The first wave of monsters ran out from the teleportation array. Li Qianqian looked at these monsters, which were twice as big as before, and waved the basalt crystal sword in her hand accordingly.

The monster quickly approached Li Qianqian, and other monsters took the opportunity to come behind Li Qianqian.

The sharp claws swept across Li Qianqian's body.


It hit Li Qianqian very fast.

Blood also appeared on Li Qianqian's head.


Fortunately, she has a lot of blood, and this amount of blood is just a trivial matter for her.

Li Qianqian quickly ran to the side, trying to find a perfect attack range of her own, the monster followed the speed of its movement and kept staring at Li Qianqian.

In just a few seconds, the monster ran towards Li Qianqian again.

Li Qianqian found that the higher the level of the dungeon, the higher the IQ of these monsters.

It's just that what she couldn't imagine was that at this speed, if she challenged the boss on the last floor, wouldn't she be completely chasing after him?

For a moment, she couldn't even imagine herself being chased and beaten by the boss...

Even buying Karma must be very embarrassing.

Lin Feng looked at Li Qianqian who was still hesitating to find her precise position, his eyes flickered with helplessness.

It seems that she still hasn't fully adapted yet.

Just when Lin Feng wanted to unleash his own attack to deal with these little monsters first, Li Qianqian finally made a move too.

In desperation, Li Qianqian hit a water soul, a transparent spray hit the monster directly, and the monster's speed was much slower because of this.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Qianqian ran towards these much slower monsters, and the basalt crystal sword in her hand passed by in the void.

fatal blow!

The powerful force directly put Li Qianqian into a critical strike state.

Coincidentally, her attack attributes are just in line with the monsters she encounters now.

The blood strip on the monster's head also instantly turned gray, and with a bang, many gold coins burst out from its body, scattered all over the place.

The other monsters saw that Li Qianqian started to kill, roared in the air, and attacked her in groups.

Lin Feng observed the current Li Qianqian from behind, with a look of approval in his eyes.

It seems that this girl has made great progress, and now she knows how to use some small tricks.

Li Qianqian saw that other monsters also started to attack her in groups, and one after another the cracked claws grabbed her body fiercely.

Under such circumstances, Li Qianqian turned to Lin Feng for help.

"Boss Meng Wang, save me!"

"There are too many of these monsters. It's okay for me to fight one, but if I fight too many, I won't be able to do it at all."

While speaking, the moment the monster's cracked claws grabbed her, she immediately got into her turtle shell.

Although it is indeed a bit cowardly, although it is indeed a perfect slap in the face for what I just said just now, but! As a woman, you still need to be able to bend and stretch at important moments

Lin Feng shook his head, looked at Li Qianqian who looked like he was asking for help, and remembered what she said to him just now, she was slapped in the face so quickly, I'm afraid it's not really too false......

"Come out, they are fighting!"

"If you go to the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference like this, what will you do!"

Li Qianqian still shook her head in fear, and looked at Lin Feng with an aggrieved face.

"There are so many monsters, if I go out now, it will be the rhythm of death!"

"Boss Meng Wang, this is the last time! Help me, first help me destroy the first wave of mobs!"

Lin Feng really has nothing to do with her.

Now that she has said so, if she doesn't act now, she will definitely still delay the time as before.

The mobs started to use their claws to grab the tortoise shell on Li Qianqian's body, but her tortoise shell was too strong, and the mobs' attacks were really useless to her at all.

English letters kept appearing on his head.




Lin Feng raised his hand, and released his skill at the bunch of mobs, the guardian angel counterattacked!


A total of more than one million attack points hit the mob.

After a loud noise, all the monsters were instantly killed by Lin Feng's move.




Gold coins fell all over the place.

Li Qianqian looked at Lin Feng, who seemed to have a bright halo in front of her eyes, with admiration in her eyes.


"Boss Mengwang is different..."

"One move can save people from fire and water..."

Lin Feng glanced at Li Qianqian who was still muttering to himself and said.

"All the remaining mobs will be handed over to you."

"Don't panic in everything. When you are attacked by mobs, you have to learn to change your own tactics and release your greatest advantages to make a perfect combination."

