National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 332 The Battle Continues!

The cannon in Murong Sisi's hand immediately aimed at Yue Lingyue at this moment, with a confident smile on the corner of her mouth, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and stared at Yue Lingqing at this moment.

Yue Lingqing saw that she was the only one left in the entire team now, and all the team members were all looking at her, only feeling that her burden had become very heavy at this moment...

Yue Linglong encouraged: "Don't be anxious, now you are the only one left in our entire team, don't imagine the final outcome too seriously."

"As long as you play well, you'll be fine."

Yue Lingqing also understood what Captain Yue Linglong said...

It's nothing more than the result is now in front of everyone...

Although, I am still a little sad, but what can I do? I blame myself for not being strong enough to kill others in seconds.

"bring it on!"

Yue Lingqing sorted out her thoughts, and set her sights on Murong Sisi, although she may not be able to defeat her now, but in the end she still has to give it a try.

Even if you lose, it would be a bit of a shame to lose completely.

Seeing that Yue Lingqing was ready, Murong Sisi nodded, wiped the cannon and squinted her eyes to aim at Yue Lingqing at this moment.

Boom boom boom!

Murong Sisi blasted a few cannonballs towards Yue Lingqing, and flew towards Yue Lingqing in the air!

Yue Lingqing took a deep breath, got ready, and summoned a double-edged sword in her hand.

Holding the double-edged sword with both hands, he slashed in the direction of Murong Sisi again.

The cannonball flying towards her was cut in half by her double-edged sword and fell to the ground.

A smug smile rose from the corner of Murong Sisi's mouth, and she counted down.

"3! 2! 1!"


The cannonball that Yue Lingqing saw as two halves exploded again!

Before Yue Lingqing could react, the shell hit her body!




Her blood volume was still enough at first, but it has been weakened to half at this moment.

Murong Sisi is also in a hurry now, thinking that she told others that she had agreed to go to dinner, and now the time is almost up and she still hasn't resolved the battle "It would be bad if people waited too long.

Seeing that she still had half of her blood volume, Yue Lingqing was also secretly thankful in her heart.

Fortunately, she chopped the cannonball in half. If it was hit directly by the whole shell, it would have been killed by her in seconds.

Yue Lingqing threw her double-edged sword in the direction of Murong Sisi, and saw that she was controlling the double-edged sword and killed in the direction of Murong Sisi!

Two double-edged swords kept turning in front of Murong Sisi...

The speed is extremely fast!

Suddenly, one of the double-edged swords strangled her neck from the left!

Murong Sisi also just slightly bent her body towards the back, this double-edged sword just flashed past Murong Sisi's face......

Blood flowed from her head.


Murong Sisi saw that Yue Lingqing had deducted a thousand of her blood, although it was not a lot, it was just superficial, but she was upset in her heart!


"How dare you hit me!"

"watch out!"

At this time, Murong Sisi was also angry and fired countless shells directly into the sky!

At this moment, the entire martial arts field was filled with the sound of her shaking the entire martial arts field with cannons.

In the void, there are thousands of shells fired by her, and the scene can be described as utterly terrifying!

People with trypophobia feel goosebumps all over their bodies!

Yue Lingqing looked at this as if it was a shell that was about to bomb the sky, and in her heart she was extremely amazed at Murong Sisi at this time!

I am also a person who has fought, and I have encountered quite a lot of powerful teams, but this is the first time I have encountered a big move that released so many shells!

Seeing the shells constantly hitting her body, she had no choice but to control her double-edged sword and deal with these first...

Boom boom boom boom!

A burst of white smoke rose from the entire battlefield, enveloping the entire Martial Arts Field.

"It's so vicious..."

"Sure enough, you can't mess with women."

"Women are indeed the scariest animals in the world..."

Li Yuan looked at the shells in the air and couldn't help but sighed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the move that Murong Sisi was launching now, and nodded silently.

"That's true."

"But I feel fine."

"This is not Murong Xiaosi's true strength.

Hearing this, Li Yuan couldn't believe it even more, and hurriedly asked Lin Feng.

"What did you say?!"

"Isn't this her true strength?"

"Then what will her real strength be like?"

Yue Linglong also looked at Lin Feng differently when she heard what Lin Feng said.

