National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 58 The Power Of The Legendary Baby Dragon

The elite blamed Zhao's bone wolf soldiers for dropping at least 2 gold coins, and at most one dropped 4 gold coins. Lin Feng gained a lot from these ten elite monsters.

Check the BOSS harvest, gold level yellow robe helmet, 30 gold coins.

The second floor of Zhao's Tower has the same monster layout as the first floor, but the monsters have been replaced with more powerful ones.

The first batch of 30 people had leopard-headed skeletons, wearing tattered armor, and ~holding broken knives.

Zhao Family Bone Leopard Head Soldier

Level: 55

HP: 13500

The second batch of 30 pieces, broken knives were replaced by - long guns

Zhao family bone leopard spearmen

Grade: 58

HP: 15000

last side

Ten elite monsters.

Zhao family bone tiger head soldiers

Grade: 60

HP: 32000

Elite monsters surround the BOSS

BOSS-Zhao Family Bone Tiger-Head General

Grade: 65

HP: 210000

This time, Lin Feng did not rush to attack, but waited for about five minutes for the servants to restore their HP to full before attacking.

"First, kill 30 Zhao family bone leopard soldiers first, and follow my orders."

Lin Feng said, first create the soul-absorbing circle and the soul-binding circle

"Let's go, pull monsters!"

Following Lin Feng's command, a group of servants rushed out directly.

The servant's main purpose was to pull monsters, so he ran away after hitting, and soon the mighty Zhao family's bone leopard soldiers rushed to Lin Feng.

Then the sea of ​​flames from hell and the two magic circles were activated, and the monster's blood volume slowly dropped...

Compared with the first level, the ordinary monsters on the second level have no pressure on Lin Feng. After all, the monster's blood volume and defense have become higher, but not too high.

Of course, there are more gold coins dropped by death. Zhao family bone leopard head soldiers and Zhao family bone leopard head spearmen die, at least 2 gold coins, more or even 4, the probability of more gold coins for spearmen is higher.

After brushing two waves of monsters, Lin Feng stopped and waited for three minutes, allowing the servants to recover their blood volume, and at the same time, the sea of ​​hell flames cooled down.

Then continue to open monsters, in the same way, the 10 elite monsters and BOSS were all attracted by the servants' hatred, rushed to the range of the two magic circles and the sea of ​​​​hell, and lost their noses.

Soon, the 10 elite monsters died, and only the boss General Hutou of the Zhao family remained.

But this time, Lin Feng directly recalled 19 Bone Wolf Cavalrymen back to the Reaper Space, because just now a wolf cavalryman was slashed by the boss, and his blood volume directly dropped by more than 4,000. If he used this skill, he might die.

The servants left only the skeleton Dilong.

Xiao Hei's Frozen Land's Frozen Land ended in 3 seconds, and it happened that 10 elite monsters died, and then Lin Feng launched a death charge against the boss!


The boss was knocked dizzy by Lin Feng again, Shuang'er, Phantom and Skeleton Dilong rushed forward, beating the boss.

And the small bow is the pointy horn that continuously shoots arrows made of starlight, attacking the boss from a distance.

Xiao Hei spat out black icicles, which was also a long-range attack.

When three seconds expired, the BOSS-General Zhao's Bone-Bone Tiger Head directly slashed at Lin Feng with the long spear clenched in both hands,

At this time, Lin Feng was one step ahead of him, casting death knockback.


With a loud noise, the boss flew upside down for more than five meters, and the raised spear directly hit the ground in front of him, but it missed Lin Feng at all. Instead, Lin Feng hurt him.

A blow from the sun!


A huge damage of more than 20,000 yuan appeared above the BOSS's head. At this moment, the BOSS-General Zhao's Bone Tiger Head's arms became thicker, and he was born with a roar.

"Thief, take your life!"

Suddenly, the Hutou general of the Zhao family who was besieged by the servants stabbed Xiao Hei with a spear in the air.

"Boom!" Xiao Hei flew backwards.


"Damn!" Lin Feng was taken aback when he saw the loss of blood. With his current blood, after two hits, the ball would be dead.

However, now that Xiao Hei has more than 100,000 HP, it doesn't feel too much to lose more than 6,000.

Maybe it was hurt because of the beating, Xiao Hei was also angry, and flew directly to the boss, while flying, the black icicle in his mouth continued to stab the boss, and the latter lost his blood.



The BOSS spear strikes again and hits Xiao Hei, but this time it is a general attack, causing more than 3,000 damage. It can be seen that the skill was used earlier.

Xiao Hei was not afraid, flying in mid-air, spitting ice around the boss.

The Bone Earth Dragon ran over and slapped the boss, General Zhao's Bone Tiger Head, but the latter ignored it and continued to attack Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei.

Lin Feng used the chain of souls to attack the boss. The latter stayed in place, and after 2 seconds, he still ignored him and continued to fight with Xiao Hei.

"Damn, is the hatred of more than 20,000 injuries so great? If so, let's attack together!"

Shuang'er and Xiao Gong also joined in the attack, but the boss stared at Xiao Hei.




After fighting like this for a minute, when the boss' blood volume dropped below 5%, his arms became thicker again, and he launched a skill at Xiao Hei.

"Thief, take your life!"

Following the guidance of a golden iron exchange, sparks from the black dragon scales on Xiao Hei's body flew all over the place, and he was directly sent flying more than ten meters away. A blood-red -6400 appeared above his head.

As a result, Xiao Hei still had a lot of blood.

I have to say that this legendary pet is quite powerful.

Blackie at level 21 has 170,000 health. Not much less than the BOSS of more than sixty levels.

It is simply attacking a powerful meat shield, and it is not good in all aspects. Looking at the little guy, Lin Feng liked it more and more.

