National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 364 Don't Get Drunk, Don't Return!

Li Yuan looked at Lin Feng with strange eyes, this was the first time he saw Lin Feng ordering delicious food for a girl in advance.

From his serious look when ordering, it seems that he knows a lot about this girl.

"Are you sure she likes these dishes?"

Li Yuan asked intentionally.

He just wanted to make sure of his own thoughts.

Only when a man meets a girl he likes will he pay extra attention to everything about you.

This is for sure.

Lin Feng said: "She prefers sweet and sour food."

"That's it."

In fact, even he himself didn't know why he could remember her preferences so clearly.

It all seemed to happen naturally.

An incomprehensible smile filled the corner of Li Yuan's mouth...

If he had said earlier, he would definitely not have brought his sister with him.

Li Qianqian felt even more lost at the moment...

I remembered that Lin Feng talked to himself just now, and there was no topic to talk about...

The sharp contrast now really made her very uncomfortable.

Murong Wuwu has also arrived downstairs.

Lin Feng got up immediately after receiving the call to pick up Murong Wuwu to the box.

Ye Qingqing asked in a low voice.

"Li Yuan, what's the situation?"

"Didn't you say that Lin Feng is a straight man of steel?"

"Look, your sister is not feeling well now."

Ye Qingqing is a carefree person, and when encountering things, she will prefer people she knows.

This is also the authentic character of protecting the calf.

Li Yuan is different from Ye Qingqing, his personality is more average, he cares more about who is right and who is wrong.

Regardless of whether the person who did the wrong thing is someone he knows or not, he will teach them a lesson.

It is precisely because of this personality that he and Ye Qingqing often quarrel.

The two are like happy friends, no matter how long it takes, they will always remain the same, just like when they first met.

Li Yuan waved his hand, but he was curious about what kind of girl could make him remember so many small details.

This time Murong Wuwu also dressed up very beautifully because she met Lin Feng's friend for the first time.

Her perfectly natural face, without any trace of pink or black, is easy to see, and it is all under his pomegranate skirt.

Lin Feng walked around the dining table with Murong Wuwu, and everyone looked at them with envy and hatred.

But looking at their appearance, they look like a pair of golden boys and jade girls.

Opening the box door, the eyes of the three fell on Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu at the same time.

Li Yuan looked at Murong Wuwu and frowned slightly...

I don't know why it feels like I've seen this girl somewhere...

Murong Wuwu also took a look at Li Yuan and Ye Qingqing, and found that they were also very familiar.

It's just because everyone met for the first time, so many things were not directly said.

From the eyes of Murong Wuwu, Li Yuan and Ye Qingqing, Lin Feng could see that they seemed to know each other.

I feel quite inexplicably that they are really stupid...

Murong Wuwu sat on the dining table, and the waiter just happened to bring all the dishes Lin Feng had ordered.

Seeing that the food in front of him was all his favorite food, he said with some embarrassment.

"How do you know, I like to eat these..."

Seeing her shy, Lin Feng smiled and said, "After all, we have eaten so many meals, so naturally we remember everything."

Li Yuan was listening on the sidelines, also looking incredible...

Although I feel a little resentful in my heart that Lin Feng has always lied to me, even though I have a girlfriend and didn't tell myself...

But seeing them look so good, as his brother, he also felt very lucky.

"Lin Feng, you really are not enough brothers!"

"I never hid anything from you!"

"I didn't expect you to hide such important news from me!"

Isn't this a girlfriend?

so what?

Murong Wuwu glanced at Li Yuan in confusion, because it was the first time she met his friend, so she didn't dare to eat more.

Seeing that Li Yuan had misunderstood him again, Lin Feng was also very speechless.

But if he clarifies with Murong Wuwu, he will definitely ask many girls for himself next time.

"Wuwu, are you full?" Lin Feng asked.

Murong Wuwu was completely flustered at this moment, for some reason, Lin Feng always feels weird...

"'re full."

Lin Feng nodded, picked up the chopsticks silently, took another piece of cake and put it on her plate.

"This snack tastes good, try it."

"We're going to sing later, if we don't eat a little bit, we don't have enough energy.

The air at this moment seems to be filled with pink bubbles...

Li Qianqian looked a little angry and picked up the knife and fork on the table and began to rub together...

Li Yuan and Ye Qingqing glanced at each other

Lin Feng also noticed that Li Qianqian was a little angry now.

However, he felt that in order not to let Li Yuan continue to bother him, introduce girls to him, and affect his money, it would be better to let them all watch the class.