Li Qianqian emerged from the tortoise's shell again, and the second wave of mobs was about to attack. After hearing what Lin Feng said, she also had such a lost idea about her tactics.

"I'm trying..."

"I think very quickly, I will definitely be able to defeat these mobs."

Lin Feng returned to his original position, looking at Li Qianqian who was about to move.

The second wave of mob captains is coming!

Compared with the first wave, the size of the mobs in the second wave was more than twice as high, and they grinned at Li Qianqian and roared again and again,

Li Qianqian took a deep breath and got ready.

Although the second wave of mobs is not as many as the first wave, but the number is still the same, and the attack and speed are also particularly strengthened.

The mobs stopped all their targets on Li Qianqian who is the closest to them now.

It seems that if you want to defeat these mob captains this time, you still need to cooperate with your own strength to attack.

If she is still hesitating, if it is the same as last time, no matter the enemies she encounters in the future, the first reaction will definitely be to run away.

The leader of the mobs jumped up in an instant, and his body was tens of meters above the ground. He jumped towards Li Qianqian's body, and his sharp claws grabbed Li Qianqian's body fiercely.

At that moment, Li Qianqian immediately retracted into her tortoise shell, and the mob captain's claws landed on Li Qianqian's body directly and accurately as promised.


Li Qianqian still dodged the first attack of the leader of the mobs.

The mob leader saw that Li Qianqian was now retracted into the tortoise shell, and began to use his claws to smash the outer shell of Li Qianqian, why is this shell so hard?


Taking advantage of the captain of the mobs not paying attention, Li Qianqian quickly emerged from the tortoise shell, ran to a safe place and immediately kept a certain distance from the captain of the mobs.

The leader of the little monsters immediately re-aimed his target on Li Qianqian who emerged from the tortoise shell.

Li Qianqian darkened her eyes, and gathered a water-blue attack ball like a marble in her hand.


One after another, the water blue marbles began to quickly hit the leader of the mobs.

bang bang bang

The blood volume of the leader of the mobs also began to decrease continuously.






It only lasted for five seconds, and the blood volume on the mob captain's body was directly reduced to a state of half blood by her continuous attack.

Li Qianqian proudly cast a smug light on Lin Feng, and sure enough, her newly researched new tactics worked.

Lin Feng nodded approvingly, this time Li Qianqian has released her greatest advantage very well, and did not risk her life when being caught by mobs again

I didn't stay in the tortoise shell all the time like before.

It's just that now, for the mobs who have been beaten to a half-health state by her, they will soon enter a state of critical strike or defense.

This also greatly enhances the difficulty of 643.

After all, Li Qianqian's attack value and defense value are still very different from his. If she launches an attack at will, it is basically impossible to directly defeat this mob.

Fortunately, Li Qianqian's attack and all the mobs he met this time restrained him, and the ability of the mobs was actually weakened in the relationship of elemental restraint.


Li Qianqian quickly summoned her basalt crystal sword again, and emitted a pound of buffered skill water soul.

A blue attack wave exploded violently!


The entire combat compartment trembled slightly as if it had been shattered.

A ray of light flashed across all the mobs, and then, the leader of one of the mobs, who originally wanted to enter the critical strike state, was instantly killed!


Now she has only a little monster left.

Li Qianqian also saw her own hope, she never thought that her current ability could kill mobs instantly!

Taking advantage of her excited mind, the basalt crystal sword in the play continued to attack the remaining mobs.

The little monster's head also began to desperately show the blood volume.






All the mobs burst out a lot of gold coins and fell directly to the ground.

She had already cleaned up the second wave of mobs, she turned her head and glanced at Lin Feng behind her.

"How about it?"

"Meng Wang, how do you feel about my tactics just now?"

"Has there been any great progress?"

Lin Feng nodded and said.


The simple response also allowed Li Qianqian to maintain a certain degree of confidence in the next battle.

After all, she treats Lin Feng very much in her heart.

This is like getting a little encouragement from her idol in the mind of a little girl, and it can cheer her up for a long time!.

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