National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 518 Death God's Scythe

The patron saint hammered and fell steadily from the head of the siren murloc.


The siren murloc's entire blood volume is running low.

Xiao Hei and Dandanmon continued to pull monsters, pulling all the siren murlocs to Lin Feng's side.

Lin Feng continued to launch his own attacks, killing all the siren murlocs in an instant.

The third wave of monster siege has subsided.

Lin Feng stood in place with Xiao Hei and Dandanmon.

Looking at the teleportation array that opened again in the distance, a golden light radiated towards the void at this time, rushing into the sky.

A powerful demonic energy erupted around, which also proved that the really powerful monsters were coming now.

There was a loud bang.

The huge siren octopus ran out of the formation, whipping towards Lin Feng with its slender fish whiskers.

With a length of more than twenty meters, the Siren Octopus was like a wall in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately dodged to the side, and brandished the Purple Lightning Frost Sword in his hand.

In an instant, he released his move, Guardian Angel Cross Slash.

Seven or eight octopus tendrils were instantly cut in half by Lin Feng's move.

"Xiao Hei, Dandan Beast will attack at 98 immediately!"

I saw that Xiao Hei released his moves towards the octopus for a while, freezing the world.

I saw faint thin ice began to spread throughout the city, directly freezing the entire octopus into an ice sculpture.

The siren octopus couldn't move in the thin ice, and couldn't even stretch out.

Seeing this situation, Dandan Beast suddenly grew a mouth that was more than 20 meters long, and directly ate the Kraken Octopus.


Eggmon made a comfortable sound, as if it was full, with a satisfied smile on its face.

I saw that the level of the egg beast has soared by two levels.

In the second time of the fourth wave, six giant octopus murlocs also ran out of the formation.

Under the powerful momentum, Dandan Beast and Xiao Hei also made dangerous sounds.

6 giant octopus monsters blocked it again and again, like a big wall, which made people afraid.

Lin Feng sneered, and instantly summoned his identity from the Heavenly Demon Clan to become a Demon God, and the Purple Lightning Frost Sword in his hand also became a death scythe.

The original wings of the seraphim have now turned into black wings.

Still using the dark mode, it will be much easier to kill these monsters.

Xiao Hei made a cheerful sound when (cgfj) Lin Feng summoned the dark mode.

Seeing the black light glowing from Xiao Hei's body, it's time to kill these 6 monsters quickly.

Hurry up and end this city defense battle!

Go back and see how they are doing now...

"Xiao Hei, follow me closely."


Xiao Hei followed closely beside Lin Feng, his little head kept thumping, wrapping around Lin Feng's little neck.

The giant octopus murloc instantly launched an attack!

Countless murlocs with long beards pierced towards their position from around.

The entire octopus tendrils are still full of viscous liquid, which looks very disgusting.

Lin Feng smiled faintly, and flew towards the vacant space of the octopus's whiskers with a whistling sound.

Dandanshou looked at Lin Feng with Xiao Hei and not with himself, and let out a dissatisfied voice.

"Gulu Gulu!"

Lin Feng laughed and said, "Eggy Beast, launch an attack!"

Dandanmon reluctantly shot a black light towards the position of the giant octopus murloc!


The black light ball directly hit the giant octopus murloc directly.

The blood volume of the first giant octopus murloc was beaten to a point.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

It's now!


Lin Feng held the death scythe and launched his own attack!

Chains of Revenant!

Soul Binding Array!

A huge black magic circle appeared under the 6 giant octopus murlocs and began to work.

Adding these two skills together, these giant octopus murlocs were blasted to death.

And Qi can greatly save the time to kill one by one.

Countless black chains directly locked the giant octopus murloc in the giant soul-binding circle.

The giant octopus murloc began to struggle continuously, but no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't break free from its tightly locked body.

next second!

The magic circle starts!

Boom boom boom!

Several black rays of light blasted out from the magic circle.

The moment the giant octopus murloc was bombarded, its blood volume was reduced by more than half.

Boom again!

Six giant octopus murlocs were directly blasted to death.

The fourth wave is over.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

To deal with these little guys, it is really easy to strangle them to death.

At this time, in the battle of defending the monster city and sea monster city.

Murong Wuwu's face was filled with confident smiles, and the corpses of sea monsters were scattered around.

Let's persevere, this battle to defend the city will soon be over. "

When the soldiers heard Murong Wuwu's voice, everyone's confidence swelled even more.

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu who was spattered like chicken blood.

"I really didn't expect that you are now as if you have been beaten with chicken blood. It would be great if you were like this in normal times."

Murong Wuwu let out a muffled snort when she heard Murong Sisi's emotion.

"I just want to boost everyone's morale, now that King Meng is not here, I have to hurry up and end this battle.

"just in case..…………"

"What if King Meng meets danger alone there!"

"I have to hurry up and kill these little monsters before I can help him. Otherwise, if I go privately, I will easily be scolded by him."

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu with disgust, and said with a smile.

"Can you talk nicely?"

"I see that your mind is full of cute kings, so why don't you think about it, us good sisters who love you?"

"If you are known by Er Er, you will probably be even more jealous of Meng Wang at that time, and you may beat him directly."

At this time, Murong Er'er was frantically calling various elemental attacks to bombard these monsters,

But he couldn't help but sneezed, and muttered to himself in a bewildered expression.

"Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?"

When Murong Wuwu was told by Murong Sisi, it seemed that it was true.

This ear is really too stingy!


"That's why I have to hurry up. Only when the city here is over can I hurry up and help Meng Wang, or..."

"Otherwise, what if the Fallen King is defeated! At that may be injured..."

"Yeah...what if I get hurt..."

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu who suddenly had fireworks in his eyes.

"Wow even......"

"Is this the power of love?"

" think too much about this girl, you actually think that the cute king Jinzhang is hurt?",

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