The sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand swung up in the air, and fell with a slash!

The sword energy has already wiped out the remaining surviving monsters.

All the monsters in the second wave are dealt with.

Now they have killed fifteen hundred spirits.

There is still a long way to go from 100,000.

Li Qianqian saw that there was still a long distance left, and complained: "You said... When will we be able to kill 10,000 spirit monsters?"

"It looks like there are so many spirits!"

Lin Feng said slowly, "It's okay."

"You will encounter more in the future."

"Now I will help you evolve, and you will have to rely on yourself for all the powerful spirits you encounter in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, wave after wave of ghosts approached again!

Seeing so many ghosts, Li Qianqian couldn't help frowning.

I thought that the number of spirit monsters would not increase from wave to wave, but I didn't expect that the number of spirit monsters would increase just after she finished saying this sentence.

Lin Feng looked at the wave after wave of ghosts, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

If this is done wave after wave, the time to collect pearls will be greatly reduced.

"Pull the monster!"

With a loud drink.

The four pets started to gather again and pulled all the spirits "Nine Nine Three" to Lin Feng.

The four pets radiated their unique moves at the group of spirits at the same time.

Thin ice began to cover the entire ground, and all the spirits were continuously hurt...




This basalt monster has strong cold resistance and defense ability.

The blood volume of continuous damage continuously floated out of his head, but it was only a little bit that really deducted them.

Lin Feng performed a guardian angel counter attack!

Suddenly, cut through!

All the basalt monsters were instantly killed with one move!

They are all within the range of Lin Feng's skills.

All the spirits exploded, and pearls exploded one after another.

After collecting all the pearls, there were still 50,000 pearls left.

A few more waves and it should be OK.

Zhou Chao waited for the remaining waves of ghosts.

After being killed by Zhou Chao in a flash, these spirits and monsters came out more than in the previous wave.

The further back, these spirits seem to have a brain, knowing what kind of offensive to attack the tank.

Seeing so many spirits, Li Qianqian began to count quietly.

"Unexpectedly, there are more than 20,000 in this wave!"

"Now we are only 50,000 short. According to this speed, we should be able to solve it in less than ten minutes, right?"

Lin Feng looked at these spirits with contempt.

Although there are indeed more spirit monsters in each wave, the level has not improved at all.

For myself, this is just to gain experience.

Seeing so many spirit monsters, the four pets continued to pull monsters before Lin Feng gave an order.

The Xuanwu spirit used a venom attack on Lin Feng.

Zhou Chao raised the Archangel Sword in his hand and swung it in the air. Immediately afterwards, the holy light fell to these spirits.

A circle of white golden light exploded, and then, one after another, holy light began to fall from the air and hit the group of elves.

Before all the spirits could retract into their shells, the amount of blood continued to surface on his head.

Seeing the amount of blood constantly floating out in this holy light, Li Qianqian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Wow.....Mr. Meng are really amazing..."

"It's only five or six moves in series, and you have wiped them out..."

"You said, you are so powerful, if I have half of you."

Hearing that Li Qianqian was constantly praising herself, Lin Feng couldn't help but chuckled.

But if she wants to reach half of herself, it is estimated that it will be a difficult task...

According to her current level, she doesn't even know how many times the world's number one martial arts can pass......

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent, Li Qianqian couldn't help asking.

"Brother Meng Wang, do you think it is impossible for me to catch up with you in my life?"

"Or can't even catch up with your half point?"

In fact, it can be seen from his subtle expression...

But in fact, after thinking about it, according to my own level, it is estimated that no matter what, it is really not half as good as others.

After the attack released by Lin Feng disappeared, there were pearls all over the ground.

After picking up all the pearls, there are only 10,000 pearls left!

The last wave!

"Congratulations to the two players, the last wave of trials will begin soon!"

"Spirits will keep appearing from the teleportation array, and some of them don't have pearls.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the teleportation array, there was a booming sound.

Li Qianqian couldn't help complaining when she heard the sound broadcast by the system.

"I didn't expect to go to the last wave at most, and actually go to the South Pass for us to pass. When will this pass?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly. If he didn't expect it, it is estimated that this time it will be a monster of the big boss level.