You can't fall in love without money, and now he also feels that he is not worthy of falling in love.

Murong Wuwu babbled and ate all the cake that Lin Feng gave her, and looked at Lin Feng with smiling eyes.

"I'm stuffed."

"And you......"

"Are you full?"

Lin Feng nodded, and did not forget to ask Li Qianqian who was sharpening her knife and fork at this moment.

"And you?"

"are you full?"

Li Qianqian nodded, but didn't say much...

Now she can be said to be so angry that she can't say a word.

Seeing that everyone was full, Li Yuan said immediately.

"I've booked the largest private room!"

"Hey everyone tonight!"

"By the way, Lin Feng, you haven't introduced us yet, who is she?"

Lin Feng introduced with a smile: "Murong Wuwu."

Murong dance?

Murong Xiaowu?

Li Yuan was slightly taken aback...

But if you think about it carefully, it may be a coincidence...

The five people came to the most expensive KTV in the center of the city together, and came to the limited edition private room.

Five people sat in different positions.

Murong Wuwu sat next to Lin Feng all the time because she was not very good at socializing with others.

She watched the surrounding lights turn, the atmosphere in the whole box was very romantic and warm, curled her lips...

This is also the first time in her life that she went to KTV with a man.

If it was known by the ears, I would probably have to tell myself a lot of annoying things again...

Li Yuan handed the microphone to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who has never liked singing, handed the microphone to Murong Wuwu.

"Don't be shy, I've never heard you sing before."

……ask for flowers…

"Sing a song?"

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng, and swallowed nervously.

Li Yuan also booed from the side.

"Yes, let's sing a song!"

"I know that Lin Feng usually looks at girls who sing well."

Lin Feng silently rolled his eyes at Li Yuan.

I really don't know what kind of remote this girl wants to make for herself.

Murong Wuwu gritted her teeth, stood up, and a blush gradually climbed up her cheeks.


"Then I'll sing a song for everyone..."

"Everyone, don't be disgusted..."

After finishing speaking, he silently ordered a song and began to sing softly.

With a gentle voice, everyone quieted down unconsciously.

Ye Qingqing was the number one singing goddess in school, she never thought that she would also be attracted by Murong Wuwu's singing voice.

"I thought about leaving, when the sun was defeated by the haze, I didn't expect that you would desperately push it away for me."

"I thought about leaving, but I persisted until now, and survived those narrations, those gestures, and those injuries!"

"I don't want to leave, when your smile blooms, the world suddenly fills with colors..."

This song was supposed to be sung by a male voice.

Unexpectedly, the way she sang softly made people feel even more that she had experienced things that she didn't want to.

Murong Wuwu's gaze was fixed on Lin Feng from the beginning to the end...

When I was breathing in the middle of this song, all the scenes with him were playing in my mind.

The melody sounded again...

"Hugging the sofa, sleepy eyes, messy hair."

"The sun is setting, the phone is connected, it's you......"

Gently humming, so that everyone did not come back to their senses......

Ye Qingqing clapped her hands and said incredulously.

"I didn't expect you to sing so well!"

"You friend, I'm committed!"

Murong Wuwu was taken aback for a moment, her usual appearance is indifferent, so few people would not want to be friends with her...

It was the first time I heard another girl say it to me. For some reason, I felt warm in my heart.


She lowered her head in embarrassment.

Lin Feng looked at her pupils filled with happiness at this moment, and smiled slightly.

Girls' friendship is really simple.

Murong Wuwu handed the microphone to Lin Feng and said curiously.

"Why don't you sing a song for everyone!"

"I've never heard you sing!"

When Li Yuan heard it, he immediately clapped his hands and applauded!

"Lin Feng has never sung since he came to KTV with me!"

"Today you must sing!"

"If you don't sing, don't go back!"

Lin Feng looked at the curious look in Murong Wuwu's eyes, and smiled helplessly...

I didn't expect this girl to turn her arms out.

"Want to hear me sing?"

"Come later."

Li Qianqian ordered a hundred cans of beer to pile up on the table, and she smiled and looked at Murong Wuwu.

"Everyone in KTV today is not drunk and will not return!"

"Anyway, everyone has nothing to do today!"

After speaking, he took the initiative to silently open a large can of beer for everyone, poured it into the cups, and handed it to Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu.

This woman Ye Qingqing has always been very aggressive, as soon as she picked up the wine glass, she drank the full glass.

"Today we don't get drunk and don't return!".

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