In the end, under the siege of Lin Feng and four younger brothers, the BOSS could no longer hold on, and fell to the ground with a bang, dead.

Lin Feng quickly ran over to put the corpse aside and count it.

40 gold coins, gold-level yellow robe armguards.

Lin Feng noticed when he got the yellow robe helmet. This protective gear is a level 50 gold suit, and the five-piece suit makes up the yellow robe suit.

"Another golden item, cool! Although this dungeon is in the normal mode, but the first time you play it, it naturally has the highest explosion rate. It seems that the 30th level gold set is not ready, and the 50th level is fine."

Recalling the bone earth dragon, Lin Feng cast "Guard the Cross Healing" and began to restore blood for Xiao Hei.

His healing technique is of the light attribute, which happens to be ineffective against undead creatures and can also cause damage. The 20 undead creatures are his servants, so they are not harmed, but they will not be healed either.

After playing a variety, Xiao Hei lost half of his health.

In ten seconds, the guardian cross disappeared, the skill became invalid, and Xiao Hei's blood volume recovered by 40%. I have to say that the healing power of the guardian of light is a percentage, which is very helpful for pets with high blood volume.

First restore 10%, then 3% per second for 10 seconds, a total of 40%, for Xiao Hei, that is nearly 70,000 HP.

After waiting for another five minutes, all skills, as well as the blood volume of Xiao Hei and his servants were restored to full.

"Enter the third floor." Lin Feng took Xiao Hei, Xiao Gong, and Shuang'er to the third floor of Zhao's Tower.

The layout of monsters on the third floor is very different from the first two floors. In the center stands a tiger-headed humanoid monster in golden armor with a machete in his hand and a longbow on his back. The full body armor is so thick that you can't even see the bones inside

Rare Boss - General of the Zhao Family Bone Tiger King

Level: 70

HP: 520000

It is surrounded by 30 tiger-headed humanoid monsters

Elite Zhao Family Bone Tiger King Swordsman

Grade: 65

HP: 41000

Then, Lin Feng summoned 20 minions.

as usual.

The soul-absorbing circle and the soul-binding circle have been created in advance.

However, this time, he didn't ask his servants to pull the monster over, but said directly: "Run away after one hit, mainly avoiding. Run around the boss, and make this place as messy as possible."

...asking for flowers...

This time, the reason why Lin Feng didn't pull monsters to fight, but melee, the main purpose this time is to card monsters.

Lin Feng discovered an interesting phenomenon earlier, that is, monsters can attack each other.

Therefore, what Lin Feng needs this time is to let the servants drive the 30 elite monsters around them, and get the boss stuck in the center.

Then, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bow consumed it remotely. At the same time, he can also take advantage of the chaos, get a little closer to the monster, and use the group attack skills Blood Mist and Hell Sea of ​​Fire.

In this way, if the boss is hurt, if he wants to attack her, he will be blocked first.

He really had no choice but to attack other monsters, which would also help him clear up these elite monsters faster.

This is also helpless, his servants are level 40 elite monsters, and there are 30 level 65 elite monsters here, no matter the number or strength, they are a bit difficult to fight.

"let's go!"


For a moment, the melee between the phantoms and monsters displayed by the servant seat Guardian Unicorn began.

In a head-to-head encounter, the elite servants at level 40 are obviously not as good as the elite monsters at level 65, but under the command of Lin Feng, they have always been dodging and running. It is not easy for 30 Zhao family's bone tiger king swordsmen to kill Lin Feng's servants.

On the contrary, the rare level boss has not been attacked, and even stood there calmly.

In the chaos, Lin Feng approached quickly, and when he was about 18 meters away from the boss, he directly cast Blood Mist, instantly this area was plunged into a thick blood fog, and all the monsters here lost their sight.




The larger amount is the HP dropped by elite monsters, and the smallest amount is dropped by BOSS

At the same time, the boss was attacked, but because he couldn't see the target, he turned around and rushed out of the thick fog.

But at this moment, Xiao Hei rushed forward, and when he was closest to the boss, he directly cast a blow from the sun.


"Looking for death!" The rare boss, General Zhao Family's Bone Tiger King, suddenly suffered a huge amount of damage, and instantly became enraged and roared. He started with a knife, which directly slashed at the small



Xiao Hei turned around and flew towards Lin Feng. The boss had just exited Lin Feng's attack range, but because he was attracted by Xiao Hei's hatred, he rushed into the blood mist again.


And Xiao Hei was guided by Lin Feng, and his speed was relatively slow, so that the boss could see where he was going, so naturally he kept chasing him, causing continuous damage.

As a result, Xiao Hei flew over the head of the monster, but the boss got stuck!



Two damages appeared, which were issued by Xiao Hei and Xiao Bow respectively. However, the level of Xiao Bow is low, the general attack is not strong enough, and it is difficult to break the defense.

"Damn, the defense is really high, maybe more than 3,000 physical defenses." Lin Feng thought: "Fortunately, it's blocked, 520,000."

Humanoid bosses are generally small in size, and the current boss is only more than four meters high, while the surrounding elite monsters are more than three meters high, plus servants, running around the boss, making the road ahead always blocked.

"Boom!" As a result, the Zhao family's Bone Tiger King sword soldier was knocked aside by the boss, causing damage, but a new monster blocked the way, and the boss had to stop.




Xiao Hei and Xiao Bow continued to attack, Xiao Bow was cute enough, all misses were still working hard to send out starlight surveillance.

For a while, the boss couldn't get through, but Xiao Hei kept attacking the boss, making the boss' hatred always attracted. The blood fog caused damage, but the boss couldn't see that Lin Feng's natural hatred was still on Xiao Hei's side.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Feng used another group attack skill in the blood mist.

"Look at me dying for you!" Lin Feng smirked...Damn....

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