National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 343 Murong Wuwu Is Mischievous Again!

Lin Feng flipped through the recipes, but in the end he just chose some simple home-cooked dishes.

"Take a look at these, do you like them?"

As soon as the words fell, he handed the phone to Murong Wuwu who was beside him.

Murong Wuwu glanced at the recipes selected by Lin Feng, and found that all the recipes contained tomatoes, and said.

"How do you know, I like to eat tomatoes?"

Lin Feng smiled and said lightly: "Because when you stayed with me, most of the dishes you ate contained tomatoes.

"Could it be that you haven't noticed this yourself?"

Murong Wuwu was taken aback for a moment, she never thought that these little habits of hers would be noticed by others...

Suddenly, a gentle feeling like an electric shock flashed across my heart.

Lin Feng's eyes fell on Murong Wuwu, seeing that Murong Wuwu was silent at the moment, but his eyes were full of emotion...

"What's wrong?"

"Ready to cry?"

He knew that although Murong Wuwu seemed to be gentle to all times on the surface, she seemed to be okay with everything...

However, deep down in her heart, she is still a sensitive little girl.

Murong Wuwu was taken aback for a moment, her eyes were filled with tears, and she suddenly laughed at Lin Feng's words...

"Not at all!"

"Do you think I look like the kind of person who loves to cry?"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help making a face at Lin Feng, then returned to the table, and poured the squeezed juice into the cup.

Lin Feng also started cooking.

Stir fry the tomatoes and eggs poured into the pan.

In less than ten minutes, a plate of tomato and eggs was ready.

Second course, sweet and sour pork.

After simply frying the pork ribs, the sauce began to be cooked.

As always, add tomatoes and tomato paste into the pot, add water, vinegar, sugar, and start to cook the sauce...

The fresh aroma of food floats in the air.

The second dish came out soon too.

Murong Wuwu couldn't bear herself anymore, she ran into the kitchen, brought out all the delicacies that Lin Feng had made, and put them on the table.

The third and fourth courses are also ready.

Lin Feng brought the last two dishes to the table.

Unexpectedly, Murong Wuwu is a diligent girl, and she has already served the meal as soon as she turned her head.

"I didn't expect you to be so diligent today."

Murong Wuwu picked up the chopsticks and put an egg into her mouth with a smile.

I am much more diligent than you think!"

"If you don't mind, I'd like to clean up for you, but you have to treat me to dinner."

As he spoke, he stared at Lin Feng expectantly in his eyes.

Lin Feng thought of Murong Wuwu cleaning for herself. If Murong Erer found out, she would probably want to kill herself. Another thing is that her cleaning ability is too weak

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent, Murong Wuwu knew something from his eyes, and pouted sullenly and said.

"I already know what you're thinking from your expression and eyes."

"Hmph... I never thought you would despise me!"

"I think you should spend your whole life with your games!"

As soon as the words fell, Murong Wuwu felt aggrieved and began to eat the food one mouthful after another.

Lin Feng looked at her bulging cheeks covered with rice balls. Can't help laughing.

"Do you think I'm someone who thinks like that?"

"Don't even think about it. If Erer knows, you come to my house to clean up, and you must peel off my skin..."

Murong Wuwu still feels a little lost in her heart...

But there is no way, he talked about this.

The two looked at each other wordlessly, and quickly finished their meal.

Murong Wuwu took the initiative to take over all the tableware work in her own hands.

Lin Feng is also helpless...

Since someone washes the dishes for me, why not do it......

It just so happens that I can also take advantage of this time to take a good bath and have a rest, and it happens that there is also the ten-man competition of the Tianxia No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the afternoon.

"Then I'm going to take a shower."

Murong Wuwu made an OK gesture to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng watched Murong Wuwu concentrate on washing the dishes, nodded, turned back to the room, took a piece of clothes, and walked into the bathroom.

Water vapor enveloped the entire bathroom.

Lin Feng is leisurely lying in the bathtub soaking in the bath, enjoying life.....

It is true that Murong Wuwu is a little worried that she is outside alone, but well, since she is grown up, there shouldn't be any major problems.

Besides, I still have a dishwasher, which is nothing more than putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher and pressing a button.

This thought just flashed through my mind...


I only heard a sound coming from outside into the bathroom.

Lin Feng sighed silently, he really can't have such thoughts...

