National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 356: The Three Kill In One Move!

Lin Feng smiled slightly. He really found that these people were not just shameless, but now they were shameless and pretending to be aggressive.


This time, let them have a good experience of their abilities!

Sunflower didn't say much at all...

Although, asking one's own team members to help him at this time is really not a very worthy thing to do.

But now there is no other way.

Losing is more terrible than losing face!

Seeing that Sunflower Peak and Sunflower Book had gone to help Lin Feng, Ximen Donggua felt a little worried.

Immediately came to Lin Feng's back and asked.

"Captain, do you need our help?"

"There are three of them..."

The combined combat effectiveness of the three must be much higher than his.

Murong Wuwu also stared at Lin Feng with worried eyes.

Deep down in her heart, she still wanted to fight with Lin Feng.

Being able to fight with the person you like, this feeling is not something other people can have...

With a slight smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, he turned around and said to them.

"Leave this battle to me."

"No matter how many of them there are, I can handle it alone.

"The rest of these people will be handed over to you."

His tone is still light, but with full strength.

Murong Er'er has long been clear about Lin Feng's choice.

"Do not worry."

"The captain dares to say such a thing, and he must have had 26 sides in his heart to dare to say that. If he didn't have a bottom in his heart, who would say such a thing?"

Murong Wuwu thinks about it carefully...

What Lin Feng said seems to be true for anyone.

Ximen Donggua had no choice but to return to the team.

Sunflower Peak sneered.

"Since you said so, don't blame us for bullying the few with more!"

I saw that the Sunflower Book summoned a golden book.

While he was singing, the golden book started to attack Lin Feng inexplicably...

A golden beam of light flew towards Lin Feng's body!

This kind of speed really didn't catch his eyes.

Lin Feng smiled lightly, Sunflower Yizhen and Sunflower Peak both released their attacks towards Lin Feng!

The two attacked and formed a powerful energy wave, and with a bang, it hit Lin Feng directly!

The speed is astounding!

The three of them looked at the moves they radiated together at this time with expectant eyes.

I saw a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he swung the sword of the Archangel in his hand!

Released the skill, the guardian angel counterattacked!

The sword of the Archangel also ejected a powerful force at that moment, and the attacks of the three directly collided with Lin Feng's attack!

The scene at this time is also particularly shocking....

Everyone is very excited when they see it in their eyes!

This is definitely a historic aspect!

After so long, it is estimated that it is really difficult for someone who can shoot lightning and flint in the air.

"Do you think the captain can really defeat the three of them?"

"I've always heard that these three are very powerful."

Murong Wuwu still asked worriedly.

The boulder that had already fallen was lifted up involuntarily.

Li Yuan and Ye Qingqing are all paying attention to this moment...

Li Yuan just said.

"Whether Meng Wang can block the attacks of the three of them, I have no way of knowing."

But the only thing he can understand is that if Lin Feng can't do something, he will never make a decision easily.

Sunflower Peak and Sunflower Canon are now completely disregarding any consequences, and continue to increase their attacks.

The magic value also dropped very fast at this time.

This is also a desperate rhythm!

Darkness Mingye also became nervous involuntarily.

Murong Sisi also watched the battle, her expression was still calm and couldn't be any calmer.

For her, winning or losing is actually not that important.

But seeing Murong Wuwu so worried, she already twisted her clothes until it was full of wrinkles, so she couldn't help persuading her.

"Wuwu, in fact, you don't have to be so excited."

"Usually, you may not be so excited to watch my game."

"Sure enough, she values ​​sex over friends."

Murong Wuwu coughed softly, pouted her mouth sullenly and said.

"I don't have one..."

"I'm excited too!"

"We are a team!"

"Why do you always have such a calm expression? Are you not excited?"

Murong Sisi silently shook her head...

"Why should I be excited?"

"The only thing that excites me now is food."

"Besides, I don't know where your excited ideas are?"

Murong Sisi snorted, ignoring the current Murong Sisi...