What made her admire was not the strength of Murong Xiaosi, but his understanding of his team members.

Who doesn't know the name of King Meng?

Meng Wang is usually the busiest, and he can still understand the moves of his team members so well. It seems that he must have a good understanding in normal times.

This is also very difficult. Nowadays, many captains of many unions do not understand their players easily.

What can be given to the players is really to practice these few words more......

"You really value your players.

"He actually knows his team members so well."

Yue Linglong said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looking at Murong Sisi at this moment.

But it's just that I pay a little more attention in normal times. Besides, I've fought so many times, if I don't understand, wouldn't I be the captain?

"After staying together for a long time, we will naturally understand everything."

Yue Linglong was inexplicably envious of Meng Wang's team...

However, there is not much to show on the outside.

Also because of what Lin Feng said, she felt that she needed to spend more time getting along with her teammates.

Although I do check their strengths in all aspects at ordinary times, but in the end, I still need to get along with each other to develop a tacit understanding.

But, she herself is too busy at work......

There is not much time to play games at all...

"By the way... I have a merciless request."

"Can I add you as a friend?"

Lin Feng nodded.


"If you want to add it, you can add it anytime."

When Murong Wuwu heard that Lin Feng wanted to add this person as a friend, she was inexplicably very upset...


She could only hold back silently in her heart.

"I didn't expect to add friends so soon..."

Murong Wuwu couldn't help but yelled softly.

Lin Feng also didn't hear what Murong Wuwu said, but just felt as if there was a resentment surrounding him.

At this time, Yue Lingqing still couldn't resist Murong Sisi's shells...

All of her blood volume was blown away by missiles from her blood volume...

what can i do

The only thing I can do is this...

Seeing that she had failed, Yue Lingqing silently came to Yue Linglong's side, holding her head.


"Captain, I still failed..."

"Shame on you..."

Yue Linglong comforted her.


"How could it be embarrassing?"

"Isn't it just a game? We'll just fight back later."

Yue Lingqing couldn't help but let out a long sigh...

The system beeped at this moment.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning the ninth game of the six-person stand, and getting a little victory point!"

"Currently, the Mengwang team has a total of nine victory points!"

"I also ask the players on both sides to make persistent efforts."

Everyone started to praise him.

"I didn't expect Meng Wang and the others to pass the six-person stand so quickly. It seems that ordinary people like us can also be arranged! Now that Meng Wang has finished the six-player stand, it means that our chance has come."

"This game is like a crowd eating melons, nothing is displayed...... But it is also Murong Xiaowu who turned our attention in this game. It is really amazing!"

"That's right! If you don't tell me, I really haven't realized it yet. This Murong Xiaowu is indeed amazing [this time is probably the time when she showed her full strength."

"I don't know why I really want to eat the melons of Meng Wang and the president of Linglong Pavilion, Yue Linglong! Although it is true that the CP combination can't kidnap people morally, well, I still can't help but want them. What about CP!"

"When you said it, I just remembered the way Yue Linglong threw herself into Meng Wang's arms just now (good job), wow, it really looks like a good match, if you don't say it, I will almost forget it .”

"It is forbidden to kidnap them morally! I feel that Meng Wang is quite suitable for Murong Xiaowu in it, and Meng Wang is full of love for Murong Xiaowu."

Everyone started discussing, this time Yue Linglong accidentally made some small mistakes when using her skills

The Linglong Pavilion team finally accepted the fact that they lost.

In fact, sometimes there is no way. After all, the people you meet are very powerful, so it's strange if you don't lose.

"Congratulations on your victory."

"Hopefully we can fight again someday!"

Lin Feng nodded, looking at Zi Linglong who was very unconvinced in his heart and said.

"Okay, as long as you have time, as long as you want to fight, I will be there.

Yue Linglong nodded, and everyone exited the martial arts field where the six stood.

Lin Feng checked the current ranking of victory points in the martial arts field.

In the solo battle, he had gained a total of eleven victory points.

In the two-player battle, he had gained a total of eleven victory points.

In the six-person stand, he has won a total of nine victory points.

According to the current ranking, I am still sitting firmly on the fish platform, but the second place is not far behind me...

It seems that in the next few days, we need to frantically brush up on these battles. .

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