Fortunately, I didn't ask her to clean up for me. I guess everything in the house could easily be broken by her...

A sneaky figure appeared at the door of the bathroom.

Murong Wuwu yelled at Lin Feng in the bathroom with an apologetic face.

"Feel sorry…………"

"I accidentally dropped the basin and the bowl..."

"But it's okay, there are still a few bowls that are intact."

Listening to her pitiful voice of apology, Lin Feng felt really helpless in his heart!

I really don't know how this girl did it...

Silently walked out of the bathtub, put on his clothes, opened the door, and stared at Murong Wuwu lying on the door like a kitten.

With his clothes half covered, his eight-pack abs were highlighted in Murong Wuwu's eyes.

There was still some water dripping from her hair, which wet the face of Murong Wuwu, who now seemed to have turned into a wooden figure.

Murong Wuwu (cgaj) raised her head and looked at Lin Feng at this moment, feeling as if the deer in her heart was about to rush out.

His eyes even subconsciously moved down from his cheeks...



She screamed and quickly covered her cheek with her hand.

At this moment, it can be seen that her face is blushing, and even the roots of her ears are red.

Lin Feng looked at the startled Murong Wuwu and said.

"Why are you so surprised..."

Murong Wuwu said immediately.

"Why don't you dress well!"

Lin Feng glanced at his body, saw her shy look, and unbuttoned all the buttons with his hands.

"OK OK."

"I'll go and see what you've done to my bowl and basin."

Murong Wuwu, who was still shy at first, regained her sanity in an instant!

He hurriedly followed behind Lin Feng, like a child who did something wrong, blinking at Lin Feng from time to time.

Lin Feng was very calm and calm, but he didn't expect that the bowl would be shattered after he just relaxed a little...

It seems that in the future, it is better for him to keep looking at her.

When she came to the kitchen, the whole floor was covered with fragments of bowls, and only a few intact bowls were left, which she picked up and put in the basin.

This made Lin Feng very curious about how his bowls were thrown...

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, Murong Wuwu felt even more apologetic, as if she was going to cry in the next second, and looked at Lin Feng aggrieved.

"Your dishwasher, no matter how I press it, it doesn't respond..."

"So I'll just wash your hands..."

"It never occurred to me that I put the bowls too far out and they all fell on the floor. …

Lin Feng is also full of helplessness towards her!

But since it was all broken, there is no other way...

"It's okay, it's just some bowls, I'll just go buy them when the time comes."

"And you. Are you hurt?"

Murong Wuwu shook her head, she never thought that at this moment, Lin Feng would not care about herself...


"Since I broke these bowls, I'll just buy them."

Lin Feng reached out and rubbed Murong Wuwu's head.


"These broken bowls, when the time comes, I will let the cleaning lady come and fix them.

"It just so happens that I really need to clean the whole house.

Murong Wuwu saw that Lin Feng didn't scold her at all, or kicked herself out of the house, the stone in her heart finally fell...

"Then it's not too early now, I should go back and prepare for the ten-person stand for today's World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament."

"Are you really not angry?"

"I broke so many bowls of yours?"

She still asked in disbelief...

After all, I did something wrong, and I don't know whether he is really not angry or not...

Lin Feng nodded heavily again, seeing that she didn't believe what he said at all.

"Don't worry, but these are just bowls and chopsticks. They are all trivial things to me."

"You don't have to take it to heart, just pay a little attention when you do things in the future."

Murong Wuwu finally had a warm smile on her face when she heard Lin Feng's comforting words.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to it in the future!"

"Then I'll go back and prepare for today's ten-person stand."

"Let's go?"

Lin Feng nodded and watched her leave before calling the cleaning company.

After booking today's cleaning time, I returned to the game room and prepared to stand with ten people!

But now it's not time for everyone to budget for ten-person standings, so I started to check the rankings of other single-player, double-player, and six-player stands.

Unexpectedly, the second place in the ranking of this solo station would catch up with him immediately.

It seems that it is really necessary for me to brush up the victory points of the single player station during this period of time.

In this way, you can fully grasp your winning rate at 100%.

As long as there is no accident, if there is no accident, the champion of the world's number one martial arts tournament this time must be his own.

Lin Feng immediately joined the solo station of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

With a whoosh, it turned into a white light and came to the Martial Arts Field.

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