Li Qianqian was also frightened by the voice in the teleportation array, and said with some fear.

"What the hell was that noise just now?"

"Why do I feel terrible..."

Lin Feng said to Li Qianqian.

"If you think it's scary, then quickly shrink back into your turtle shell. The one who came out this time might be the boss."

Although Lin Feng said this sentence so plainly, Yu Qijian still showed a little bit of concern for her.

This sentence also made Li Qianqian feel that Lord Meng Wang still cares a little about her.

The basalt monsters this time are no longer the small basalt monsters they encountered in the previous waves.

The basalt ghost at this moment is really dozens of times larger than the one they encountered just now.

Their tortoise shells are also extremely hard, blocking them in front of them as their defense tools.

Li Jianjian looked at such a big monster, and asked Lin Feng with some inexplicable fear.

"My boss, what we met now should be considered a big boss. Do you think we will lose? I looked at this big boss and felt so huge and terrifying.

Lin Feng looked at his timid appearance, chuckled lightly, and spoke slowly.

"They're alright, you'll encounter some particularly large bosses when you go to brush dungeons in the future."

This sentence undoubtedly threw a huge cold water on her future battles. She thought that after she evolved, she would be as powerful as those spirits just now.

Although it may not necessarily be extremely powerful, but the attack power should be improved, but facing such a tall boss, it seems that there is no chance of winning at all

"Really? Is it really that big? My God, then you said that if I go to brush the dungeon, I won't even fail the first level?!"

Li Qianqian asked with some fear, and suddenly felt that staying in the river was actually quite good.

Suddenly, I also felt that if I participated, the people I met in the world's number one martial arts conference would probably be masters...

Originally, he thought that as long as he hugged the big brother's thigh, he might be able to get a position.

But according to the current situation, Wanwan Daxie will definitely not bring himself.

I still need to rely on myself, forget it, and go to the river to stay by myself.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed past Li Qianqian's dazed look.

No need to guess, she must have underestimated herself in her heart, how to face these huge bosses.

"Actually, you don't have to be afraid of the damage and attack defense of these big bosses, although they are quite high."

"But, in fact, according to your current level, it is still easy to fight some small big bosses."

After Li Qianqian heard this, she finally felt a little relieved in her heart.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, this sentence is still saying, do you cook by yourself?

What is meant by a small boss that can be handled with ease by oneself...  

Lin Feng also stopped talking to Li Qianqian.

Set your goal on the big boss you need to defeat in front of you.

Seeing the sword of the archangel in the hands of the basalt monster in front of him, he swung it and released the guardian angel's cross cut.

Two powerful sword qi slashed in the direction of all the monsters in front of them.


The air seemed to be torn apart by the sword energy, and it hit the Xuanwu monster in front of him directly.

Unexpectedly, this large boss basalt spirit monster directly blocked Lin Feng's attack by directly blocking the turtle shell behind him in front of him.


It seems that this tortoise shell is quite strong. To Lin Feng, the strength in front of him is just in front of him.

I can't beat it, but it's just because my strength is not enough!

"court death!"

The four 0.7 pets launched an attack on the basalt monsters coming out!

Lin Feng made a move to inherit the sky!

Launched the skill Thunder Strike against this basalt monster!

The power of thunder began to be absorbed by the sword of the archangel in his hand. Looking quietly, the power of thunder was actually connected into a line.

"court death!"

The sword of the archangel radiated towards the basalt monster!

A flash of lightning struck in the air towards the positions of the two basalt monsters!


I saw the two basalt monsters with all their blood floating out under the lightning.



Although they were in turtle shells, not all of them were instantly killed by Lin Feng.

Li Qianqian was stunned at this moment, she never expected that this stock picking monster had already entered a state of defense.

To be able to be instantly killed by Lin Feng, as expected, the boss is the boss.

"How on earth is this done?"

"Why can you kill these spirits when they are on the defensive?"

Seeing that Li Qianqian was shocked by the moves she used now, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Actually, these spirits, as long as your own level is high enough and the damage is big enough, no matter what kind of situation he is in, you can kill him instantly.

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