little milk dragon pouted and said with a tragic face: "I knew it would be like this..."

"It's okay now, I'm the only one left..."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, what should I do..."

The fiery dragon looked at the little milk dragon who had already been defeated before even fighting, and felt helpless in his heart...

"We haven't played yet..."

"How can you feel like you've failed because someone else has failed?"

"Although...the people we... met are amazing..."

When the little milk dragon heard this, he couldn't muster any energy, and silently set his eyes on Lin Feng.

"Since you are going to die, let's die quickly!"

"I choose Mengwang!"

The fiery dragon was taken aback for a moment, it never occurred to the little milk dragon to choose the cute king?!

"you sure?"

Lin Feng also frowned...

"you sure?"

The little milk dragon nodded heavily!

"That's right!"

"I'm sure! I choose Mengwang!"

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