The audience got excited watching this scene!

"I didn't expect that the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance would choose this way in the end... It's really shameful... I thought they would choose a fair method in the end, but I didn't expect it to be so unfair.

"Actually, I can understand it. After all, who is fair now? Normally, they only meet people who are weaker than themselves. This time it is different. They meet people who are stronger than themselves, so Slightly."

"That's right! Everyone should understand well that although the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance is really embarrassing, it has actually added a lot of favorability to the Meng King.

"I really didn't expect that Meng Wang would choose one person to challenge the three of them in the end [Jian Zhong is so exciting! Sure enough, the man I like is so handsome!"

"I found that Murong Xiaowu is worried to death now, saying that at important times, he can know whose heart he is most important in. It seems that this Murong Xiaowu's feelings for the cute king are unusual.. ...."

"Yeah, if you didn't tell me, I didn't even notice...but after playing such a wonderful game, you guys are still in the mood to see that others really have you!"

At this moment, Lin Feng also felt that their strength is now completely devoted to this...

But just right!

As long as the attack of the skills they release is bigger, it will be more beneficial for the guardian angels they release to fight back!

The white light on the Archangel Sword in his hand shone more and more!


In an instant, he slid the sword of the Archangel in his hand, and slammed down on them!



That huge slash across the middle directly flashed past them...

One needle of sunflower, the peak of sunflower and the book of sunflowers have not recovered from their senses at all

The powerful attack just now can be said to be a blow to the face...

Both Sunflower Treasure Book and Sunflower Peak began to mutter...

"This, how is this possible..."

"How did it work?"

"Why can you release such a powerful attack in such a short period of time..."

I saw all their blood floating out of their heads...

Oh, it's shocking to buy Karma!

He actually killed these three people in one move...

It's simply shocking!

Sunflower Yizhen's body trembled slightly.

There was still a look of complete disbelief on his face, and he couldn't recover from the fact that he was defeated by Lin Feng for a long time...


"How on earth is this done?"

"Why is there such a powerful attack that can be released!"

Lin Feng looked at the current sunflower needle calmly and calmly.

The corner of his mouth twitched with the pride of a fighter.

The moves of the three of them are completely ignored.

Although it is said that the combination of three people does increase the attack power a lot.

However, the skills he released were just to fight back!

If it is said that what I released at that time were other skills.

Maybe I really failed long ago...

Murong Wuwu cheered and clapped her hands!

"My God!"

"Our captain 990 is simply amazing! I knew our captain was the most powerful person in the world!"

"You really hit the spot, I thought our captain Hui would be in danger this time!"

Murong Sisi gave a soft cold drink.

"That's what you thought..."

"When did you not think so?"

"You don't have to think about it, people have already let go of such a big talk, if it is true that you will lose, why bother to say those embarrassing things?"

Li Yuan smiled slightly, came to Lin Feng's side, and smashed his shoulder with his fist!



"I was still terrified when I saw it just now. I didn't expect that you can really do it!"

Lin Feng laughed.

"That's nothing."

This soft sentence completely made Sunflower start to doubt life...

This is the most failed battle in his life!

The audience also came back to their senses....

I can't believe it at all.

Although they all thought that Lin Feng would win, they never thought that Lin Feng would kill them all in one move!

"What a terrifying attack... Even the people from the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance can instantly kill three people with one move. I just want to know who else can come out to compete with them now? Probably not?"

"The world's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is completely incomparable. You don't even need to think about who is the number one... It must be the Mengwang team!"

"Don't say that, maybe sometimes, fate will stand on your side and be sure, I heard that there are more unions from the alliance to participate in the competition!"

"I think they must be here for Meng Wang. The current Meng Wang team is in the limelight. If anyone can defeat them now, it is completely intentional and harmless."

"I've heard about it a long time ago. Now all the forums are discussing this matter. It seems that in this ten-person stand, those powerful trade unions are planning to launch the biggest attack on the cute king!".

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