Lin Feng carefully observed everything around him...

Calculated according to the usual situation, the flower in the mirror is most likely hidden under the mirror.

Seeing Lin Feng looking around all the time, Li Qianqian also looked around with him, but she didn't find anything...

"Brother Meng Wang, did you find anything?"

Lin Feng nodded and said to Li Qianqian.

"Stand back.

Li Qianqian obediently walked to the side, a little confused about what Lin Feng was going to do......

But the boss asked him to stand aside, and the only thing he could do was to stand aside obediently.

"Do not worry."

"I'll be obedient~ and stand aside.

Lin Feng immediately summoned the sword of the Archangel in his hand, flew in the air, and released moves towards the mirror!

Guardian Angel Cross!

With two powerful sword qi, it hit the ground...


The mirror surface was completely shattered by the guardian angel's cross cut!

Li Qianqian has no idea what Lin Feng is doing...

Could it be that the mirror flower is hidden in the mirror

But if you look closely, it seems that you can't see anything in the mirror, the only thing you can see is the bottomless pit...

"Boss, did you find anything in this bottomless pit?"

"I've looked carefully, but I still haven't found anything? Is there something wrong with my eyesight?"

Regarding Li Qianqian's doubtful question, Lin Feng raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You'll find out later."

Then, he fiercely slashed down on the mirror again.

Another bang...

I saw a pink flower blooming in the mirror surface shattered by Lin Feng.

Surrounded by a rain of pink petals...

Looking at the scene at this moment, Li Qianqian was slightly shocked.

Such a scene can be described as beautiful!


"This is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in the second world..."

Lin Feng looked at the rain of petals falling from the sky and the mirror flowers blooming around him emitting pink light, but he looked very calm and peaceful.

Maybe it's because I've seen enough scenes, and I'm naturally very calm about this kind of beautiful scene.

However, the effects of the petal rain and mirror flowers produced by this second world are really good, as if they are real.

After the mirror flower fully bloomed, a red teleportation array appeared.

"Congratulations to both of you for successfully opening the door of the water mirror."

A beautiful female voice sounded.

Lin Feng picked up Li Qianqian who hadn't appreciated the scenery here enough, stood in the teleportation array, and entered the water mirror.

The whole environment of the water mirror is also surprisingly beautiful.....

The stars in the sky have formed the patterns of the four great beasts, and the most impressive and radiant one is the pattern of Xuanwu.

According to the mission prompt at this time, take Li Qianqian to the lotus pond.

The surrounding four directions also lead to different places.

But because Lin Feng was in a hurry, he wanted to quickly evolve Li Qianqian, so he quickly took her to the lotus pond.

Li Qianqian sighed for Lin Feng, who is very familiar with a series of operations.

"Boss Meng Wang, you are really amazing."

"After I evolve, can you please take me to upgrade?"

"I still really want to participate in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament..."

"According to my current level, I don't even have the qualifications to participate..."

It is pitiful to say that she wasted a long time in the water for nothing.

Everyone else has already upgraded to level 50, 60, 70, and she is still at level 20.

The registration time is the same as everyone else's. If it gets out, she will probably lose face......

"Don't worry, bandit king! I'll give you money!"

"Although I don't have a lot of money, please don't mind..."

Seeing that she wanted to participate in the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, Lin Feng still agreed.


"However, why are you so anxious to participate in the world's number one martial arts competition?"

"What's so good about the world's number one martial arts conference?"

Although Li Qianqian has become a tortoise now, her pursuit and brilliance are still shining in her eyes!

"of course!"

"I've been watching that everyone in the forum has participated, and all my classmates have also participated, and all of them have passed..."

"I can't fall behind others!"

"If when I go back to school, my classmates ask about the ranking of the world's number one martial arts tournament...

"I told them what a shame it would be if I didn't take part myself!"

Lin Feng listened to her reasons, and after thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case...


"However, logically speaking, since she joined the Xuanwu clan, although her level is not very high now, her attack power and defense power should be greatly improved."

"Look at your defense and attack power now, is there anything?"

Li Qianqian immediately checked her defense power, vitality, and attack power, but all of them were still the same as before...


"Not at all..."

Lin Feng frowned, this is really strange...

Forget it, these are not important now, it is still up to her to evolve and compare first.

Quickly took her to the lotus pond.

