National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 511 That's It? ! Siren Polya's Original Form?

Now that everyone has seen the level of this Siren Polya, they also have some other thoughts in their hearts.

They didn't expect that this siren, Polya, was really much more powerful than they imagined. If this continues, they may really lose.

Lin Feng shouted again to Xiao Hei: "Frozen here!"

Xiao Hei immediately issued a skill, a blow from the sun!

Together with the skill Taiyin Chill, release it together!

The surrounding air instantly condensed together!

The attacks of all the murloc mobs slowed down, and a lot of ice balls condensed in the void, piercing through the chests of a group of murloc mobs.

Many murloc mobs were instantly wiped out...

Among the figures of these frozen murloc mobs, a small shadow was still scurrying around.

It seems to want to find the best way to attack.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

—You block it from above. "

"Leave the rest to me."

"The rest of the people, just kill the mobs directly."

Murong Yiyi nodded, looking at the scurrying shadow, instantly

He stayed at the position in front of his eyes, held the battle ax in his hand, and slashed straight down towards the scurrying shadow!



26 The battle ax directly cut a gap in the wall of the palace not far away!

In an instant, the sea monster Polya was directly dodged to other positions by Murong Yiyi's powerful force.

"Do you think you can catch me just by relying on it?"

"I tell you!"


The voice fell!

Many tentacles struck Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi like sharp knives.

I saw that Lin Feng directly summoned his guardian unicorn Gemini!

Immediately riding on the body of Gemini Shuang'er, the figure disappeared in the same place in an instant...

The tentacles that were originally heading towards Lin Feng stopped in place, as if they were also looking for where Lin Feng was now.

Now when Lin Feng is driving the Gemini, his speed has reached a level that no one can see clearly.

This is faster than his own speed, not a little bit faster.

Siren Polya was also dumbfounded at this moment.

At the moment it was slightly stunned, Lin Feng suddenly stopped in front of it, and brandished his Purple Lightning Frost Sword!


Skills released!

Patron Saint Hammer!

One blow!

Before Siren Polya could react, the hammer had already dropped on his head.

The blood volume dropped by 10% in an instant!


"Why are you so fast!"

Siren Polya is a little hard to imagine.

I didn't expect that there are human beings whose speed is faster than my own...

How can it be!

"If you want to beat me, there is no way!"

I saw that two huge tentacles sprang out from the ground, instantly wrapping Lin Feng in them, trapping him in it like a cage.

Siren Polya laughed out loud when she saw Lin Feng imprisoned by her own tentacles!

"I thought it would be so powerful!"

"Looks like it's just, a little bit powerful!"

Everyone else looked at Lin Feng who was wrapped up in him.

Murong Yiyi frowned, and flew to where Lin Feng is now!

The battle ax in his hand once again unleashed a powerful attack, sweeping directly in front of him to prevent his past bottoming out!

But this is often just thinking about it. I didn't expect that in the next second, a lot of tentacles would burst out in an instant, and hit her position!

Murong Yiyi hastily dodged away, just in time to avoid these selling attacks.

When Murong Wuwu saw that Lin Feng was imprisoned in the tentacles by the sea monster Polya, she was furious in her heart!

"It's just courting death!"

I saw a red light glowing from Murong Wuwu's body, slowly burning towards the void...

A powerful force, accompanied by a terrifying aura, is approaching!

Siren Polya was also dumbfounded at this moment...

It feels that these people are not simple!

Murong Wuwu summoned a powerful magic array, directly occupying all the positions of the palace where they were.

Many little water dragons flew out of the magic circle.

At this moment, Lin Feng, who was wrapped in the tentacles, also felt this powerful dragon's breath.

Don't even think about it, it must be that Murong Wuwu is going to zoom in!

If Murong Wuwu's move can kill this sea monster Bolia, then he can also rest.

Even though there is darkness in front of my eyes

But I can still feel a lot of rotten breath around me.

Lin Feng released the skills here, the power of steel and the guardian star shield, these two skills.

The rotten breath is useless to him now.

Siren Polya looked at the water dragons constantly emerging from the void, and she was still a little panicked in her heart.

"Attack me!"

Murong Wuwu's voice resounds everywhere!

At this moment, she has long since lost her usual gentle side, and instead looks like a female warrior.

The soldiers looked at Murong Wuwu who was being blown by the wind in mid-air at this moment, and they were stunned in their hearts!

One after another, the water dragons kept hitting the direction that wrapped Lin Feng's tentacles!

The rest of the other water dragons are the constant pursuers, Siren Polya.

The speed can also be described as a fast batch....

Siren Polya saw the water dragon chasing him, and originally wanted to avoid it, but the speed of the water dragon was too fast!

"In that case, let's all die together!"

Siren Polya seemed to have made some plans, pinched her fingers, and summoned her original body directly.

Although it doesn't look big, it still looks very disgusting under the white sticky clothes.



Siren Polya directly exploded his body!

Everyone was shocked too...

It never occurred to them that this sea monster Polya actually planned to die with them!

The tentacles wrapping Lin Feng were also opened!

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng quickly released his moves!

Guard the Light Array!

At the most dangerous moment!

A transparent protective cover with a faint white light fell on everyone's side,

The white liquid rushed toward the faces of all of them like surging waves.

Everyone couldn't help but closed their eyes.

After all, facing such a powerful attack, I still feel a little scared in my heart...

next second.

When everyone thought that they would be killed with this sea monster Polya......

Opened my eyes again....

I saw that the white liquid did not cover their bodies at all!

Lin Feng was in mid-air, like a savior. .

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