I saw lotus flowers growing one after another in the pond. When the wind blew gently, the lotus flowers began to emit pink light.

In the center of the pond, a huge basalt statue stands in the middle.

This basalt is completely different from Li Qianqian, although it is a stone statue, it reveals the domineering aura of the king!

The snake pattern on the tortoise shell is even more vivid.

"Sure enough, the difference is huge."

Lin Feng glanced at Li Qianqian in his hand with disgust.

Li Qianqian noticed Lin Feng's disgusted look at her, and said quickly.

"Boss... I don't want to be a little turtle, okay..."

"However, now that we have entered the lotus pond, how are we going to evolve?"

"This task is not displayed either? Is it possible that we have to dig it ourselves again?"

Lin Feng nodded silently...

Sure enough, it is troublesome to help others upgrade, and you have to take it to find a way to evolve...

Li Qianqian looked at Lin Feng with small eyes asking for help.

"Boss! Please!"

"Don't worry, after I evolve, I will always remember your kindness to me!"

"Next time, I'll treat you to a big meal!"

Lin Feng said: "OK,"

Seeing how miserable she was, he swung the sword of the Archangel in his hand again and unleashed the Hammer of the Patron Saint!

I saw a golden hammer appearing on the basalt stone elephant!

Immediately afterwards, with a hammer, it slammed down!

………seeking flowers… 0


A huge cracking sound resounded in all directions.

Li Qianqian found out that Lin Feng used moves to open her up all the way...

It is estimated that if it were not for him, even if he came to this water mirror, he would be trapped in the mirror flower pool at the door.

"Who the hell!"

"Who dares to wake up, my deep sleep!"

An old male voice sounded.

There was a frightening atmosphere in this old male voice.

Li Qianqian was so frightened that she trembled...

I don't know why, but I always feel that there is a sense of majesty in this voice...

A faint smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, as expected, as he thought, if he wanted to evolve, he had to go through this basalt head.

"It's me!" Lin Feng said.

The basalt stone statue cracked open, and a huge basalt head appeared in front of them.


It opened its mouth, and a powerful gust of wind blew towards them.

Lin Feng grabbed Li Qianqian who was about to be blown away, and stood there.

Xuanwu slowly opened those green eyes, looking at Lin Feng and a little Xuanwu who were still standing firmly in front of them, a little shocked...

After so many years, finally someone can evade his simplest attack.

"What do you want from me?"

Lin Feng put Li Qianqian on the ground.

Li Qianqian said to the huge Xuanwu in front of her.

"I want to evolve!"

Xuan Wu chuckled, looking at the little Li Qianqian in front of him.

"You said you want to evolve?"

"This is the first time I've heard of someone coming to me for evolution in hundreds of years."

"It seems that you are not simple."

Li Qianqian suddenly had an ominous premonition...

Could it be that the Xuanwu I encountered in the river were all human beings?

It's just that I was lucky and met Lin Feng, a big boss, so I was able to enter the lotus pond steadily.

If I hadn't met Lin Feng, maybe I really would have stayed in that river for the rest of my life...

If you think about it carefully, it's really a little secretive.

Xuanwu said: "As the first Xuanwu who came to me to evolve, only by passing my test can you truly become a member of the Xuanwu tribe, "Are you willing?"

Li Qianqian replied immediately: "I am willing!"

Is there still something you don't want to do?

If I don't want to, wouldn't I have to live with a tortoise shell for the rest of my life?

Until I entered the loess, I was still a Xuanwu like a little turtle in the game!

Besides, this Xuanwu is one of the four great beasts. If he can become a member of the Xuanwu clan, his entire attack power will also skyrocket!

Xuanwu set his gaze on Lin Feng and asked.

"Would you like to assist your friend in my test?"

"If she fails the test, she will never be able to become a member of the Xuanwu tribe, and you will also become the guardian of my lotus pond."

"Never, never step out of this lotus pond!"

When Li Qianqian heard this, she was still a little scared for no reason.

"Boss Meng Wang, you have to think about it carefully!"

"I will never be able to become a member of the Xuanwu tribe, but I don't have anything to worry about. At worst, I will live my whole life as a tortoise shell."

"However, you are different from me, you are now number one on the list, the big boss in everyone's heart..."

"If I really lose, if others know that I am so harmful, they will probably spray me to death!".

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